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평화와 평화교육

이용수 200

Peace and Peace Education
한국교육사상학회 (구 한국교육사상연구회)
최관경(Choi, Kwan-Kyung)
간행물 정보
『교육사상연구』교육사상연구 제14집, 1~27쪽, 전체 27쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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평화는 동서고금을 막론하고 온 인류가 한결같이 추구해온 이상이다. 평화가 없는 곳에는 정의나 행복도 존재할 수 없다. 평화에는 소극적 평화와 적극적 평화가 있다. 소극적 평화는 직접적 폭력인 폭행․폭동․테러․전쟁의 부재상태를 의미하는 반면, 적극적 평화는 전쟁의 부재상태에서 한층 더 나아가 구조적 폭력과 문화적 폭력이 제거됨으로서 인간과 자연 등 모든 생명들이 아무런 지장을 받지 않고 성장번영할 수 있는 유토피아를 뜻한다. 평화는 평화를 낳고 전쟁은 전쟁을 낳기 마련이다. 그리고 “전쟁은 인간의 마음속에서 시작되는 것이므로 평화의 방어선은 인간의 마음 속에다 구축되어야 한다.”고 규정한 유네스코 헌장에서 우리는 평화교육의 중요성을 새삼 인식할 수 있다. 평화교육이란 인류의 영원한 소망인 평화를 실현하는 데 그 목적을 둔 교육으로서 평화를 파괴하는 증오심․ 적대감․ 공격성․ 폭력성․ 갈등성 및 편견성을 극복하도록 돕는 교육내용을, 사랑과 신뢰, 대화와 협동, 인간애와 인류애의 배양 등의 교육방법으로, ‘영원한 평화인’을 길러낼 수 있도록, 모든 교육자가 모든 교과와 모든 교육의 장에서 모든 사람을 대상으로 전개하는 일련의 통합적 교육인 것이다. 꿈이 없는 잠은 죽음이요, 꿈이 없는 개인이나 민족은 이미 침체와 쇠망의 길에 들어선 것과 다름없다. 통일 없는 평화는 분단고착이요, 평화없는 통일은 무의미하다. 따라서 평화와 평화교육은 민족통일의 수단이나 방법만이 아니라 민족 통일의 목적이요, 목표가 되어야 한다.

영문 초록

The purposes of this study are to analyze the significances, ideals, goals and realms of both peace and peace education, to show a new viewpoint and method of peace education for the realization of peaceful unification between South and North Korea, and to bring up eternal pacifists in the era of globalization. Korea was a unified, homogeneous nation-state for over 1,300 years since Silla had been successful in unifying the Three Kingdoms. The current half -century division is abnormal. Therefore, there is a historic necessity for peaceful unification. Now is the time for us to devote our energy to the creation of our new history. When we create the hopeful future by reflecting our past, we call it creation of history. Now we should do our best to establish creative logic and practices on the basis of our spiritual sovereignty by means of desirable education. As matter of fact, peaceful unification is undoubtedly one of the foremost subjects for public debate in Korea. It is the nature of wars that one should sow seeds of another ; it is the nature of revenge to produce reciprocal revenge. There is scarcely any peace so unjust, but it is preferable, upon the whole, to the justest war. Above all things, we should make every effort to prevent war in the Korea Peninsula. There is no happiness without peace. There is no justice without peace. Happiness cannot be obtained through war. Peace cannot be obtained through conquest. Therefore, peace is more precious than victory. A paradise cannot be created through conquest. If man cannot conquer war, war will conquer man. War begets war and hatred. But peace begets peace and love. Love makes all men one family. Hatred turns brothers into enemies. It is necessary to rededicate ourselves to lasting global peace and for progress of humankind. Peace is a word that for many of us is filled with pleasant connotations. It is a word that more often than not brings to mind images that are overwhelmingly positive. The world is growing to be as one unity. We are now experiencing the age of the global village in our everyday lives. In these day, we cannot survive if we maintain a narrow view of conservative nationalism and short-sighted egoism. The motto “Think globally and act locally” has become the most important wisdom of living in the era of globalization. Peace education for unification between South and North initiates the understanding that globalization after unification can increase the unified country's property and advancement. The ideology that guides Korean community can be defined as the peace. When it comes to peace in the process of unification and peace as the goal of globalization, the objectiveness of unification education will be considered the final stage. Peace is more precious than victory. A paradise cannot be created through conquest. Therefore, those who work for peace are blessed. Love makes all men one family. Hate turns brothers into enemies. Since wars arise in the minds of men, they must also be combated in the minds of men. Education is the only possible means by which we do this, and it must be in the form of education for peace and inter-Korean understanding. The basic ideal of peace education is to develop human abilities to overcome the apathy of non-peaceful phenomena as a war and the structural violences and to keep peace, loving mind forever. Peace education is not only the tasks of schooling but also the important tasks of family and social education. Last but not least, the first and most important step towards to peace is sincerely to desire it. Peace of mind would come to all people through a universal respect for the basic human rights of everyone. We are all brothers and sisters. In conclusion, it is recommended that we can create conditions under which not only local skirmishes are prevented from spreading but also big powers dare not conceive the idea of campaigning a global war, by promoting the spirit of love for



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최관경(Choi, Kwan-Kyung). (2004).평화와 평화교육. 교육사상연구, 14 , 1-27


최관경(Choi, Kwan-Kyung). "평화와 평화교육." 교육사상연구, 14.(2004): 1-27

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