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메타버스 기반 기술이 적용된 기기 활용의 어려움 및 개선점 분석

이용수 87

Analysis of difficulties and improvements in using devices with metaverse-based technology: For leaders of city and provincial sports associations for the disabilities
정서호(Jung, Seo-Ho)
간행물 정보
『관광체육연구』제1권 2호, 71~82쪽, 전체 12쪽
복합학 > 학제간연구

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the trends of the virtual reality and augmented reality-based industries in the disabled area through literature review, and to find out the actual and improvement points of metaverse technology utilization through in-depth interviews with persons with disabilities and leaders. Method: To this end, the subjects of this study were selected as the population leaders who had experience in using devices incorporating virtual and augmented reality-based technologies in two regions (Seoul and Chungnam), and subjects were selected through purposeful sampling. Six leaders were selected as subjects. The research procedure was conducted through literature review and in-depth interview. Interview data were transcribed and topics were categorized based on topic modeling through text mining algorithm. Results: The result is as follows. First, although metaverse-based technology is being tried in the sports field for the disabled, it is experiencing difficulties in overall operation in classes due to lack of experience in using new devices, non-cooperation and communication with related organizations, and lack of information. Second, the overall management was difficult because there were no teaching aids and equipment necessary for digital transformation, and education and support necessary for non-face-to-face classes. Third, equipment, educational support, and up-to-date instructional guidelines were suggested as points to improve on the difficulties in operating metaverse-based devices presented above. Conclusion: This study is meaningful in establishing a systematic system to efficiently utilize Metabus-based devices, presenting operating guidelines to city and provincial sports clubs, and suggesting ways to increase device utilization.


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과
Ⅳ. 논 의
V. 결론 및 제언


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정서호(Jung, Seo-Ho). (2022).메타버스 기반 기술이 적용된 기기 활용의 어려움 및 개선점 분석. 관광체육연구, 1 (2), 71-82


정서호(Jung, Seo-Ho). "메타버스 기반 기술이 적용된 기기 활용의 어려움 및 개선점 분석." 관광체육연구, 1.2(2022): 71-82

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