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Research on the Path to Improvement of E-commerce Logistics in Rural China in the Background of Big Data

이용수 0

Xintong Fang
간행물 정보
『동북아경상연구』Vol.5 No. 1, 1~7쪽, 전체 7쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Purpose - This study aims to investigate strategies that can support the growth of rural e-commerce logistics in Jilin Province, China, as well as to assess the state and problems that currently face this sector. Design/Methodology/Approach - This study conducts the following research using a literature review as its methodology: First, examining, against the background of big data, the state and determinants of rural e-commerce logistics in Jilin Province, China. Secondly, using the sophisticated knowledge of rural e-commerce from developed areas outside Jilin Province, China, targeting specific markets, swiftly and rationally opening up the environment, and enhancing essential services. Lastly, based on the study’s results, suggesting improvement routes for rural logistics and e-commerce in Jilin Province, China. Findings - This study undertakes a thorough analysis of the problems facing China’s rural e-commerce logistics development in the big data era, and it suggests solutions like changing the way logistics companies think, building agricultural information service systems, establishing “rural cooperation stations,” forming a collaborative distribution model, improving rural populations’ online transaction capabilities, and encouraging the better and quicker development of rural e-commerce logistics. Research Implications - In order to implement Jilin Province’s rural revitalization strategy and meet the goal of bringing impoverished populations out of poverty on time, this study offers theoretical references and insights for resolving the problems of rural e-commerce and logistics in Jilin Province, China. Additionally, it aims to raise the standard of living for villagers, advance the rural economy of Jilin Province, China, and open the door for the growth of unique rural e-commerce logistics in Jilin Province. The purpose of this research is to provide governments, businesses, and other relevant organizations a foundation for reference when making scientific decisions.

영문 초록


I. Introduction
II. Theoretical Background
III. Research Object and Content
IV. Research Conclusion and Significance


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Xintong Fang. (2024).Research on the Path to Improvement of E-commerce Logistics in Rural China in the Background of Big Data. 동북아경상연구, 5 (1), 1-7


Xintong Fang. "Research on the Path to Improvement of E-commerce Logistics in Rural China in the Background of Big Data." 동북아경상연구, 5.1(2024): 1-7

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