Improving Brown Rice Quality: Genetic Analysis of Essential Minerals in Rice Ionome
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- 영문명
- Improving Brown Rice Quality: Genetic Analysis of Essential Minerals in Rice Ionome
- 발행기관
- 한국육종학회
- 저자명
- Junyong Choi Sang-Beom Lee Jae-Han Son Donghee Kim Yoonsung Lee Eok-Keun Ahn Woong-Jo Hyun Yong-Hee Jeon Yong-Jin Park Sang-Won Park
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국육종학회 학술발표회지』2024년 공동학술대회 발표집, 194~194쪽, 전체 1쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 기타농수해양
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.06.26
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- Fine mapping of qBK1Z for Bakanae disease resistance derived from Zenith in rice
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- Effect of Organic Acid Foliar Applications on Heat and Drought Stress in Soybean (Glycine max L.)
- 베타글루칸 함량이 높고 쓰러짐에 강한 겉보리 신품종 ‘베타헬스’
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- Variety of maize for silage with stable production capability and adaptability to paddy field ‘Kwangpyeongok 2’
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- Association analysis of yield-related traits in rice with the introduction of brown planthopper resistance genes
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- Isolation of an EMS-induced mutant exhibiting elevated levels of Ab-g saponin in soybean
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- Unraveling resistance to Phytophthora sojae through genome-wide association and linkage analysis in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]
- 국내 기후변화에 따른 밀 농업형질 변화 분석
- Development of CAPS marker for anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes in soybean (Glycine max. L).
- Evaluating Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Germplasm for breeding material utilization
- Reaction of Korean soybean cultivars to salt stress
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- Optimizing rice yield with reduced nitrogen fertilization: A haplotype study using rice 225 genetic sources
- Strategies for enhancing salt tolerance in rice seeding: utilizing GWAS and CRISPR/Cas9 for functional analysis of key genes
- Investigating Genetic Diversity and Drought Stress Response in Wild Soybean Using Multi-Omics Approaches
- Comprehensive Analysis of Secondary Metabolites in High and Low Leaves of Non-Purpling and Purpling Leaf Soybean Varieties
- 감자재배 시 토양 수분함량 변화에 따른 생육 및 수량성 분석
- 조기 및 이모작 재배안정성이 우수한 벼 ‘조명1호’
- 밥맛, 도정률, 수량성이 우수한 중만생 벼 ‘새청무’
- Effect of Low-Temperature Storage of Rice Panicle on Pre-Harvest Sprouting Rate
- In rice, The PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE-LIKE 7 (PHL7) that Mediate Phosphate Homeostasis and Effects to Salt Stress Tolerance
- The GWAS analysis revealed genetic loci conferring tolerance to nitrogen deficiency in a population of North Korean rice
- GWAS and haplotype analysis identified candidate genes for salt stress tolerance in the NK rice population
- 착협고가 높고 쓰러짐과 탈립에 강한 나물용 콩 품종 ‘해찬’
- 고밀식 재배용 단간종 수박 ‘그린부시’ 육성
- Role of INDETERMINATE DOMAIN (IDD) transcription factors in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
- Allelism tests of three sources for resistance to gummy stem blight (GSB) in watermelon
- Association Study of Agronomic and Oil Traits in Gamma-Ray-Derived Mutant Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing
- 국내 육성 사과 중생 품종의 자가불화합성 유전자형
- 적색배 ‘중모적색일호’ 육성
- 고색도 고추 ‘DR103’ 육성
- Development of HRM Markers for Genetic-Male Sterility ms3 in Chili Pepper by SNPs Using Next-Generation Resequencing
- Genetic Analysis of Bacterial Wilt Resistance in F2 Segregant Populations of Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) through Bioassay with Three Isolates of Ralstonia solanacearum
- Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Revealed Differentially Expressed Pectate Lyase Genes Related to Fruit Softening in Cultivated Strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa)
- 기계학습을 이용한 고추의 토마토반점위조바이러스 저항성 평가
- 기후변화 대응 배추 육종 소재 개발 및 내서성 평가 기술 연구
- 갓 소포자 배양을 통한 복이배체 집단 개발 및 안토시아닌 유전 분석
- CRISPR/Cas9-edited SPL-CNR quantitatively control tomato fruit ripening 343
- 양파 웅성불임 유전자형 분석 분자표지를 활용하여 선발한 조생 양파 신품종 ‘봄이랑’ 육성
- Effects of heat shock transcription factor expression and growth treated by trehalose solution on strawberry plants under high temperature stress
- Effects of soil irrigation of trehalose solution on strawberry growth during summer season
- Optimizing proton beam type for use in the mutation breeding of Brassicaceae crops
