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The impact of native language on second language rhythm acquisition: Insights from a cross-linguistic and intra-language corpus study

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경희대학교 언어정보연구소
Sujin Oh Hanyong Park
간행물 정보
『언어연구』제41권 제3호, 391~429쪽, 전체 39쪽
인문학 > 언어학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

This study investigates how native language (L1) rhythm structure influences the acquisition of second language (L2) rhythm across 20different languages and within a single language group. Utilizing diverse corpora of L1and L2 speech samples from various languages, we explored the rhythmic patterns ofsyllable-timed (e.g., Korean) and stress-timed (e.g., English) language speakers. Ourfindings reveal that L2 learners from syllable-timed language backgrounds can achieverhythm patterns similar to native English speakers, challenging the notion that L1 rhythmdisparities inherently disadvantage learners. This supports the Speech Learning Model(SLM), suggesting that learners with rhythmically contrasting native languages mayacquire L2 rhythm more effectively than those with similar rhythmic structures. Furthermore, we examined the effect of speech style (reading vs. spontaneous) on rhythmproduction. Native Korean speakers consistently exhibited higher durational variabilityin spontaneous speech compared to reading in both L1 and L2, contrary to expectationsthat educational focus would lead to increased variability in reading. This patternunderscores the potential influence of individual speech traits, suggesting that L1rhythmic tendencies persist in L2 production. Our study highlights the need for furtherresearch into the interplay between L1 and L2 rhythm acquisition and the impact ofspeech style across diverse language backgrounds. This research contributes tounderstanding the broader applicability of the SLM and the role of speech style in rhythmproduction.

영문 초록


1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Study 1: The role of L1 rhythm in L2 rhythm production
4. Study 2: The effect of speech style on L2 rhythm production
5. General discussion
6. Conclusion


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Sujin Oh,Hanyong Park. (2024).The impact of native language on second language rhythm acquisition: Insights from a cross-linguistic and intra-language corpus study. 언어연구, 41 (3), 391-429


Sujin Oh,Hanyong Park. "The impact of native language on second language rhythm acquisition: Insights from a cross-linguistic and intra-language corpus study." 언어연구, 41.3(2024): 391-429

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