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The Effect of UTAUT, Dynamic Capabilities, Utilization of Smart Factory on the Intention to Continue Using: Technology Perception Moderating Effect

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The Effect of UTAUT, Dynamic Capabilities, Utilization of Smart Factory on the Intention to Continue Using: Technology Perception Moderating Effect
김진권(Jin-Kwon KIM) 이경수(Kyung-Soo LEE)
간행물 정보
『융합경영연구』Vol.11 No.6, 43~55쪽, 전체 13쪽
경제경영 > 경영학

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between smart factory utilization and continued use intention between UTAUT, dynamic capabilities of smart factory construction companies and present the company’s strategic direction. Research design, data, and methodology: In this study, a structured research model was derived to confirm the relationship between UTAUT, dynamic capabilities, smart factory utilization and continued use intention and the difference according to Technology perception. For analysis a total of 223 valid questionnaires from e-commerce users were used. confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equations were conducted to verify. Results: Both UTAUT, dynamic capabilities had a significant effect on smart factory utilization as well as continued use intention. It was found that the relationship between UTAUT, dynamic capabilities, smart factory utilization, and continued use intention. differed depending on the technology perception. Conclusions: Organizational members utilize the smart factory in anticipation of effects such as work performance and various improvements. Smart factory data will be used continuously when it is useful for business processes and operations. It is necessary to establish strategies and provide training to improve the technical level and capabilities of organizational members. Through this, a strategy is needed that can be continuously used by utilizing the information obtained through smart factory to improve work efficiency, productivity and efficiency increase is needed


1. Introduction
2. Research Background
3. Research Design
4. Research Methods
5. Conclusions and Implications


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김진권(Jin-Kwon KIM),이경수(Kyung-Soo LEE). (2023).The Effect of UTAUT, Dynamic Capabilities, Utilization of Smart Factory on the Intention to Continue Using: Technology Perception Moderating Effect. 융합경영연구, 11 (6), 43-55


김진권(Jin-Kwon KIM),이경수(Kyung-Soo LEE). "The Effect of UTAUT, Dynamic Capabilities, Utilization of Smart Factory on the Intention to Continue Using: Technology Perception Moderating Effect." 융합경영연구, 11.6(2023): 43-55

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