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<烈女咸陽朴氏傳> 硏究

이용수 157

A Study on 'A Biography of a Virtuous Ham-Yang Park Woman' -on the basis of its literary strategy-
이월영(Yee Weol Young)
간행물 정보
『한국고전여성문학연구』제24권, 159~187쪽, 전체 28쪽
인문학 > 문학

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국문 초록

필자는 <열녀함양박씨전>을 열녀에 열광했던 조선조의 사회풍조와 그 원인을 심각하게 문제 삼은 역설적인 열녀전으로 보고, 작품에서 전략적으로 교차 사용한 '드러냄'과 '은폐', '대비'와 '조응'의 교직관계를 밝혀 해석하는데 주력했다. 총서는 순절풍조의 원인을 재가금지법과 이후 400년간 이어온 '교화'에서 찾았는데, 이른바 교화는 정조 여성이데올로기의 주입을 의미한다. '교화'는 입전ㆍ열녀문ㆍ훼절응징 등의 공적 기제를 통해 이루어진 '세뇌'를 '은폐ㆍ미화'한 것이다. 수절과부담은 인간의 본성을 억압하는 열절 여성이데올로기에 대해 항변한 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 '수절완성'에 초점을 맞추어 열녀담으로 종결지은 것은 수절과 부의 반격적 토로를 열녀의 논리로 호도 은폐한 전략이다. 本傳에 해당하는 순절과부담에 드러난 박씨의 삶은, 재가금지법 산생 이후 400년 동안 '교화/세뇌'를 통해 양산된 순절녀의 전형일 뿐이다. 마지막 논평은, 총서 수절과부담 순절과부담을 연관지어 교직함으로써 은폐와 드러냄, 대비와 조응의 교직관계를 재 입증한다. <열녀함양박씨전>에 표현된 열녀에 대한 문제인식은, 박지원이 열하여행시 태학관에서 그곳 선비들과 주고받은 필담에서 이미 찾을 수 있다. 이들과의 대화에서 순절풍조는 '비례막대'로 정리되며, 이는 잔혹한 양상으로 발현된 효ㆍ충 풍조와 함께 거론된다. 박지원은 전족 풍조에 대해서만은 드러내놓고 공격하는 태도를 보임으로써 충ㆍ효ㆍ열 이데올로기에 대해서도 동일하게 지니고 있을 그의 비판적 관점을 반증했다. 박지원이 작품에서 줄곧 사용한 '은폐'와 '드러냄'의 교직은 성리학적 이데올로기가 곧 선악시비의 판단기준이었던 시대에 방편적으로 취한 문학적 전략이다.

영문 초록

A Biography of a Vituous Hamyang Park Woman threw a severe question over the trend of Chosun Dynasty society which showed a enthusiastic concern with a virtuous woman, and then over the cause it did. It is, for the reason, thought to be a paradoxical vituous woman story. It developed the plot 'revelation,' 'concealment,' 'contrast,' and 'reciprocity.' This paper mainly intended to clarify the meaning which became equivocal by 'revelation' and 'concealment', 'contrast' and ''reciprocation', with the structural analysis of this work, A Story of a Vituous Hamyang Park Woman is composed of three parts such as 'a preface' 'a discourse about a chastity-keeping widow, and a discourse about a life-devoting widow' which are independent, contrastive, and reciprocal to one another 'A preface' attributed the cause of life-devoting trend to the law against a widow's remarriage and the edifying policy for subsequent 400 years. This edifying policy was carried out to infuse a woman ideology called a theory of chastity. And then the edifying policy was revealed as plausibly-beautified brainwash which was executed by deed public devices like a biograpy, a virtuous woman gate, a punishment for tergiversation. A first-person discourse that a life-devoting widow herself gave is a main one among discourses about a chastity-keeping widow. Its contents enabled us to believe that it was built to protest the woman ideology for a virtuous woman's chastity, because its contents focused on the exposure of unendurable sexual desire in youth. Nonetheless, focusing on the accomplishment of life-devotion, a true gentleman's comment completed it into a discourse about a virtuous woman, which was a temporizing strategy to conceal a chastity-keeping widow's counterattacking exposure with a logic of a virtuous woman and made it possible to be reminded of the reality of extreme life-devoting trend not to acknowledge as a virtuous woman in spite of her keeping chastity. 'A discourse about a life-devoting woman' in this paper was made up of the author's questions and answers based on governmental official's statements which were rumoured. Revealed Park's life is a typical one for a life-devoting woman produced in large quantities through brainwash for 400 years, after the law against remarriage was enacted. By the way, the author weaved 'preface' 'a discourse about a chastity-keeping widow, and a discourse about a life-devoting widow' by finishing the main plot with the last comment. An evidence, from A Biography of a Vituous Hamyang Park Woman, that the problem of a virtuous problem was recognized in a writing discourse that Park Jee Won discussed the trend of a virtuous woman with learned gentlemen in the University Building during YeolHah trip. Their discussion concluded the life-devoting trend as 'non-courtesy' and great infringement, which was dealt together with 'piety' 'loyalty' trend showed an atrocious aspect. Park Jee won, however, just delivered himself of the remarks of Chines gentleman in detail, but he only proved to the contrary of his critical point of view about the 'loyaltyㆍpietyㆍchastity' ideology by openly showing his attacking attitude about the trend of jeonjok. A Biography of a Vituous Hamyang Park Woman found faults with a woman ideology to destroy humanity by introducing a virtuous woman biography. The criticism in it obscured its main core on account of the alternating exposure and concealment of the ideology, which can be judged as literary strategy chosen by a work in the era where sung-ri science was the criterion to judge virtue, vice, right, and wrong.


1. 문제제기
2. 문학적 전략과 의미
3. <열녀함양박씨전> 문제인식의 근거
4. 마무리


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이월영(Yee Weol Young). (2012).<烈女咸陽朴氏傳> 硏究. 한국고전여성문학연구, 24 , 159-187


이월영(Yee Weol Young). "<烈女咸陽朴氏傳> 硏究." 한국고전여성문학연구, 24.(2012): 159-187

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