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알코올 의존자의 Mindfulness와 정신 증상, 알코올 사용, 성격 차원의 상관관계

이용수 231

Mindfulness and its Relationship with Psychiatric Symptoms, Alcohol Use, and Personality Traits in Alcohol-Dependent Patients
정재웅(JaeWoong Jeong) 이덕기(DukKi Lee) 이성근(SeongKeun Lee) 조현기(HyunKi Cho) 서재원(JaeWon Suh)
간행물 정보
『중독정신의학』Vol.16, No.2, 73~78쪽, 전체 6쪽
의약학 > 정신과학

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Objective : The purpose of this study is to measure mindful-ness in alcohol- dependent patients and examine its correlation with psychiatric symptoms, alcohol use. and personality traits. Method : We enrolled 180 alcohol-dependent patients (164males, 16 females) by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) criteria. This study was a cross-sectional design, and used the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Symptom Checklist-90-Revision (SCL-90-R), Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI). And a Korean version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (K-EPQ) as the self-re-ported questionnaires. The scores of these questionnaires were evaluated with Pearson Correlation Analysis in order to com-pare the relationship of mindfulness and psychiatric symptoms, alcohol use. and personality traits. Results : 1) The FFMQ sum score had a negative correlation with the SCL-90-R symptom scale. In particular, ‘somatization’, obsessive-compulsive’, ‘in-terpersonal sensitivity’, ‘depression’, ‘anxiety’, ‘hostility’, and ‘psychoticism’ were strong negative correlation with the FFMQ sum score. 2) The FFMQ sum score had a negative correlation with the 2nd-level scale and 3rd-level scale of AUI (except for ‘ENHANCED’ of the 2nd-level scale). In particular, ‘DISRUPT2’, ‘ANXCONCN’, and ‘ANCINVOL’ were strong negative correlations with the FFMQ sum score. 3) The FFMQ sum score had a strong negative correlation with ‘psychotisim’, ‘neuroticism’, ‘ad-diction’, and ‘criminality’ of K-EPQ, whereas ‘extraversion-intra-version’ and, ‘lie’ of K-EPQ had strong positive correlation with the FFMQ sum score. Conclusion : In this study, mindfulness had a significant correlation with psychiatric symptoms, alcohol use, and personalitytrait. The investigation effect of the mindfulness program for alcohol dependent patients should be a priority.


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정재웅(JaeWoong Jeong),이덕기(DukKi Lee),이성근(SeongKeun Lee),조현기(HyunKi Cho),서재원(JaeWon Suh). (2012).알코올 의존자의 Mindfulness와 정신 증상, 알코올 사용, 성격 차원의 상관관계. 중독정신의학, 16 (2), 73-78


정재웅(JaeWoong Jeong),이덕기(DukKi Lee),이성근(SeongKeun Lee),조현기(HyunKi Cho),서재원(JaeWon Suh). "알코올 의존자의 Mindfulness와 정신 증상, 알코올 사용, 성격 차원의 상관관계." 중독정신의학, 16.2(2012): 73-78

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