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식ㆍ의약 위해 감시체계(K-RISS)의 우선순위 평가를 위한 시계열 구조변화 기반 기준선 설정 모델 개발

이용수 136

Development of a Baseline Setting Model Based on Time Series Structural Changes for Priority Assessment in the Korea Risk Information Surveillance System (K-RISS)
진현정 허성윤 이헌주 장보윤
간행물 정보
『한국환경보건학회지』제50권 제2호, 125~137쪽, 전체 13쪽
공학 > 환경공학

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Background: The Korea Risk Information Surveillance System (K-RISS) was developed to enable the early detection of food and drug safety-related issues. Its goal is to deliver real-time risk indicators generated from ongoing food and drug risk monitoring. However, the existing K-RISS system suffers under several limitations. Objectives: This study aims to augment K-RISS with more detailed indicators and establish a severity standard that takes into account structural changes in the daily time series of K-RISS values. Methods: First, a Delphi survey was conducted to derive the required weights. Second, a control chart, commonly used in statistical process controls, was utilized to detect outliers and establish caution, attention, and serious levels for K-RISS values. Furthermore, Bai and Perron’s method was employed to determine structural changes in K-RISS time series. Results: The study incorporated ‘closeness to life’ and ‘sustainability’ indicators into K-RISS. It obtained the necessary weights through a survey of experts for integrating variables, combining indicators by data source, and aggregating sub K-RISS values. We defined caution, attention, and serious levels for both average and maximum values of daily K-RISS. Furthermore, when structural changes were detected, leading to significant variations in daily K-RISS values according to different periods, the study systematically verified these changes and derived respective severity levels for each period. Conclusions: This study enhances the existing K-RISS system and introduces more advanced indicators. K-RISS is now more comprehensively equipped to serve as a risk warning index. The study has paved the way for an objective determination of whether the food safety risk index surpasses predefined thresholds through the application of severity levels.

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진현정,허성윤,이헌주,장보윤. (2024).식ㆍ의약 위해 감시체계(K-RISS)의 우선순위 평가를 위한 시계열 구조변화 기반 기준선 설정 모델 개발. 한국환경보건학회지, 50 (2), 125-137


진현정,허성윤,이헌주,장보윤. "식ㆍ의약 위해 감시체계(K-RISS)의 우선순위 평가를 위한 시계열 구조변화 기반 기준선 설정 모델 개발." 한국환경보건학회지, 50.2(2024): 125-137

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