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A Study of Key Figures in the Leap Period of Korean Dance: Focusing on Song Beom

이용수 30

Wen Yu
간행물 정보
『Journal of Asia Social Science』Vol.12 No.2, 52~68쪽, 전체 17쪽
사회과학 > 사회과학일반

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

This article explores the life, artistic accomplishments, and contributions of Song Beom, an extremely influential artist in the modern history of Korean dance, to the development of Korean dance, particularly his significant role during the period of rapid advancement in dance. Song Beom initiated a distinctive dance style by integrating ballet, modern dance, and traditional Korean dance, and demonstrated the maturity and breakthrough of his art during the creation activities during the 6.25 War. He not only promoted the professional performance of both male and female dancers, overcame the bottleneck of male dance in Korea, but also laid the foundation for the institutionalization and modernization of Korean dance by founding the Korean Ballet Troupe and leading the National Dance Troupe. This paper analyzes and discloses Song Beom’s intense expressionist inclination and unique creative methods, further emphasizing the significance of his works during the period of rapid dance development. Song Beom played a key role in bridging traditional and modern dance, exerting a profound influence on subsequent dance education and creation. His achievements not only hold an important position during the period of rapid dance development but also leave a profound historical value in the modern history of Korean dance, meriting further research and preservation.

영문 초록


1. Introduction
2. The historical background of the leap period of Korean dance (1950 - 1960)
3. Modern Dance in Korea and Song Beom
4. Conclusion


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Wen Yu. (2024).A Study of Key Figures in the Leap Period of Korean Dance: Focusing on Song Beom. Journal of Asia Social Science, 12 (2), 52-68


Wen Yu. "A Study of Key Figures in the Leap Period of Korean Dance: Focusing on Song Beom." Journal of Asia Social Science, 12.2(2024): 52-68

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