재일동포 여성의 생활과 남북통일에 대한 의식
이용수 42
- 영문명
- Life of Korean Women Residing in Japan and Their Awareness toward the Unification of Korea
- 발행기관
- 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원
- 저자명
- 김부자(Kim Boo Ja)
- 간행물 정보
- 『여성학논집』제12집, 171~204쪽, 전체 34쪽
- 주제분류
- 사회과학 > 여성학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 1995.12.01
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국문 초록
영문 초록
This report attempts to analyze the situation and consciousness of Korean women residing in Japan based on a questionnaire given to them on their life, racial awareness, feeling towards their mother country and their view on the unification of North and South Korea. The questionnaire was taken between Aug. 1st to Oct. 15th, 1995 from 207 Korean women of South Korean, North Korean and Japanese nationalities residing in Japan.
As of 1993, there are 682,276 Koreans of South Korean and North Korean nationalities, and over a million if we include those of Japanese nationality residing in Japan. It can be said that those of Korean origin living in Japan are in a unique situation. The reason for them residing in Japan is the same as those in China and Russa in that it was caused by the colonization by Japan. However their situation is quite unique since they continue to hold their mother nationality while those in other countries (including those immigrated to the U.S.) obtain the nationality (citizenship) of the country they reside in. The unique historical relationship of suzerain-colony in the past has not yet been cleared and such as the persistent exclusivism of the Japanese society is the background for the difficulty for those of Korean origin to live in the Japanese society.
Due to limited distribution and collection time, the questionnaire was given to those 207 people belonging to active groups and their associates. Therefore it can be said that those women who replied have relatively high racial awareness and are quite active towards the unification of North and South. We will look at the traits of each item in the questionnaire.
1. Concerning women's life: It was revealed that the distinction of gender roles, "men work outside and women take charge of housekeeping and child rearing" are remaining persistently regardless of whether the woman has a career or not.
2. Consciousness of their own race: Half of those replied say they can not read or write their mother language but most of them state as a reason that they did not have the opportunity to learn it. In fact, since educational system concerning racial identity is not established in the Japanese society or school system, it is difficult to learn the language on one's own unless he/she attends a Korean school or actually study in Korea. Also many responded that they use their Japanese name in the Japanese society or distinguish the use of their Korean name and Japanese name. However, as for their identity many of those in younger generation feel that their consciousness is that of a Korean and feel they are in a unique situation different from those in the mother country although they can not speak the language and have Japanese names.
3. Views on their motherland: More than half of those replied say that they consider both North and South as their motherland.
4. Opinion on the unification of North and South: Most people responded say that the unification is necessary (223 for, 48 against. Note: some gave both replies). The separation of the motherland has a serious impact on Koreans living in Japan as well. The impact can be summarized in the following 3 points. (1) Family members of those living in Japan are also spread in South, North and Japan and those with South Korean nationality can not visit the North and those of North Korean nationality can not visit the South. (2) Koreans living in Japan can not unite to fight against discrimination against them in Japan. (3) Right and legal status of Koreans can not be improved in the Japanese society. Korean women in Japan feel that the following activities are necessary for the unification: "a smoother communication and social exchange between the North and South," "establishment of communication and a network among Korean women living in Japan, the North and South and other foreign countries" and "education on racial identity."
Ⅰ. 머릿말
Ⅱ. 재일동포의 정형
Ⅲ. 재일동포 여성에 대한 설문조사 결과
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