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압력 바이오 피드백을 이용한 골반 바닥근 수축 훈련이 엎드려 엉덩관절 폄 시 엉덩관절과 몸통 근육 근활성도와 골반 움직임에 미치는 영향

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The Effects of Pelvic Floor Contraction Training Using Pressure Biofeedback Unit on Hip and Trunk Muscle Activity and Pelvic Movement during Prone Hip Extension
장예은 양종민 이상민 서해니 고민주
간행물 정보
『한국임상움직임치료학회지』제4권 제1호, 29~36쪽, 전체 8쪽
의약학 > 의학일반

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Background The prone hip extension exercise (PHE) has been used as a strengthening exercise for individuals with weak hip extensors or to assess stability of the lumbar-pelvic region. Patients with low back pain often have excessive movement of the lumbar spine and pelvis during prone hip extension exercise. To minimize this unwanted movement, trunk stability has been emphasized. Objectives The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of pelvic floor muscle contraction training using a pressure biofeedback unit on hip and trunk muscle activity and pelvic movement during prone hip extension. Methods The study included 15 healthy adults. Surface electromyography (EMG) was used to measure the EMG activity of the transversus abdominis/internal oblique (TrA/IO), dominant side erector spinae(ES), gluteus maximus (GM), and hamstring muscles (HM) during prone hip extension exercise before and after pelvic floor muscle contraction training. Xsens DOT was used to measure anterior pelvic tilt and pelvic rotation angle during prone hip extension exercise. Paired t-test were conducted to compare muscle activation and pelvic movement before and after pelvic floor muscle training. Results The EMG activity of bilateral TrA/IO, GM significantly increased, and dominant side ES significantly decreased after pelvic floor muscle contraction training (p <0.05). There was no significant difference in the EMG activity of the dominant side HM following pelvic floor muscle training. Both the anterior pelvic tilt angle and pelvic rotation angle significantly decreased compared to before training (p < 0.05). Conclusions Pelvic floor muscle training using pressure biofeedback increases the muscle activation of the hip extensor muscles and decreases the muscle activation of the lumbar extensor muscles during prone hip extension exercise. Additionally, pelvic floor muscle training reduces pelvic movement, reducing unwanted compensatory movement. Therefore, pelvic floor muscle training using a pressure biofeedback unit is an effective training method to increase lumbopelvic stability and reduce pelvic compensation during lower extremity movement.

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장예은,양종민,이상민,서해니,고민주. (2024).압력 바이오 피드백을 이용한 골반 바닥근 수축 훈련이 엎드려 엉덩관절 폄 시 엉덩관절과 몸통 근육 근활성도와 골반 움직임에 미치는 영향. 한국임상움직임치료학회지, 4 (1), 29-36


장예은,양종민,이상민,서해니,고민주. "압력 바이오 피드백을 이용한 골반 바닥근 수축 훈련이 엎드려 엉덩관절 폄 시 엉덩관절과 몸통 근육 근활성도와 골반 움직임에 미치는 영향." 한국임상움직임치료학회지, 4.1(2024): 29-36

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