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열녀전승의 역사적 전개를 통해 본 여성적 대응양상과 그 의미

이용수 394

A Study on Women's Responses in Historical Developments of the Tradition of Virtuous Women and their Significance
이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원
강진옥(Kang Jin-Ok)
간행물 정보
『여성학논집』제12집, 63~104쪽, 전체 42쪽
사회과학 > 여성학

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This thesis is an attempt to study the historical developments of the idea of virtue(烈) in examplary women in the tradition of Korean Narrative by reviewing how women were characterized and what responses those women characters showed. The idea of virtue was imposed with consistent power upon women as an ideology and was functioned not only as ethical values but also as a mechanism of oppressing and confining women's lives. It had its origin in the patriarchy which had been from ancient times, but it didn't come to be a real norm for women regulating women's lives until Chosŏn Dynasty which was dominated by the order of Neo-Confucianism(性理學). Neo-Confucianism systemized the idea of virtue, presenting it at extreme level, thinking virtue above men's life and prescribing the relationship between men and women as that between the ruler and the ruled. This phenomenon was found in the late Koryŏ(高麗) which was dominated by newly risen elites who accepted Neo-Confucianism. In the biographies of an anthology by these elites, women who sacrificed their lives for virtue were highly praised. This tendency was shown with more rich examples in the stories of virtuous women in Koryŏ Sa Yŏl'jŏn(高麗史列傳). The story of the wife of Domi(都彌) and of the daugher of Mr. Sul(薛氏) were similar to the chapters of virtuous women in Sam'guk Sa-Ki Yŏl'Jŏn(三國史記列傳) and two stories had something in common in being included in a series of biographies of official history. But they showed some differances of narrative methods in these two books, Sam'guk Sa-Ki Yŏl'Jŏn and Koryŏ Sa Yŏl'jŏn. Sam'guk Sa-Ki Yŏl'Jŏn gave importance to the narrative method by focussing on the psychology of women characters and making characters' personalities be organically known rather through a series of episodes than through a direct evaluation by authors. On the other side, Koryŏ Sa Yŏl'jŏn simply tried to describe the lives of women who devoted themselves to type ideal values, so that it might present a model person to be imitated. Henceforth this tendency used as an example of the tradition of virtuous women. On the basis of the idealistic tendency in Koryŏ Sa Yŏl'jŏn the government developed the tradition of virtuous women. On the contrary, the witten tales of the late Chosŏn Dynasty in which the various aspects of transitional society of the late Chosŏn Dynasty were reflected provided the critical alternative of the idealistic tendency. These written tales which included many records arguing against the prohibition of remarriage represented women characters who tried to solve their problems beyond the norm, although in secret, unlike the well-known virtuous women who lived. up to the ideal of virtue and even chose death for it, and whose lives paradoxically showed the phenomenon of reversal of value that reduce men to a means of the idea. Those aspects of the written tales could be considered as an alternative of the idea of virtue which criticized the inhuman aspects of the idea of virtue. The lives of virtuous women in Sam'guk Sa-Ki Yŏl'jŏn showed the natural, independent and humanistic awakening, free from the ideology of that period. Then the idea of virtue was forced to be practiced at the extreme level under the order of Neo-Confucianism and it was changed once more in the late chosŏn Dynasty, which was reflected in the narrative of that period. Ch'un'lyang-jŏn(春香傳) was a representative work showing the humanistic awakening. In the tradition of virtuous women, we can suppose that there existed some desires for social achievements in the heart of virtuous women who had Institution of rewards for the virtuous women could be accepted by women themselves as a means by which they who were forced to live in confined experiences got their significance as a social being. Nevertheless, no matter how the sacri


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 열녀전승의 초기적 양상과 정착과정
Ⅲ. 조선시대의 열녀전승과 열관념의 변모양상
Ⅳ. 열녀전승과 역사적 전개과정을 통해본 여성문학적 의의
Ⅴ. 결론


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강진옥(Kang Jin-Ok). (1995).열녀전승의 역사적 전개를 통해 본 여성적 대응양상과 그 의미. 여성학논집, 12 , 63-104


강진옥(Kang Jin-Ok). "열녀전승의 역사적 전개를 통해 본 여성적 대응양상과 그 의미." 여성학논집, 12.(1995): 63-104

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