- Identification of the plant U-box proteins involved in heat stress response in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
- Optimizing tomato stem length for vertical farming by editing gibberellin biosynthetic genes
- Development of Compact Tomatoes for Vertical Farming through CRISPR-Targeted Gibberellin Biosynthesis Gene Editing
- Functional characterization of a heat-induced bolting gene under high temperature conditions
- 고구마 삽식시기에 따른 생육초기 저온 피해가 수확기 괴근 발달에 미치는 영향
- Development of a New Pollinator Apple Variety, ‘Starbell’
- 최고품질 중생종 복숭아 ‘미소향’ 육성
- 극만생종 백육계 복숭아 ‘만월’ 육성
- 과즙이 풍부하고 당도가 높은 플럼코트 ‘아람’
- Phytohormone signaling mediated regulation of plant development by CaNAC06 transcription factor
- Analyzing morphological variation of cultivated and weedy Perilla accessions based on collection sites in Korea
- Phylogenetic analysis based on morphological traits and aromatic components for cultivated and weedy types of Perilla crop
- Association mapping analysis of morpho-agronomic traits and leaf volatiles in three types of Perilla crop using SSR markers
- 헴프 생식생장 중기에 수꽃 전환 시약 Silver thiosulfate(STS) 처리의 이용가능성
- 헴프 SuperwomanS1의 돌연변이 선별 및 유전자적 특징
- Effects on propagation efficiency of cannabis(Cannabis sativa L.) by management of mother plant and taking times of cutting slips
- Evaluation of antioxidant activity and potential as a biomaterial of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) leaf extract according to ethanol content
- Unlocking Plant Genetic Diversity: From Collection to Plastome Analysis of Functional Bioresources from Batan Island, Province of Batanes, Philippines
- A sesame variety ‘YoungWoong’ with high yield and phytophthora blight disease resistance
- Diversity and Correlation among Agronomic Traits and Antioxidant Properties in Sesame Germplasm from Africa and Asia
- Development and application of Molecular Markers for Authentication of Five Paeonia Species
- Development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to reveal genetic diversity among Trichosanthes kirilowii
- Effects of Hormone Treatment on Cannabinoid Content in Female Inflorescences of Hemp
- A Runner Type High Oleate Peanut Variety ’UdoOle-1’, Suitable for Cultivation in Jeju
- Development of Novel Genomic SSR Markers for Genetic Diversity Analyses in Korean Native Centella asiatica
- Comparison of genetic stability in tissue culture and conventional propagation of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)
- The complete chloroplast genome and comparative analysis of five Eleutherococcus genus plants used as traditional medicines
- Selection of pine wilt disease tolerant individuals through artificial inoculation of pine wilt nematodes in P. densiflora
- A Pinus strobus transcription factor PsbHLH1 activates the production of pinosylvin stilbenoids in transgenic Pinus koraiensis calli and tobacco leaves
- MYB4 is the best candidate transcription factor involved in pinosylvin stilbene biosynthesis in Pinus strobus L. cells by fungal elicitor treatment
- 산딸기(Rubus crataegifolius Bunge) 선발개체의 수확시기와 과실품질
- 한국 특산식물 섬나무딸기(Rubus takesimensis Nakai)의 선발개체의 과실 품질
- Metabolites Analysis of Phenolic Compounds in Fruit of Actinidia arguta
- GC-MS-based Metabolite Changes in ‘Autumn Sense’ Hardy Kiwi (Actinidia arguta) Fruit as during Fruit Ripening
- Harnessing the Genetic Landscape of Starch Branching Enzyme 1: Genetic Variations and Haplotypes of the SBE1 Gene in Korean rice collection
- Understand the impact of PHOSPOLIPASE A gene editing on soybean seed metabolite composition and implications for quality improvement
- 전사체 분석 및 ortholog를 활용한 콩 습해 스트레스 연관 유전자 식별
- Development of Species-Specific qPCR Markers for Discrimination between Petasites japonicus and Farfugium japonicum Using Real-Time PCR Analysis
- Assessing Climate Adaptability and Productivity of Traditional and New Rice Varieties in South Korea's Central Region (2016-2023)
- Variation of growth and ripening of early maturing rice cultivars depending on weather conditions in north central area of Korea
- GIGANTEA mutations vis CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing can improve productivity and tolerance to heat stress in Chinese cabbage
- Establishment of mutant pool related to nitrogen use efficiency by gene editing
- Quantitative Trait Loci and Candidate Genes related to Seed Protein and Soluble Sugar Contents in Two Recombinant Inbred Line Populations of Soybean
- Utilization of Genomic Information to Enhance Pear Breeding
- Genome-Wide Association Study of Root Structure Architecture in Capsicum annuum
