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한국여성의 한국문화관과 통일의식

이용수 29

An Empirical Study on the Korean Women's Attitudes toward Women's Lives and Reunification Issues
이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원
김정선(Kim Jung Sun)
간행물 정보
『여성학논집』제12집, 105~146쪽, 전체 42쪽
사회과학 > 여성학

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This is a survey research on Korean women's attitudes toward Korean culture and reunification issues. The research begins with the assumption that what we need to do for reunification is not an optimism derived from a favorable environment of international politics around Korean peninsula, but rather a serious effort to recover our nation's identity and solidarity. In addition, we attempt to focus on the role of women in reunification movement where previous researchers paid attention to only men who have taken a major role in political, economical and military field. The data analyzed in this study was collected from a sample survey conducted by the author in September, 1995, which consists of 310 Korean women selected upon the characteristics of age, working status, and the experiences with North Korea. There are three major areas of concern. First, this study intends to examine the women's attitudes toward traditional culture and Korean women's lives. In order to find out the way to recover Korean people's identity in particular, the respondents were asked their perceptions on the differences of women's lives in South and North Korea and perceptions on the Koreans living abroad. Second, Korean women's perceptions on and attitudes toward several issues of reunification were analyzed in order to provide the level of Korean women's concerns on reunification. The issues include the possibility and timing of reunification, reunification policy, international relations for reunification, and the expectations for the reunited Korean society. Finally, the status and roles of women in South and North Korea were compared and their expected roles in reunification were evaluated. The questions cover the South Korean women's image of North Korean women, comparison of women's status in South and North Korea, and the respective roles of South and North Korean women on the way to reunification. The results and the implications of this study can be summarised as follows. First, there are considerable differences on the attitudes toward Korean culture among South Korean women. The younger generation especially showed a very different perspective in many aspects. They are very liberal in terms of women's lives but negative and passive toward reunification. These differences among Korean women imply a possible conflict between women in South and North Korea not alone those living abroad. More problems stem from the fact that Korean women tend to have a negative image on North Korean women. These results lead to the conclusion that reunification is an urgent issue and we need great efforts to achieve it in the near future. Second, however, women in South Korea also seem to identify North Koreans as same nations and keep social solidarity with them. The positive attitudes largely come from the emotional similarity among people in South and North Korea. In other words, reunification could be obtained once we overcome the external differences in social systems. For this, the provision of facts and informations about North Korea will be a first step toward unification. It is suggested that social education via various channels in addition to school education is necessary means to begin with. Concerning the women's role in reunification movement, the importance of women's association specifically aimed for reunification movement is emphasized. As far as the extent that women can play a role in political arena is limited as now in South Korea, it is inevitable to establish a formal organization which represents women's voice in reunification movement. According to the results of this research, this role has to be centered around the women who have already participated in social activities. In this sense, the roles of women professionals are greatly expected in Korean society. It is also found in this study that women in South Korea consider their participation in a non-governmental exchange as an effective approach to reunif


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 전제적 논의
Ⅲ. 한국문화관에 관한 의식
Ⅳ. 통일의식
Ⅴ. 남북한 여성의 지위와 역할
Ⅵ. 요약 및 결론


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김정선(Kim Jung Sun). (1995).한국여성의 한국문화관과 통일의식. 여성학논집, 12 , 105-146


김정선(Kim Jung Sun). "한국여성의 한국문화관과 통일의식." 여성학논집, 12.(1995): 105-146

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