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Developing Training Courses about Spiritual Leadership in Higher Education in Thailand: Critical Review

이용수 3

Developing Training Courses about Spiritual Leadership in Higher Education in Thailand: Critical Review
Chongyan Zhang
간행물 정보
『Journal of Public Value』Vol. 6, 1~9쪽, 전체 9쪽
사회과학 > 사회복지학

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Purpose: Spiritual leadership launched into a significant topic in higher education globally; Thailand also desires to make positive social change sustainably in the World, the national higher education system is friendly identifying to a kind of leadership with spiritual growth, positive transformation, sustainability; however, the spiritual leadership is such one the higher education institutions in Thailand would like to search. Method: The study was a critical review; in literature searching, there were keywords such as spiritual leadership, higher education, curriculum, and Thailand. Then, the researcher synthesizes the pieces of literature to develop the critical reviews under compared analysis (diverse perspectives, advantages, and disadvantages); however, all documental resources were searched from qualified engines, such as Google Scholar, Research Gate, and online libraries. Results: The critical review found concepts of spiritual leadership with different perspectives in religion, business and higher education; then, the critical review also briefly introduced higher education in Thailand and why its higher education needs spiritual leadership and related training courses; however, the critical review disclosed the six types of training curriculums in developing spiritual leadership and general advantages and disadvantages in the training courses; finally, the researcher provided potential implications according to the major findings in the literature review, it may contribute practical suggestions to develop spiritual leadership in higher education in Thailand. Regarding the above necessary for developing spiritual leadership in higher education in Thailand, the researcher aimed to conduct a critical review, to fiful related theories in spiritual leadership concepts, what types of curriculums can assist spiritual leadership, what advantages and disadvantages in the curriculums, and why spiritual leadership suitably develop in Thailand. Conclusion: In conclusion, the study disclosed spiritual leadership there were different perspectives on its concepts; however, spiritual leadership in higher education refined as leadership encourages personal growth, positive transformation, and sustainability for individuals; then, the study found six types of training curriculums suitable for developing spiritual leadership in higher education in Thailand; according to Thailand's details in higher education and major findings, the researcher suggested potential implications to higher education institutions in Thailand for developing spiritual leadership, such as organizing the six curriculums into students.


1. Introduction
2. Overview of Higher Education in Thailand
3. Concepts of Spiritual Leadership in Higher Education
4. Necessaries of Developing Spiritual Leadership in Higher Education
5. Potential Types of Training Courses in Spiritual Leadership in Higher Education
6. Potential Implications
7. Conclusions
8. Discussions
9. References


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Chongyan Zhang. (2023).Developing Training Courses about Spiritual Leadership in Higher Education in Thailand: Critical Review. Journal of Public Value, (), 1-9


Chongyan Zhang. "Developing Training Courses about Spiritual Leadership in Higher Education in Thailand: Critical Review." Journal of Public Value, (2023): 1-9

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