이용수 15
- 영문명
- The Research of the Labor Law Risk in the Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions of Chinese Enterprises
- 발행기관
- 원광대학교 법학연구소
- 저자명
- 단세보(Duan Shi Bao)(段世宝 )
- 간행물 정보
- 『원광법학』제32권 제2호, 357~370쪽, 전체 14쪽
- 주제분류
- 법학 > 법학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2016.06.30
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국문 초록
跨国并购已成为中国企业开拓国外市场的一种主流方式, 据统计仅2015年中国大陆企业跨国并购项目382起, 交易金额674亿美元, 创下历史新高。然而并不是所有的并购都是一帆风顺, 很多企业因为忽视了跨国并购中的种种法律风险而付出了惨重的代价, 这些法律风险中劳动法律风险是最容易被忽视也是最难防范的法律风险之一。
劳动法律风险产生的原因是一般而言目标企业所在国的劳动法律制度较为完善, 对劳动者的保护也较为严格, 而中国企业已经习惯于中国较为宽松的劳动法律环境, 因此在并购中有的企业忽视了这一风险的存在, 有的虽然意识到了风险却不知道如何采取有效的防范措施。中国企业在跨国并购过程中面临各种各样的劳动法律风险, 其主要体现在较长的带薪年休假制度、丰厚的薪酬制度、严格的劳动合同制度以及以罢工权为代表的劳动者集体行动权的赋予与行使这四个方面。以德国、英国、俄罗斯三个国家的劳动法律制度为例, 通过比较研究, 分析出企业在并购中面临的具体风险。同时根据相关法律制度提出了应对相关风险的措施, 比如在当地法律允许的情况下可以设立“不休假奖金”鼓励劳动者减少休假或者采取分段式的休假来代替长时间的一次性休假, 可以将“并购”解释为劳动合同中约定的重大情势变更以要求与劳动者或者工会变更或重新签订合同, 针对罢工等集体行动可以通过法定程序证明罢工的非法性以获得禁止令, 也可以通过采取关闭企业、雇佣临时雇员的措施进行应对。
在跨国并购中劳动法律风险的特殊性以及应对措施的可行性是由目标企业所在国的劳动法律制度决定的, 因此要防范这些风险保证并购的顺利进行要分两步进行, 一是对目标企业所在国家的劳动法律制度进行分析研究, 找出风险;二是充分利用当地法律的规定, 制定应对措施
영문 초록
In China the cross-border M&A has become the main method to develop foreign market. According to the statistics, in 2015382 cross-border M&A projects were announced and the amount of the transaction was 67.4 billion dollars, which climbed to the highest level ever. However, not all M&A are plain sailing. There are many Chinese enterprises which have paid a heavy price on account of ignoring the various legal risks in the cross-border M&A. In these legal risks, the labor law risk is easy to be ignored and quite difficult to avoid.
The cause of the labor law risk is that, in general, the labor law system is relatively perfect, and the protection of workers is stricter in the target enterprise’s country, and also Chinese enterprises are accustomed to the slack environment of labor law in China. So some enterprises ignore the labor law risk easily, or although some is aware of the risk but don't know how to take effective preventive measures in the cross-border M&A. Those labor law risks faced by Chinese enterprises in the process of cross-border M&A are mainly embodied in four aspects: The system of longer annual leaves with pay, the system of higher wages, the strict system of labor contract and the given and exercise of collective action right to the workers which is represented by the right to strike. Through comparing with the labor law system of Germany, Britain and Russia, we can find out the specific labor law risk that Chinese enterprise may face with in the cross-border M&A. At the same time we will put forward some measures in accordance with the relevant legal system, so as to cope with the associated risk. For example, the enterprise could set up a “Don’t Leave Bonus” to encourage workers to reduce the days of leave, or take the sectional leaves instead of disposable leaves for a long time. And the “cross-border M&A” can be interpreted as a major change in the circumstances to apply to the principle of “clausula rebus sic stantibus” so that they could request the workers or trade unions to modify the old contract or sign a new contract, and the enterprises could obtain an injunction by proving the illegality of the strike through legal procedures, close the businesses or employ temporaries to cope with the strike and other collective action.
The particularity of the labor law risks in the cross-border M&A and the feasibility of the measures are determined by the labor law system of the target enterprise’ country. So the enterprises should take two steps to prevent these risks and ensure the progress of the cross-border M&A successfully: Analyzing and studying the target enterprise's national labor law system and finding out the risk; then making full use of the rule of the local laws and formulating the countermeasures.
摘 要
一、 问题的提出:劳动法律风险的特殊性
三、 应对劳动法律风险的措施:具体问题具体解决
四、 结语:积极、果断的采取相应制度
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