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한부모가정 발생전후의 생활실태와 지원확대 방안

이용수 2492

Living Condition and Extensive Support Measure Before and After the Occurrence of a Single Parent Family
황은숙(Hwang, Eun-soog)
간행물 정보
『한국한부모가정학』6권 1호, 1~25쪽, 전체 25쪽
사회과학 > 사회복지학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

이 연구는 한부모가정의 부모를 대상으로 한부모가정 발생전후의 생활실태를 사회계층, 행복도, 가족관계, 생활고로 나누어 조사하고, 이를 바탕으로 한부모가정 복지지원 확대 방안을 제시하기 위해 마련되었다. 그 결과, 한부모가정 발생 전후의 사회계층은 성장기와 결혼기간동안은 중류층에 속하였지만 한부모가정 발생 한 직후부터 3년간에는 저소득층, 빈곤층으로 하락하였다. 이러한 중류층 이탈은 한부모가정 발생 4~5년, 5년 이상이 지난 후에도 지속되었다. 행복도는 결혼기간 동안에는 급속히 낮아졌다. 낮아진 행복도는 한부모가정 발생 이후 첫 3년간 좀 더 낮아지다가 4~5년후부터 조금씩 회복하기 시작해 발생 후 5년 이상에는 결혼기간의 행복도 보다 높아졌다. 향후 5년 후의 행복 기대감은 성장기보다 높게 나타났다. 가족관계는 성장기에는 긍정적인 편이었으나 결혼기간에 가족관계가 나빠지기 시작해 한부모가정 발생 첫 3년간은 부정적인 관계를 보였다. 그러다 한부모가정 발생 4~5년 이후부터는 결혼기간 동안의 가족관계 수준으로 회복되었다. 생활고는 성장기과 결혼기간에는 크게 차이가 없었다. 이후 한부모가정 발생 초 3년간 동안 가장 극심한 생활고에 시달리는 것으로 나타났다. 이후 조금씩 회복되기는 하지만 고통을 벗어날 수준을 아니었다. 생활고가 심각하다보니 향후 5년후의 삶에 대해서도 큰 변화를 보이지 않고 있다. 이를 종합하면 사회계층과 생활고는 한부모가정이 발생하면 급속도로 떨어져 회복이 어려웠으며, 행복도, 가족관계는 한부모가정이 되기 전 결혼기간에 이미 상당부분 낮아졌고, 이후 한 부모가정이 된 이후 원상태로 회복되어 가는 것으로 나타났다.

영문 초록

This study examined parents of a single parent family by dividing their living condition before and after the occurrence of the single parent family into social level, level of happiness, family relationship, and hardship of living. Based on this method, it has been prepared to suggest the extensive welfare support measure for the single parent family. As a result, the social level before and after the occurrence of the single parent family belonged to the middle class during the growth period and the marriage period. However, for three years right after the single parent family had occurred, its level fell to the low income level or the poor level. This disengagement from the middle class continued four to five years after its occurrence or even after the five years. The level of happiness fell rapidly during the marriage period. This fallen level of happiness decrease more for about three years after its occurrence of the single parent family. After four to five years, the level of happiness was restored gradually, and over five years, the level of happiness was raised more than that of the marriage period. The expectation of happiness after five years showed higher than that of the growth period. The family relationship was positive during the growth period, but it began to be worse during the marriage period and showed a negative relationship in the first three years after the occurrence of the single parent family. Then, after four to five years since the occurrence, it was restored to the level of family relationship during the marriage period. The hardship of living did not show much difference between the growth period and the marriage period. During the first three years after the occurrence of the single parent family, it showed that the family suffered from the most severe hardship of living. Later, it showed that they recovered little by little but they were not able to stay in a level to get away from their suffering. It showed that their life after five years did not change much due to the severe hardship of living. To sum up the above, it showed that, when the single parent family had occurred, the social level and the hardship of living were hardly restored as they fell rapidly; that the level of happiness and the family relationship already fell significantly during the marriage period before the occurrence of the single parent family; and that later, these two were restored back to the original condition after the occurrence of the single parent family.


Ⅰ. 연구의 필요성과 목적
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
Ⅲ. 한부모가정 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구 결과
Ⅵ. 결론 및 논의


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황은숙(Hwang, Eun-soog). (2013).한부모가정 발생전후의 생활실태와 지원확대 방안. 한국한부모가정학, 6 (1), 1-25


황은숙(Hwang, Eun-soog). "한부모가정 발생전후의 생활실태와 지원확대 방안." 한국한부모가정학, 6.1(2013): 1-25

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