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김일성 회고록 『세기와 더불어』

이용수 325

Kim Il Sung’s Biography “With The Century”
국제고려학회 서울지회
예대열(Yea, Dae-Yeol)
간행물 정보
『국제고려학회 서울지회 논문집』제13호, 221~244쪽, 전체 24쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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North Korea’s self-justification is needed for realization of North Korea’s change. As North Korean political system is also inevitable change, decision of change only rest on North Korea. So It is important to confronting and interpreting their history. AS perception on present and future is not alter unless changing viewpoint on the past, it is essential to new interpretaion on their history for searching new way and modifying past policy. In this way, Kim Il Song’s memoir “With The Century” has many important meanings. From the this book, there is possible of having different interpretaions on various version. This book can cause basis on flexible action for changing of North Korae if it sounds paradoxical. In other words, awareness of history restricted by the Juche ideology can makes new representation by authority on Kim Il Song. “With The Century” has three features. First, This book narrates history of North Korea’s national liberation movement on the view of national united front and reinterpretes nationalism. The reason is connected on change of policy toward South Korea. North Korea have nothing to do but carry out the policy on the defensive instead of last policy on the viewpoint of the ‘united front’ because of attaining their goals of survival strategy of political system. With a view to embracing change of policy toward South Korea, The North Korea justify enhancing relations of South Korea by the means of nationalism. Second, This book has new point of view about different group of communist who were judged by communalism. The reason is likely that North Korea want interpret political system’s change as historical inheritance by embracing different groups of Kim Il Song. In fact, Thinking of group criticized of communalsim by Kim Il Song sheds new light. Third, The relation of North Korea, China and the Soviet Union is described realistically. Especially, this book criticizes the Soviet Union intensively but don’t criticize China’s case directly. This description reflects the North Korea’s condition which is urgently needed of support of other country after the post-cold war era. The North Korea’s historical group is going to be change after “With The Century”. “History Science”, revised edition of “History of the liberation combat against Japan”, “The History of Korean LabourParty” in 2004 has showed flexible historical recognition. This change is important in implying possiblity of interation with South Korea historical recognization. It seems to be so weakly ‘outgrowth’ but the meaning of ‘outgrowth’ is new sign. The change of new sign can take root in the ground of peace and coexistence between North Korea and South Korea only by continuous managing and concerning.


목 차
1. 『세기와 더불어』에 주목한 이유
2. 『세기와 더불어』의 구성과 출판 배경
3. 『세기와 더불어』의 내용과 함의
4. 『세기와 더불어』 이후 북한 역사학의 전망


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예대열(Yea, Dae-Yeol). (2010).김일성 회고록 『세기와 더불어』. 국제고려학회 서울지회 논문집, (13), 221-244


예대열(Yea, Dae-Yeol). "김일성 회고록 『세기와 더불어』." 국제고려학회 서울지회 논문집, .13(2010): 221-244

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