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세종시 연기지역 불상군(佛像群)의 보수성과 진보성, 〈정안면 삼존불비상(三尊佛碑像)〉

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New and Old of ‘Yeongi Region Buddhist Image Group’ and
동국대학교 박물관
임영애(Young-ae Lim)
간행물 정보
『佛敎美術』第36號, 7~32쪽, 전체 26쪽
예술체육 > 미술

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

This study examines the Buddhist Stele of the Buddha Triad, housed in the Dongguk University Museum in Seoul. The stele depicts a Buddha triad, with a central seated Buddha flanked by two standing bodhisattvas in a composition of relative simplicity. Crafted from talc, a relatively soft stone, its modest size suggests that it was intended for indoor enshrinement. A total of seven similar steles have been discovered in the same region, collectively referred to as the 'Yeongi Region Buddhist Image Group.' While the Buddhist Stele of the Buddha Triad lacks an inscription, other steles in this group bear sexagenary cycle dates, suggesting a production period in the late seventh century. However, this stele presents an interplay of both archaic and innovative stylistic elements. Its archaic features, such as the Buddha's robe style and the X-shaped drapery of the bodhisattvas, suggest affinities with sixth-century prototypes. Conversely, the two-tiered lotus pedestal and the depiction of the Buddha's crossed legs, which are exposed in a seated position, align with stylistic developments observed in the Silla royal capital in the late seventh century. The Buddhist Stele of the Buddha Triad is a key example illustrating that, in the late 7th century, Baekje remnants residing in the Yeongi region of Sejong City produced a duality in their sculptural style, combining both conservative elements with some progressive forms. While some new styles were adopted in the Yeongi region, it is a valuable reference showing that, in contrast to the Silla capital, this area continued to preserve traditional forms for over a century after the fall of Baekje.

영문 초록


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 고식(古式)과 신식(新式)의 연기지역 불상군(佛像群)
Ⅲ. 연기지역 불상군으로서 〈정안면 삼존불비상〉의 특징, 존명, 기능
Ⅳ. 맺음말


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임영애(Young-ae Lim). (2025).세종시 연기지역 불상군(佛像群)의 보수성과 진보성, 〈정안면 삼존불비상(三尊佛碑像)〉. 佛敎美術, (), 7-32


임영애(Young-ae Lim). "세종시 연기지역 불상군(佛像群)의 보수성과 진보성, 〈정안면 삼존불비상(三尊佛碑像)〉." 佛敎美術, (2025): 7-32

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