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생활시간조사를 활용한 시간활동양상별 대구광역시 초미세먼지(PM2.5) 흡입 노출 및 기여율 평가

이용수 16

Assessment of PM2.5 Inhalation Exposure and Contribution Rates in Daegu Based on Time-Activity Patterns from a Time-Use Survey
이상훈(Sanghoon Lee) 신지훈(Jihun Shin) 최영태(Youngtae Choe) 김대환(Daehwan Kim) 류현수(Hyeonsu Ryu) 조만수(Mansu Cho) 김정(Jeong Kim)민기홍(Gihong Min) 양원호(Wonho Yang) 1,
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제50권 제6호, 387~400쪽, 전체 14쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Background: People typically move around rather than remaining in a single microenvironment, leading to diverse activity patterns. Since PM2.5 concentrations vary depending on these time-activity patterns, exposure assessment based on time-activity patterns is necessary. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess exposure and contribution rates based on activity patterns according to time-activity patterns, aiming to identify behaviors associated with high exposure levels. Methods: This study analyzed the weekday time-activity patterns of 1,718 respondents in Daegu using data from the 2019 Time-Use Survey by Statistics Korea. The respondents were clustered, and occupational groups were estimated by conducting a frequency analysis of sociodemographic factors. Location and behavior data were collected at 10-minute intervals, followed by exposure scenario construction and active simulations. When calculating the exposure and contribution rates of PM2.5, the Korean exposure factors handbook was used to account for inhalation rates. Results: Based on the results of exposure contribution assessment through active simulations, the average concentration by behavior was low for security work (4.99 μg/m3) and meals at school (5.05 μg/m3). In contrast, work at barbecue restaurants and meal preparation showed high concentrations of 350.46 μg/m3 and 54.74 μg/m3, respectively. The contribution rates were highest for barbecue restaurant work (68.75%), meal preparation (32.01%), manufacturing work (21.33%), drinking (16.62%), and eating at restaurants (15.22%). When exposure times were short but involved high-concentration sources, contribution rates increased. Conclusions: Although exposure durations were short, work (barbecue restaurant) and meal preparation had the highest contribution rates due to high-concentration sources. When exposure times were short but involved high-concentration sources, contribution rates increased. Although cleaning was expected to have a high contribution rate, its impact was minimal. This study can help identify and prioritize behaviors for reducing PM2.5 concentrations.

영문 초록


I. 서 론
II. 재료 및 방법
III. 결 과
IV. 고 찰
V. 결 론
감사의 글
Conflict of Interest


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이상훈(Sanghoon Lee),신지훈(Jihun Shin),최영태(Youngtae Choe),김대환(Daehwan Kim),류현수(Hyeonsu Ryu),조만수(Mansu Cho),김정(Jeong Kim)민기홍(Gihong Min),양원호(Wonho Yang) 1, . (2024).생활시간조사를 활용한 시간활동양상별 대구광역시 초미세먼지(PM2.5) 흡입 노출 및 기여율 평가. 한국환경보건학회지, 50 (6), 387-400


이상훈(Sanghoon Lee),신지훈(Jihun Shin),최영태(Youngtae Choe),김대환(Daehwan Kim),류현수(Hyeonsu Ryu),조만수(Mansu Cho),김정(Jeong Kim)민기홍(Gihong Min),양원호(Wonho Yang) 1, . "생활시간조사를 활용한 시간활동양상별 대구광역시 초미세먼지(PM2.5) 흡입 노출 및 기여율 평가." 한국환경보건학회지, 50.6(2024): 387-400

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