2세 남아의 특발성 경부척수공동증
이용수 14
- 영문명
- Idiopathic Cervicosyringomyelia in 2 year-old Boy
- 발행기관
- 대한소아신경학회
- 저자명
- 조영훈(Young Hoon Cho) 김헌민(Hunmin Kim) 임병찬(Byung Chan Lim) 황희(Hee Hwang) 채종희(Jong Hee Chae) 김기중(Ki Joong Kim) 최지은(Ji-Eun Choi,) 신수미(Su-mi Shin)
- 간행물 정보
- 『Annals of Child Neurology(구 대한소아신경학회지)』대한소아신경학회지 제25권 제3호, 187~190쪽, 전체 4쪽
- 주제분류
- 의약학 > 소아과학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2017.07.30
구매일시로부터 72시간 이내에 다운로드 가능합니다.
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국문 초록
영문 초록
Syringomyelia is a disorder in which a cavity has formed within the spinal cord.
Idiopathic syringomyelia is not associated with identifiable causes such as Chari type 1 malformation, spinal cord tumor, vascular malformation, tethered cord, ara chnoiditis, hydrocephalus, or previous spinal surgery. The main neurologic symptoms of idiopathic syringomyelia are toe-walking, constipation, incontinence, abnormal reflexes, and lower extremity weakness. Patients may present with various symptoms such as scoliosis, cutaneous markers, pain in the lower extremities or back, or may be asymptomatic. Herein, we report a young child with idiopathic syringomyelia presenting with subtle neck pain. A 23-month-old boy visited the neurologic clinic after 3 months of right occipital area neck pain. He had no history of trauma or central nervous system infection, and neurologic examination results were normal except for right posterior neck hyperesthesia. Brain and spinal magnetic resonance imaging showed an ovoid intramedullary cystic lesion (9.7×5.0×4.7 mm) at C6/7 of the spinal cord. There was no evidence of Chiari malformation or other lesions that can be primary pathologies of syringomyelia. Electromyogram/nerve conduction velocity results were normal. The subject was diagnosed as idiopathic syringomyelia.
His symptoms and neurologic/radiologic indications showed no change at a 1-year follow-up. Idiopathic syringomyelia symptoms are varied and may be overlooked by physicians. Pediatricians may consider syringomyelia if patients complain about persistent sensory abnormality. All patients who present with syringomyelia should undergo detailed neuroimaging of the entire neuraxis to elucidate the proximate cause of the lesion.
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