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캐나다 초등학교의 실외 놀이 공간 구성 및 친환경적 특성에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Composition and Eco-friendly Characteristics of Outdoor Play Spaces in Canadian Elementary Schools
김자경(Ja Kyung Kim)
간행물 정보
『한국가구학회지』제35권 제4호, 378~397쪽, 전체 20쪽
예술체육 > 미술

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국문 초록

The school space where children spend most of their time during their growing years has a very high impact on students. In particular, the indoor space is important as an element of space, but the emotional effects, academic achievement effects, and ecological effects of the natural environment of the outdoor space have positive effects in various aspects. Therefore, in the future, changes in the indoor space are important, but changes in the outdoor space are also very important. In this study, we analyzed cases of Canadian elementary schools where creative play and learning are possible along with the active introduction of the natural environment in the spatial composition of the outdoor space, focusing on elementary schools where outdoor activities are most important, in order to find various alternatives for the outdoor space of schools. To this end, we investigated the outdoor space composition and types of play spaces centered on 10 elementary schools in Canada that received LEED green building certification, and investigated which planning elements were reflected in an eco-friendly way along with the analysis of each type. The results of the study were as follows: First, it was found that elementary schools in Canada have spaces composed with safety, accessibility, eco-friendliness, and the creation of various outdoor learning spaces as their main goals, and that harmony and connection with the natural environment are important. Second, in terms of the components and considerations of outdoor play spaces, it was found that detailed standards were established with consideration of various play space configurations by age group, eco-friendly design elements, and seasonal factors, and with a focus on usability, accessibility, and safety. Third, the most important element of eco-friendly planning was integration and harmony with nature, and various detailed planning guidelines were established and operated with this goal in mind. Fourth, through case studies, it was found that the types of play spaces include traditional play spaces, natural play spaces, athletic play spaces, informal play spaces, and water-use play spaces, and of these, except for water-use play spaces, the remaining four types were applied to all survey subjects, indicating that eco-friendliness is considered in various aspects.

영문 초록


1. 서 론
2. 캐나다 초등학교 외부 공간 구성 기준
3. 캐나다 초등학교 실외 놀이 공간 및 친환경적 계획 요소
4. 캐나다 초등학교 현장 조사를 통한 실외 놀이 공간 분석
5. 결 론
사 사


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김자경(Ja Kyung Kim). (2024).캐나다 초등학교의 실외 놀이 공간 구성 및 친환경적 특성에 관한 연구. 한국가구학회지, 35 (4), 378-397


김자경(Ja Kyung Kim). "캐나다 초등학교의 실외 놀이 공간 구성 및 친환경적 특성에 관한 연구." 한국가구학회지, 35.4(2024): 378-397

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