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부산시 항만 및 산단 인근 주거지역 대기질 모니터링과 분기별 특성확인

이용수 129

Air Quality Monitoring in Residential Areas near Ports and Industrial Complexes in Busan
주현지(Hyunji Ju) 이승호(Seungho Lee) 김민정(Minjung Kim) 이가빈(Gabeen Lee) 홍영습(Young-Seoub Hong)
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제50권 제3호, 181~190쪽, 전체 10쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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국문 초록

Background: Air pollutants have been reported to have harmful effects on human health. Busan is a vulnerable area in terms of air quality due to the installation of various industrial complexes, particularly the port industry. However there is limited research data on the ambient air quality of residential areas near ports and industrial complexes. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the quarterly levels of air pollutants near industrial complexes and ports and to identify trends and characteristics of air pollutant exceedances. Methods: Air measurements were conducted quarterly. The measured air pollutants included O3, SO2, CO, NO2, PM10, and PM2.5. PM10 and PM2.5 were measured using BAM-1020 equipment, while O3, SO2, CO, and NO2 were measured using AP-370 Series equipment. The quarterly concentration levels of air pollutants were determined, and the influence of precipitation and commuting hours on fine particulate matter was examined. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine if there was significance between the concentrations of fine particulate matter during commuting hours and non-commuting hours. Results: The concentrations of air pollutants were generally higher in the first and second quarters. Furthermore, the concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 tended to decrease continuously following consecutive rainfall, with concentrations at the end of rainfall periods lower than those observed at the beginning. The frequency of exceeding average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 was higher on weekdays. Moreover, the average concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 during weekday commuting hours were higher compared to noncommuting hours. Conclusions: The concentrations of air pollutants in the survey area were found to be higher than the overall average in Busan. Based on this study, continuous air quality monitoring is necessary for residential areas near industrial complexes and ports. For further research, health biomonitoring of residents in these areas should be conducted to assess their exposure levels.

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주현지(Hyunji Ju),이승호(Seungho Lee),김민정(Minjung Kim),이가빈(Gabeen Lee),홍영습(Young-Seoub Hong). (2024).부산시 항만 및 산단 인근 주거지역 대기질 모니터링과 분기별 특성확인. 한국환경보건학회지, 50 (3), 181-190


주현지(Hyunji Ju),이승호(Seungho Lee),김민정(Minjung Kim),이가빈(Gabeen Lee),홍영습(Young-Seoub Hong). "부산시 항만 및 산단 인근 주거지역 대기질 모니터링과 분기별 특성확인." 한국환경보건학회지, 50.3(2024): 181-190

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