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The Impact of Charismatic Leadership on Organizational Cultural Innovation

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Nie Cong
간행물 정보
『동북아경상연구』Vol.5 No. 1, 21~33쪽, 전체 13쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Purpose - In today’s rapidly changing economic and technological environment, organizations are under pressure to innovate continuously to remain competitive and sustainable. Charismatic leadership, an effective leadership style that promotes the innovative transformation of organizational culture through the leader’s personal charisma and influence, is important for organizations to address challenges and seize opportunities. This study explores how charismatic leaders promote immediate innovation and long-term organizational success by shaping and maintaining an innovative organizational culture, and the impact of this leadership style on talent growth and organizational competitive advantage. Design/Methodology/Approach - This case study focuses on Apple’s innovation management and the changes in its organizational culture under the leadership of Steve Jobs. The literature review establishes this work’s theoretical foundation, and the case study and analysis of public sources (e.g., press releases, product release information, public speeches, and biographies of Steve Jobs) provide insights into Steve Jobs’s charismatic leadership and its impact on Apple’s innovation. In addition, thematic analysis identifies the patterns of association and influence between Jobs’s leadership style and Apple’s innovation culture. Findings - Through personal charisma and a clear vision, Steve Jobs’s charismatic leadership played a key role in shaping Apple’s innovation-driven organizational culture, by inspiring teams to innovate. Despite the challenges that charismatic leaders face in maintaining organizational values and cultural continuity, this study found that by balancing individual and collective contributions and strengthening organizational systems, such leaders can effectively promote healthy organizational growth and sustained innovation. Research Implications - This study examines the impact of charismatic leadership on organizational cultural innovation and thereby contributes to theory and practice. It enriches leadership theory, especially the understanding of the relationship between charismatic leadership and organizational cultural innovation, and provides a new perspective on the multidimensional role of leadership.

영문 초록


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background
Ⅲ. Case Study
Ⅳ. Conclusions and Implications


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Nie Cong. (2024).The Impact of Charismatic Leadership on Organizational Cultural Innovation. 동북아경상연구, 5 (1), 21-33


Nie Cong. "The Impact of Charismatic Leadership on Organizational Cultural Innovation." 동북아경상연구, 5.1(2024): 21-33

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