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아이오와 도박 검사, 풍선 위험 감수도 검사 및 정신증상척도검사에서 나타난 인터넷 과사용의 두 유형에 관한 연구

이용수 126

A Study on Two Types of Excessive Internet Use Revealed in Iowa Gambling Task, Balloon Analogue Risk Task, and Psychological Rating Scales
이은규(Eun Kyu Lee) 이재원(Jaewon Lee)
간행물 정보
『중독정신의학』Vol.16, No.2, 54~61쪽, 전체 8쪽
의약학 > 정신과학

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Objectives : This study aimed to identify whether internet addiction is made up of subtypes that identified heterogeneous feature. Methods : A total of 222 college students were given the following : Behavioral performance test (Iowa Gambling Task, Balloon Analogue Risk Task), and Psychological rating scales (Internet Addiction Test, Adult Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Scale, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, Wender-Utah Rating Scale, Domain Specific Risk-Taking Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Resilience Scale, Paranoia Scale, State and Trait Anxiety Inventory, Self Efficacy Scale, Temperament and Character Inventory). Participants were classified into 3 groups (2 excessive internet use groups, 1 normal group) by the discriminant analysis. We also investigated the difference in the 3 groups. Results : Higher impulsivity, ADHD symptoms and level of risk-taking are associated with excessive internet use groups. There were significant differences between the two excessive internet use groups. One group had higher levels of risk-taking, resilience, self-efficacy, whereas the other group had higher depression, anxiety, paranoia, harm avoidance, lower self efficacy, resilience, and persistence. Conclusion : In our study, excessive internet users were classified into two different groups. These results suggest the possibility that internet addiction may be classified into subtypes. However, this study has many limitations ; thus, we modified the study in order to obtain meaningful results as needed.


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이은규(Eun Kyu Lee),이재원(Jaewon Lee). (2012).아이오와 도박 검사, 풍선 위험 감수도 검사 및 정신증상척도검사에서 나타난 인터넷 과사용의 두 유형에 관한 연구. 중독정신의학, 16 (2), 54-61


이은규(Eun Kyu Lee),이재원(Jaewon Lee). "아이오와 도박 검사, 풍선 위험 감수도 검사 및 정신증상척도검사에서 나타난 인터넷 과사용의 두 유형에 관한 연구." 중독정신의학, 16.2(2012): 54-61

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