- Identification of New Model Plants for Breeding of Native Plant-Based Garden Plant Materials to Adapt to the New Climate Regime
- 절간이 짧은 생력형 수박 ‘부시꿀’ 육성
- Genome-Wide Association Study of Cowpea Leaf Vegetation Indices Using Hyperspectral Data
- 이모작에 적합한 내탈립 대립 콩 품종 ‘이음올’
- Standardization of Phenomic Big Data and Integration of Genomic AI Technology for the Transition to Digital Breeding
- Discrimination of soybean organs using deep-learning techniques and morphological analysis of leaf shape characteristics
- Application of Deep learning Technology for Detecting Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]
- Current Research Status of Brachypodium sylvaticum and Setaria viridis as Model Plants in the family Poaceae
- Generation and RNA-seq of SISGR-Knockout Null Lines Using the CRISPR/Cas9 System in Tomato
- Generation of the sg-5/sg-9 double mutant using CRISPR/Cas9 system in soybean
- Increased Grain Yields and Improved Salt Tolerance through the Regulation of a Transcription Factor in Rice
- Virus-induced Gene Editing (VIGE) Technology for Stable Genetic Modifications in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
- Development and validation of KASP markers related to heading date in Avena sativa L.
- Identification of molecular mechanisms related to salt tolerance in cowpeas
- Genome-wide association study of soybean canopy wilting under drought stress
- Strengthening Rice Blast Resistance: Exploring Genetic Variations and Expression Patterns
- Association mapping of seed related traits in Perilla using GBS-GWAS approach
- Ultra-fast Genotyping of 855 Soybean Resources by a supercomputer
- Identification and molecular characterization of E1, a soybean floral repressor, homologous gene in mungbean
- ‘Yeorihyang’, A Rice Variety with Low Amylose Content and a Savory Aroma
- QTL analysis for yield-related traits using the recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between ‘Chamdongjin’ and ‘Younghojinmi’
- Effective strategy for developing near isogenic line using Target Captured Sequencing in rice
- Establishment of Reliable method for Qualitative and Quantitative Identification of Soybean 11S and 7S Proteins by RP-UPLC
- Effects of Gamma Irradiation on the Survival Rate and Growth Characteristics of Different Sweetpotato Cultivars
- SNP exploration based on wheat ear length comparison after salt and drought stress treatment
- QTL analysis of yield-related traits using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between ‘Carnaroli’ and ‘IS592BB’ for breeding risotto rice varieties
- Influence of Artificial Rainfall on Grain Quality and Baking Properties of Wheat
- Development of drought-tolerant transgenic soybean by introducing rice DIAT gene
- Participatory variety development: ‘Dalmalgeun’, A premium rice variety for local rice brand in Asan City, Korea
- Development of a Genetic Marker for the Selection of the Functional badh2.10 Allele in Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Increased Tissue Succulence Improves Plant Biomass and Heat Stress Tolerance in Oilseed Camelina sativa L.
- ‘Gangdacham’, salt tolerant high biomass mid-late maturing whole crop silage rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar harboring Saltol QTL with multiple disease-insect resistance.
- 내한성, 내도복 강화 다수성 조생 트리티케일 ‘신조성’
- GABA Mediated Tolerance to Copper Phytotoxicity Through Improved Growth, Antioxidant System, and Genes Regulation in Rice
- Comparative Transcriptome Analysis and Identification of Key Genes Relate to Senescence In Soybean
- Genetic mapping of novel quantitative resistance loci to Venturia nashicola in pear
- Identification of a candidate gene for the I locus determining the dominant white bulb color in onion (Allium cepa L.)
- Identification of Genomic Regions Associated with Powdery Mildew Resistance in Watermelon Using QTL Analysis
- Production and Feed Value in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Mutant Lines Derived from Gamma-ray
- Evaluation of Monoembryony and Polyembryony in Citrus Genetic Resources through Phenotypic Investigation
- Identification of QTLs Associated with Sugar Components in Genetic Population Derived from a Cross Between ‘Manpungbae’ and ‘Oharabeni’ (Pyrus spp.)
- Bioactive Properties in Amaranth Germplasm: Comprehensive Analysis of Antioxidant Constituents and Activities
- Molecular fingerprinting and genetic diversity evaluation of major cultivars in Hibiscus syriacus L. by both nSSR markers and ploidy testing
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