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중국 내몽골자치구 오르도스 지역사회의 몽골 문화적 특징 분석

이용수 6

The analysis of the mongol culture s character at the Ordos Province in the Inner Mongolian Autonomy Region of the People s Republic of China: attaching importance to historical background, education and economy
김선호(Kim Seon-Ho)
간행물 정보
『몽골학』제24호, 269~290쪽, 전체 22쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

영문 초록

It is the purpose of this research to examine the modernization and the character of the mongolian culture in the region of Ordos Inner Mongolia. This research provide first the understanding of modern mongolian life in the field of education and economy compare with traditional character. Besides how constructs the Mongol-Han Chinese community in the Ordos Region. The understanding of progress on the agriculture and industrialization could make clear a acculturation of Ordos Mongolian society. The historical background show this Ordos region have a role as frontier between Mongols and Han-Chinese. And we can fined out this region is very important(in the political and economical reason) place for two sides. But npmade nations and mogolian have been settled over thousands years. The other side Han-Chinese never ruled this area. So in the modern times(since the establishment of People s Republic of China and they ruled Ordos in 1949) we have to pay attention to the change of social and cultural feature at this region. In the education the mongolian have a chance to learn their Language and history only in the primary school. But if they prepare to go to college, young mongolian must using chinese mandarin and chinese history and so on. Nomade-Economy also have been changing not to the direction of grafting tradition into modernization, but the denial of traditional mongolian economic operations. In conclusion there are not any kind of progressing to the acculturation but very strong and fast change to the agriculture and industrialization(so called ‘漢化’).


1. 들어가며
2. 생태환경
3. 역사적 배경
4. 교육
5. 경제구조의 특성
6. 한·몽 (漢․蒙) 문화교류 문제
7. 나오며


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김선호(Kim Seon-Ho). (2008).중국 내몽골자치구 오르도스 지역사회의 몽골 문화적 특징 분석. 몽골학, (24), 269-290


김선호(Kim Seon-Ho). "중국 내몽골자치구 오르도스 지역사회의 몽골 문화적 특징 분석." 몽골학, .24(2008): 269-290

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