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한우고기와 호주산 냉장수입육의 육질 및 영양성분 비교

이용수 50

조수현 성필남 강근호 박범영 정석근 강선문 김영춘 김종인 김동훈
간행물 정보
『Food Science of Animal Resources』Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 제31권 제5호, 772~781쪽, 전체 10쪽
농수해양 > 식품과학

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This study was conducted to investigate the proximate composition, meat color, Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS), total collagen content (%), cooking loss (CL), fatty acid composition, amino acid composition, and mineral content of loin, strip loin, top round, and chuck tender Hanwoo beef and imported Australian beef. Protein content was significantly lower for strip loin and loin of Hanwoo QG 1+ and 1 beef when compared to that of Australian black Angus or cross beef (p < 0.05), whereas it was not significantly different for top round and chuck tender. Intramuscular fat content was higher for QG 1+ Hanwoo beef strip loin (15.48%) than that in Australian cross beef (8.83%) and it was also higher in loin for QG 1+ (17%) and 1 (15.52%) Hanwoo beef than that in Australian Angus beef (10.59%) and cross beef (9.21%) (p < 0.05). The CIE L* value was significantly higher for Australian cross beef strip loin than that of Hanwoo beef but the CIE a* value was not significantly different between the same cuts from different origins. However, CIE b* values were significantly higher for the Australian cross beef than those for four cuts of Hanwoo beef and Australian Angus beef (p < 0.05). No significant difference in WBS of loin, top round, or chuck tender was observed among the different beef sample origins except that strip loin had significant higher WBS for Australian cross beef (3.02 kg) but lower for Australian Angus beef (2.13 kg). Australian cross beef contained significantly higher palmitic acid, stearic acid, linolenic acid, but lower palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, eicosenoic acid content in strip loin, loin, and top round than those of QG 1+ and 1 Hanwoo beef (p < 0.05). QG 1+ Hanwoo beef had significant lower saturated fatty acid and higher monounsaturated fatty acid content than those in Australian cross beef (p < 0.05). Hanwoo 1+ beef had more glycine in top round and chuck tender, whereas Hanwoo QG 1 beef and Australian Angus beef had higher cysteine, methione, and



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조수현,성필남,강근호,박범영,정석근,강선문,김영춘,김종인,김동훈. (2011).한우고기와 호주산 냉장수입육의 육질 및 영양성분 비교. Food Science of Animal Resources, 31 (5), 772-781


조수현,성필남,강근호,박범영,정석근,강선문,김영춘,김종인,김동훈. "한우고기와 호주산 냉장수입육의 육질 및 영양성분 비교." Food Science of Animal Resources, 31.5(2011): 772-781

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