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제산제의 중화 능력의 평가 연구

이용수 65

Evaluation of Neutralizing Capacities of Antacid Products
박경호(Kyoung Ho Park) 차수만(Soo Mahn Cha) 최진석(Jin Suck Choi) 김낙두(Nak Doo Kim)
간행물 정보
『약학회지』제27권 제2호 (1983년), 139~148쪽, 전체 10쪽
의약학 > 기타의약학

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The neutralizing capacities of the antacids, which are frequently used in Korean market, were evaluated in vitro by the methods of Rosset and Rice, Fordtran and Collyns, and modified Beekman, respectively. The antacids used in the study are two kinds, the one is preparations from Seoul National University Hospital and the other is products from pharmaceutical companies, and their components are aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, basic aluminum sucrose sulfate and 2MgO.Al203.SiO3, etc. The hospital preparations, DMC and MAC powders, showed most powerful and sustained neutralizing capacities, i.e. they maintained the pH range from 5 to 8 for 60 min. Whereas pharmaceutical products, aluminum hydroxide gel containing magnesium hydroxide and magnesium aluminum hydroxide gel exhibited a moderate capacities, i.e pH ranged from 3 to 6, and aluminum phosphate, 2MgO.Al203.SiO2 and basic aluminum sucrose sulfate displayed a weak activity, pH ranged from 2 to 3. When the therapeutic doses of aluminum hydroxide gel containing magnesium hydroxide and magnesium aluminum hydroxide gel were divided into 2 doses and each dose was used at the interval of 30 min., the divided doses kept more prolonged higher pH than the single therapeutic dose. Milliequivalents of neutralizing capacities of each antacid were measured by the method of Fordtran and Collyns. The milliequivalents per 1ml of aluminum hydroxide gel, aluminum hydroxide gel containing magnesium hydroxide, magnesium aluminum hydroxide gel and aluminum phosphate were 2.87, 2.86, 9.57, and 0.67, respectively. The milliequivalents per 100mg of preparations, i.e. MAC powder, dried aluminum hydroxidgel, DMC powder, 2MgO.Al203. SiO2 magnesium aluminum hydroxide and basic aluminum sucrose sulfate were 1.91, 1.68 1.63, 1.45, 1.44, and 0.44, respectively.



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박경호(Kyoung Ho Park),차수만(Soo Mahn Cha),최진석(Jin Suck Choi),김낙두(Nak Doo Kim). (1983).제산제의 중화 능력의 평가 연구. 약학회지, 27 (2), 139-148


박경호(Kyoung Ho Park),차수만(Soo Mahn Cha),최진석(Jin Suck Choi),김낙두(Nak Doo Kim). "제산제의 중화 능력의 평가 연구." 약학회지, 27.2(1983): 139-148

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