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출산전후의 우울과 불안의 비교

이용수 16

Comparison of Depression and Anxiety between Prepartum and Postpartum
이성인 이병관 김임
간행물 정보
『신경정신의학』제29권 제2호, 320~333쪽, 전체 14쪽
의약학 > 정신과학

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The aim this study was to compare changes in prepartum and postpartum depressions and state-trait anxieties, to find out correlations betwween these changes and various factors that were assumed to influence them, and to predict which pregnant women would be at risk for depressed mood after delivery. The subjuct of the study were the 115 maternity patients of Presbyterian Medical Center to whom the test was given before delivery and 10 days after delivery, but only 61 women completed the second test. The instrument used in this study were the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (H DRS) and the Beck Depression Inventory (B D I) to measure depression, and the State-Trait Anxiery Inventory(STAI) to measure anxiety. Major findings of this study are as follows : 24.5% of women showed depressed mood before delivery, and 24.5% of women showed depressed mood after delivery, and only 8% of women who did not have depression before delivery showed significant degrees of depression after delivery on BDI, On HDRS, 14.7% and 24.5% of women showed depressed mood before and after delivery, respectively, and only 14.7% of women who did not have depression before delivery showed significant degrees of depression after delivery. But there were no significant differences between prepartum and postpartum depressions and state-trait anxieties. Women who showed significant degree of postpartum depression had signigicantly high degree of state anxiety before delivery. Factors that showed statictically significant correlations are : Multipara was correlated with relatively high degrees of depression •• Low economic status was significantly correlated with prepartum depression : Unhappy marital relation was correlated with high degrees of prepartum and postpartum depressions and prepartum trait anxiety, but it was not correlated with sexual satisfaction: women who had not wanted pregnancy showed high degree of postpartum depression : And significant level of depression was correlated with forcep delivery Women’s post psychiatric history was correlated with prepateum trait anxiery. No significant correlations, however, was found between women’s age and education level, religion, baby’s sexes, psychological shocks or environmental stresses, postpartum comlication, feeding method and prepartum or postpartum anxiety and depression.


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이성인,이병관,김임. (1990).출산전후의 우울과 불안의 비교. 신경정신의학, 29 (2), 320-333


이성인,이병관,김임. "출산전후의 우울과 불안의 비교." 신경정신의학, 29.2(1990): 320-333

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