코로나19 환자를 간호하는 간호사의 소진 영향요인
이용수 139
- 영문명
- Factors influencing burnout among Korean nurses caring for patients with COVID-19: a cross-sectional study
- 발행기관
- 한국기초간호학회
- 저자명
- 이선영 유미애 안정아 서은지
- 간행물 정보
- 『Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science』제25권 제4호, 276~284쪽, 전체 9쪽
- 주제분류
- 의약학 > 의학일반
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2023.11.30
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국문 초록
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of fatigue, social support, and burnout among nurses caring for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients, and to identify factors that affect burnout.
Methods: Data were collected from 115 nurses who were caring for COVID-19 patients in Gyeonggi Province and Seoul from December 2021 to February 2022.
Results: The mean scores for fatigue, social support, and burnout were 63.31 ± 11.48 (of 95), 48.34 ± 6.97 (of 60), and 81.90 ± 15.50 (of 132) points, respectively. The level of burnout of nurses caring for patients with COVID-19 was high. Fatigue (β = .49, p < .001) and social support (β = -.21, p = .012) were significantly associated with burnout.
Conclusion: Higher levels of fatigue and lower levels of social support were associated with higher levels of burnout. Reducing fatigue among nurses and strengthening their social support can be a strategy to reduce nurse burnout.
영문 초록
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