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The comparison of pre-class learning effect on Thai undergraduates’ academic performance, speaking self-efficacy, and speaking anxiety in the flipped learning applied Korean classes

이용수 2

경희대학교 언어정보연구소
Chun-Ye Kim
간행물 정보
『언어연구』제41권 Special Edition, 157~183쪽, 전체 27쪽
인문학 > 언어학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

This study sought to compare the effects of PLP (Pre-class LearningPerformance) on academic performance, speaking self-efficacy, and speaking anxiety inthe Flipped Learning (FL)-applied Korean language classes. Beginner-level Thai KFLlearners (N=76) were recruited from Korean 1 course at a university in Thailand. Aftertraditional classes were implemented during the first half of the semester, academicperformance and the surveys of speaking self-efficacy and speaking anxiety wereundertaken for pre-tests. After FL was applied during the second half of the semester,the participants were divided into 2 groups according to the quiz scores from PLP. At the end of the semester, post-tests were implemented, and the results were analyzedby one-way ANCOVA. Group A with an adequate level of PLP outperformed in thewritten tests with a statistically significant level [F (1,73)=6.900, p=.010] whereas thespeaking test was nullified due to the violation of assumptions. Group A demonstrateda significant decrease in speaking anxiety [F (1,73)=4.776, p=.032], while speakingself-efficacy did not show a difference between groups. This result implies that despitethe short period of applying FL, the adequate level of PLP enabled the learners tooutperform in the written tests. The effect of PLP on diminishing speaking anxietyshould be noted by teachers so that they may put an adequate focus on managingpre-class learning in FL to optimize learning atmospheres.

영문 초록


1. Introduction
2. Literature review
3. Research methodology
4. Findings
5. Discussion and conclusion


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Chun-Ye Kim. (2024).The comparison of pre-class learning effect on Thai undergraduates’ academic performance, speaking self-efficacy, and speaking anxiety in the flipped learning applied Korean classes. 언어연구, (), 157-183


Chun-Ye Kim. "The comparison of pre-class learning effect on Thai undergraduates’ academic performance, speaking self-efficacy, and speaking anxiety in the flipped learning applied Korean classes." 언어연구, (2024): 157-183

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