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문법 의식 고양 과제를 기반으로 한 교수·학습 자료 개발에 관한 연구

이용수 14

Investigation about development of teaching and learning materials based on grammar consciousness-raising tasks
김지은(Ji-Eun Kim)
간행물 정보
『Foreign Languages Education』Vol.31 No.2, 79~102쪽, 전체 24쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

The objective of this study is to examine ways to develop and design actual teaching and learning materials based on grammar consciousness-raising tasks. In our country, unlike in the field of English or Korean language education as a foreign language, in the area of Spanish education there is very little research on grammar consciousness-raising tasks and there is no research on the development of teaching and learning materials. Therefore, this study was focused on teaching Spanish as a foreign language. First of all, we looked at the concept and characteristics of the grammar consciousness-raising tasks, their pros and cons, and the expected effects of introducing these tasks into domestic Spanish education. Afterwards, we set the teaching and learning model based on the grammar consciousness-raising tasks and looked at things to be careful about when designing tasks corresponding to each stage. Based on this, we created actual teaching and learning materials. We hope that this study will serve as a reference and that research on grammar consciousness-raising tasks will be actively conducted in domestic Spanish education, and that materials will be developed with more diverse language items. El objetivo de este estudio es examinar formas de desarrollar materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje basados en las tareas gramaticales y diseñar materiales reales. En nuestro país, a diferencia de la enseñanza del idioma inglés o coreano como lengua extranjera, existe muy poca investigación sobre las tareas gramaticales en el ámbito de la enseñanza de la lengua española, y no existe investigación sobre el desarrollo de materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Por ello, este estudio se centró en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. En primer lugar, analizamos el concepto y las características de las tareas gramaticales, sus ventajas y desventajas, y los efectos esperados al introducir estas tareas en la educación del español en el país. Posteriormente, configuramos el modelo de enseñanza y aprendizaje basado en las tareas gramaticales y analizamos los aspectos a tener en cuenta a la hora de diseñar las tareas correspondientes a cada etapa. Con base en esto, creamos materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje reales. Esperamos que este estudio sirva como referencia y que se lleven a cabo activamente investigaciones sobre las tareas gramaticales en la educación del español en nuestro país, y que se desarrollen materiales con elementos lingüísticos más diversos.

영문 초록


I. 서론
II. 문법 의식 고양 과제에 대한 이해
III. 문법 의식 고양 과제를 기반으로 한 교수·학습 자료 개발 방안
IV. 문법 의식 고양 과제를 기반으로 한 교수·학습 자료의 실제
V. 결론


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김지은(Ji-Eun Kim). (2024).문법 의식 고양 과제를 기반으로 한 교수·학습 자료 개발에 관한 연구. Foreign Languages Education, 31 (2), 79-102


김지은(Ji-Eun Kim). "문법 의식 고양 과제를 기반으로 한 교수·학습 자료 개발에 관한 연구." Foreign Languages Education, 31.2(2024): 79-102

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