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≪다신계≫의 전승과 후예

이용수 4

The transmission and descendant of Dashingye
박희준(Heejune Park)
간행물 정보
『한국차문화』제9집, 63~107쪽, 전체 45쪽
사회과학 > 사회과학일반

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1:1 문의
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This paper looked at the production of tea and tea manufacturing method shown in Dashingye through literature review based on the existing research results from the details of Dashingye. Focusing on the phenomenon of tea culture in Gangjin where it is very active today, we looked at until when the promise to send tea to Dasan was made through Dashingye that Dasan had left and how the spiritual intangible heritage indicating that trust was formed while such a promise was being kept and the intangible heritage of tea manufacturing method in this transmission process shown in Dashingye was inherited or succeeded in Gangjin. Today, the descendents who inherited the spiritual intangible heritage shown in Dashingye are Yun Jae-chan, Yang Gwang-sik who follows him, and many tea enjoyers in Gangjin. But, the person who kept the tradition of tea culture in Dashingye until 1930, revived the culture in the 1950s, and revealed to us in 1970s, and handed down Dasan’s tea aroma and tea spirit even until today is Nakchon Yun Jae-chan who lived in Gyuldong, Gangjin. He is the last follower who handed down the spirit of Dashingye. The industrial transmission of intangible heritage of Dashingye does not precede the spiritual cultural transmission. The culture that is not based on industry is like a house on the sand. The starting point is the restoration of ‘Baegunokpancha’ that started from 2007 and that of Dasan tteokcha started from 2014. Gangjin has the widest tea garden in nature around the country. It is also the only place where Gangjin handmade wild tea show is being held. Like Dasan opened a new start for our tea industry, we also need to recognize the history and environmental value of tea that Gangjin has. If Gangjin tea enjoyers become Dasan in this era with those around the country, it is no doubt that our tea culture industry will take on a new trajectory escaping from the slowdown phase.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 본론
Ⅲ. 나가는 말


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박희준(Heejune Park). (2018).≪다신계≫의 전승과 후예. 한국차문화, (), 63-107


박희준(Heejune Park). "≪다신계≫의 전승과 후예." 한국차문화, (2018): 63-107

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