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프레이리 관점에 기반한 비판적 읽기 수업 사례 -초등 2학년을 대상으로-

이용수 101

Examples of Critical Reading Instruction Based on the Freire Perspective: For 2nd grade elementary school students
한국교원대학교 초등교육연구소
남진선 이경화
간행물 정보
『초등교과교육연구』제39호, 45~63쪽, 전체 19쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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1:1 문의
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The purpose of this study is to apply critical reading lessons to second-year elementary school students and find out their responses based on Paulo Freire's perspective. To this end, this study examined the relationship between Freire's perspective and critical reading, and explored critical reading strategies. Critical reading strategies include problem-posing strategies and other perspective strategies. This study selected 3 alternative texts that broke common sense and provided various perspectives for 23 2nd grade elementary school children. The alternative texts are Aesop's fable <고양이 목에 방울 달기>, fairy tale <고양이 목에 방울 달기>, and fairy tale <라면 한 줄>. The critical reading model is ‘thinking-sharing-expanding’. In the step of thinking, the teacher set up scaffolding by demonstrating the critical reading strategy through ‘think aloud’. In the step of sharing, the alternative text cover and contents were compared. And various thoughts were expressed through the ‘reading-pausing-drawing’ activity. In the stage of expanding, students rewrite the three stories by applying activity of replacing the elements of those stories. Through this study, it was found that elementary school students can read books from various perspectives and grow as a agentic reader. It was also found that they became interested in reading books.


Ⅰ. 프레이리 관점과 비판적 읽기
Ⅱ. 비판적 읽기 전략
Ⅲ. 비판적 읽기를 위한 수업 설계
Ⅳ. 비판적 읽기 수업 실행
Ⅴ. 결론
참고 문헌


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남진선, 이경화. (2023).프레이리 관점에 기반한 비판적 읽기 수업 사례 -초등 2학년을 대상으로-. 초등교과교육연구, (), 45-63


남진선, 이경화. "프레이리 관점에 기반한 비판적 읽기 수업 사례 -초등 2학년을 대상으로-." 초등교과교육연구, (2023): 45-63

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