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主婦中心으로 본 傳統農家의 變化過程 - 1950年代 이후 平澤郡 梧城面의 農家의 안방을 중심으로 -

이용수 2

The changing process of the traditional farm house according to the house wife's view point - Traditional farm house anbang centered study after 1950 in Kyongki province -
가톨릭대학교 생활과학연구소
고도임(Koh Do Yim)
간행물 정보
『생활과학연구논집』제13권 제1호, 125~153쪽, 전체 29쪽
자연과학 > 생활/식품과학

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1:1 문의
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The purpose of this study was to find out the physical change of the farm house and its anbang(the main room: master bed room), to identify the behavioral changes : activity and awareness of anbang, and so to clarify the relationship between changes of housing life-stly in the anbang space. Bibliographical studies, cultural approaches and field survey method with questionnaire were used to collect data from 55 residents of Anwhari and Yangkyori in Pyong Teck Koon. Tables and drawings were made to analyze the data. The major finding were 1) the heating system of the ondol anbang. The most popular type is the double heating system(new pipes added to the traditional ondol). This combination ondol system brought some conviniences to the farmers. This change in structure of the ondol were of four types: Complete change in style, enlarged-completely changed style, partially changed style, enlarged-partially changed style. 2) from 1960 through 1970 lighting of the anbang changed from oil lamp to electricity. 3) the finishing material of the anbang floor changed from traditional oil paper and staw mats to vinyl flooring. 4) Traditional furniture and small decor items are gradually disappearing and are being replaced by modern item. 5) The awareness and actual use of the ondol anbang has not much changed from the multi-functional and scared space of daily living : wich are the characteristics of Korean traditional ondol anbang. The biggest consistency in the ondol anbang is the heating systemof the floor, which is the charactistic of ondol culture in Korea. This system will continue regradless of time and place in Korea.


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 연구방법
IV. 조사결과 및 논의
V. 결론 및 제언


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고도임(Koh Do Yim). (1993).主婦中心으로 본 傳統農家의 變化過程 - 1950年代 이후 平澤郡 梧城面의 農家의 안방을 중심으로 -. 생활과학연구논집, 13 (1), 125-153


고도임(Koh Do Yim). "主婦中心으로 본 傳統農家의 變化過程 - 1950年代 이후 平澤郡 梧城面의 農家의 안방을 중심으로 -." 생활과학연구논집, 13.1(1993): 125-153

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