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2010년도 형법판례 회고

이용수 10

A Review of the Criminal Cases in 2010
오영근(OH, Young-Keun)
간행물 정보
『형사판례연구』형사판례연구 제19권, 645~682쪽, 전체 38쪽
법학 > 법학

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In the year of 2010, 286 criminal cases by the Korean Supreme Court are registered on the homepage of that court. Four cases are decided by the counsel of all judge members, two cases of which were on the crimial procedure and the other two cases were on the criminal law. In this paper are reviewed some cases by the supreme court which seem to have theoretical or practical problems. The contents of this paper is as follows;Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. The Cases relating to General Provisions of Criminal Law In this chapter, following cases are reviewed. The Review is constituted as follows: (1) The fact of case, (2) The main point of case, (3) The comment on the case. But in many reviews the fact is omitted, because the main point of case concludes the fact of the case. 1. Supreme Court 2010. 9. 30. 2008Do47622. Supreme Court 2010. 10. 28. 2008Do86063. Supreme Court 2010. 12. 23. 2010Do74124. Supreme Court 2010. 9. 9. 2010Do69245. Supreme Court 2010. 7. 8. 2010Do9316. Supreme Court 2010. 9. 30. 2010Do6403 Ⅲ. The Cases relating to Individual Provisions of Criminal Law In this chapter, following cases are reviewed. Every review is constituted as follows: (1) The fact of case, (2) The main point of case, (3) The note on case. But in many reviews the fact is omitted, because the main point of case concludes the fact of the case. 1. Supreme Court 2010. 7. 15. 2010Do10172. Supreme Court 2010. 5. 27. 2009Do90083. Supreme Court 2010. 4. 29. 2009Do145544. Supreme Court 2010. 9. 30. 2010Do74055. Supreme Court 2010. 12. 9. 2010Do96306. Supreme Court 2010. 8. 19. 2010Do62807. Supreme Court 2010. 10. 14. 2010Do3878. Supreme Court 2010. 5. 13. 2010Do10409. Supreme Court 2010. 10. 14. 2010Do859110. Supreme Court 2010. 9. 30. 2010Do7525


Ⅰ. 서설
Ⅱ. 총칙관련 판례
Ⅲ. 각칙관련 판례


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오영근(OH, Young-Keun). (2011).2010년도 형법판례 회고. 형사판례연구, 19 (1), 645-682


오영근(OH, Young-Keun). "2010년도 형법판례 회고." 형사판례연구, 19.1(2011): 645-682

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