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작업환경실태조사 및 작업환경측정자료(2018~2022) 결과를 활용한 우리나라 전자산업에서의 고위험물질 노출 특성 -디클로로메탄, 트리클로로메탄, 수산화테트라메틸암모늄 중심으로-

이용수 127

Characteristics of Exposure to High-Risk Substances in the Electronics Industry Using the Work Environment Survey and Work Environment Measurement Database (2018~2022) in South Korea -Dichloromethane, Trichloromethane, and Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide-
황성호(Sung Ho Hwang) 함승헌(Seunhon Ham) 김형렬(Hyoung-Ryoul Kim) 류현철(Hyunchul Ryu) 안진수(Jinsoo An) 윤진하(JinHa Yoon) 윤충식(Chungsik Yoon) 이나은(Naeun Lee) 이상만(Sangman Lee) 이재환(Jaehwan Lee) 권세영(Se Young Kwon) 장재필(Jaepil Chang) 하권철
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제50권 제3호, 221~228쪽, 전체 8쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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Background: Social interest is increasing due to frequent accidents caused by chemicals in the electronics industry. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to present a management plan by evaluating the exposure characteristics of dichloromethane (DCM), trichloromethane (TCM), and tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH), which are high-risk substances to which people may be exposed in the electronics industry in South Korea. Methods: To investigate the handling companies and status of the hazardous chemicals DCM, TCM, and TMAH, the handling status of the three substances was classified based on electronics industry-related codes from the 2019 Work Environment Survey (Chemical Handling and Manufacturing) data with work environment measurement results for five years. Results: DCM, TCM, and TMAH are commonly used as cleaning agents in the electronics industry. For DCM, it was found that all work environment measurement results from 2018 to 2021 but not 2022 exceeded the exposure standard. Conclusions: Identifying the distribution channels of hazardous chemicals is an intervention point that can reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals. It requires management through tracking systems such as unique verification numbers at the import and manufacturing stages, and proper cultivation of and related support for handling chemicals by business managers.

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황성호(Sung Ho Hwang),함승헌(Seunhon Ham),김형렬(Hyoung-Ryoul Kim),류현철(Hyunchul Ryu),안진수(Jinsoo An),윤진하(JinHa Yoon),윤충식(Chungsik Yoon),이나은(Naeun Lee),이상만(Sangman Lee),이재환(Jaehwan Lee),권세영(Se Young Kwon),장재필(Jaepil Chang),하권철. (2024).작업환경실태조사 및 작업환경측정자료(2018~2022) 결과를 활용한 우리나라 전자산업에서의 고위험물질 노출 특성 -디클로로메탄, 트리클로로메탄, 수산화테트라메틸암모늄 중심으로-. 한국환경보건학회지, 50 (3), 221-228


황성호(Sung Ho Hwang),함승헌(Seunhon Ham),김형렬(Hyoung-Ryoul Kim),류현철(Hyunchul Ryu),안진수(Jinsoo An),윤진하(JinHa Yoon),윤충식(Chungsik Yoon),이나은(Naeun Lee),이상만(Sangman Lee),이재환(Jaehwan Lee),권세영(Se Young Kwon),장재필(Jaepil Chang),하권철. "작업환경실태조사 및 작업환경측정자료(2018~2022) 결과를 활용한 우리나라 전자산업에서의 고위험물질 노출 특성 -디클로로메탄, 트리클로로메탄, 수산화테트라메틸암모늄 중심으로-." 한국환경보건학회지, 50.3(2024): 221-228

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