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항만에서의 액체화물 선적 및 하역에 따른 VOCs 증발 배출량 산정에 관한 연구

이용수 110

Estimation of VOC Evaporative Emissions from Liquid Cargo Loading and Unloading at Ports
임준현(Jun-Hyun Lim) 김필수(Pil-Su Kim) 한용희(Yong-Hee Han) 김정(Jeong Kim) 최상진(Sang-Jin Choi)
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제50권 제3호, 169~180쪽, 전체 12쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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Background: CAPSS missing evaporate emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from liquid cargo loading and unloading at ports. It needs to be supplemented to improve air quality management and allow more effective policy formulation. Objectives: In this study, the VOC emissions from the loading and unloading of liquid cargo at ports, which are not included in CAPSS, were estimated. The results of this study were compared and analyzed with the emission levels as described by CAPSS, confirming the need for managing VOC emissions from the loading and unloading of liquid cargo. Methods: Methodology provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was applied to estimate the VOC emissions from the loading and unloading of liquid cargo at ports. The types of liquid cargo loaded at unloaded at ports are diverse, but for this study emissions were estimated for 37 VOCs designated by the Ministry of Environment. Results: The estimated results for VOC emissions from liquid cargo loading and unloading at domestic ports was 112,079 tons/yr, which was confirmed to be 11% of the known CAPSS emissions. The highest emissions were found from the loading and unloading of naptha, and the port with the highest emissions was Ulsan Port. Conclusions: The results of the estimated VOC emissions from liquid cargo loading and unloading at ports confirmed the high emission levels. To protect the health of port workers and nearby residents, it is essential to manage the emission sources and undertake continuous research.

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임준현(Jun-Hyun Lim),김필수(Pil-Su Kim),한용희(Yong-Hee Han),김정(Jeong Kim),최상진(Sang-Jin Choi). (2024).항만에서의 액체화물 선적 및 하역에 따른 VOCs 증발 배출량 산정에 관한 연구. 한국환경보건학회지, 50 (3), 169-180


임준현(Jun-Hyun Lim),김필수(Pil-Su Kim),한용희(Yong-Hee Han),김정(Jeong Kim),최상진(Sang-Jin Choi). "항만에서의 액체화물 선적 및 하역에 따른 VOCs 증발 배출량 산정에 관한 연구." 한국환경보건학회지, 50.3(2024): 169-180

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