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명지산(가평군)의 관속식물상

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Floristic Study of Mt. Myeongji (Gapyeong-gun) in Korea
권석우(Seog Woo Kwon)
간행물 정보
『한국자원식물학회지』제38권 제1호, 39~63쪽, 전체 25쪽
농수해양 > 기타농수해양

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국문 초록

본 연구는 명지산의 관속식물상을 밝히고 주요 식물을 파악하였다. 2023년 3월부터 2024년 6월까지 총 21회에 걸쳐 현지 조사를 한 결과, 관속식물은 109과 374속 642종 19아종 37변종 1품종 2교잡종으로 총 701분류군이 확인되었다. 한반도 고유식물은 30분류군, 멸종위기식물은 1급인 광릉요강꽃과 2급인 애기송이풀, 지역적색목록은 18분류군, 식물구계학적 특정식물은 총 157분류군으로 Ⅴ등급에 2분류군, Ⅳ등급에 17분류군, Ⅲ등급에 53분류군, Ⅱ등급에 48분류군, Ⅰ등급에 37분류군이 포함되었다. 북방계 식물은 130분류군, 외래식물은 총 41분류군으로 귀화율은 9.0%, 도시화지수는 10.5%로 산출되었다. 기존 선행연구에서 확인된 101과 359속 576종 90변종 11품종 총 677분류군 보다 24분류군이 더 조사되었으며, 181 분류군이 새롭게 확인되었다.

영문 초록

The current study aimed to investigate the distribution of vascular plants vegetated in Mt. Myeongji (Gapyeong-gun), Korea. Twenty one field surveys from March 2023 to June 2024 revealed 701 taxa of vascular plants in total, representing 642 species, 19 subspecies, 37 varieties, one form, and two hybrids belonging to 374 genera of 109 families. Of these taxa, 30 taxa are endemic to Korea, two are endangered(Cypripedium japonicum, Pedicularis ishidoyana), and 18 are Korean red list of threatened species. Among 157 taxa of the floristic target species to Korea resulted from the surveys, two belongs to grade V, 17 taxa to grade IV, 53 to III, 48 to II, and 37 taxa to grade I, subsequently. Those species whose southern limits in their distribution boundaries are at the surveyed and nearby areas were revealed 130 taxa. Alien species were recorded to 41 taxa with 9.0% of the Naturalized Index and 10.5% of Urbanization Index calculated. Of 677 taxa reported in the previous floristic studies of current research sites, 520 taxa were confirmed in their vegetations, but 157 taxa were not found through this study. Finally, a total of 701 taxa were recorded by this study with 181 taxa added newly.


서 언
재료 및 방법
결과 및 고찰
적 요
Conflicts of Interest


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권석우(Seog Woo Kwon). (2025).명지산(가평군)의 관속식물상. 한국자원식물학회지, 38 (1), 39-63


권석우(Seog Woo Kwon). "명지산(가평군)의 관속식물상." 한국자원식물학회지, 38.1(2025): 39-63

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