우리나라 맥류 육종 연구 발자취
이용수 0
- 영문명
- Achievment of Winter Cereal Crop Breeding in Korea
- 발행기관
- 한국육종학회
- 저자명
- 최재성 박기훈 현종내 김양길 이미자 한옥규 박태일 정영근 김기종 김정곤
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국육종학회 학술발표회지』2009년 학술대회 발표집, 25~26쪽, 전체 2쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 기타농수해양
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2009.07.01
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- Analysis of the essential oil from aerial part of Perilla frutescens (L.) by gas chromatography with electron impact mass spectrometry
- 우리나라 약용작물 품종개발 현황
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- Isolation and identification of Phomopsis seed decay in Korean soybean
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- 한국, 중국 및 미국 콩 유전자원의 지방과 지방산 변이
- Genetic resource of salt tolerance at germination and seedling stages in wild barley (Hordeum vulgare L.ssp. spontaneum) germplasm
- Association of Allelic Variations and End-Use Properties of Flour in Korean Wheat Cultivars
- Association of Allelic Variations and Physicochemical Properties of Flour in Korean Wheat Cultivars
- Development of a black seed soybean line with extremely high isoflavone content
- 고효율 형질전환 플랫폼을 활용한 신기능성 작물 개발
- In Vitro Regeneration and Agrobacterium Transformation of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) using Leaf Piece Explants
- Over-expression of Rice Starch Branching Enzyme 1 (RBE1) Results in Low Amylose Content in Brown Rice
- Proteomics analysis of wheat-rye translocation lines: Characterization of stress resistance proteinsProteomics analysis of wheat-rye translocation lines: Characterization of stress resistance proteins
- Characterization and map-based cloning of the EP3 gene controlling panicle erectness in rice
- A New Early-Heading and High-Yielding Forage Winter Oat Cultivar, ‘Punghan’
- Development of a Near Isogenic Line “Milyang244” with Enhanced Resistance to Panicle Blast Disease Using DNA Marker in Rice
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- ‘Pinklight’, A New Saxifraga fortunei Cultivar with Light Pink Colored Petals for Pot
- ‘Banggry’, A New Asiatic Lily Cultivar with Yellow Colored Petals for Cutting
- 방사선처리에 의한 유채의 단간・조숙 변이체 선발
- Characterization of the main effects, epistatic effects and their interactions of QTL for yield traits in rice
- 우리나라 맥류 육종 연구 발자취
- 한국 화훼육종 30년의 성과와 금후 전략
- 동아시아에서 들깨와 차조기 작물의 유전적 변이
- Origin of off-type rice plants collected from farmer’s field
- 국내육성 벼 품종의 주요 작물학적 특성지배 대립인자군 구명을 위한 전자핵산지문 DB구축과 운용
- Fine mapping of grain weight QTLs using near isogenic lines from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. grandiglumis
- 간편식용으로 적합한 벼 품종선발 및 품질특성 구명
- C3G색소 고함유 계통벼의 안토시아닌 생합성 특징과 기능
- IFS1, 2 유전자 도입 형질전환 벼의 이소플라본 생성량의 연차간 변이
- OsPT transgenic rice with enhanced ability of uptake phosphate from soil
- SCB액비 처리에 따른 밤나무의 생장 특성
- 답리작 적응 양질 다수성 유채 신품종 “신성”
- 청보리 신품종「영한」의 농업적 특성
- Identification of a gene contributing to the pod dehiscence using candidate gene approach in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]
- 다수성 흰 찰옥수수 “대덕 1호”에 대한 식미관련 형질 및 주요 농업적 특성
- Near-Infrared Reflectance model for the rapid prediction of the functional chemical components in sorghum(Sorghum bicolor) germplasm of grain
- Rapid analysis of red bean and mung bean germpalsm for the protein and fatty acid of grain using near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRs)
- Plant Breeding in the 21st Century
- Development of a Basis of Marker-assisted Selection in BreedingDevelopment of a Basis of Marker-assisted Selection in Breeding
- 생명공학 기술에 의한 GM작물 개발
- 약용작물 생산동향과 발전 전망
- Characterization and genetic analysis of the embryo lethal mutant in rice
- Marker Development for Selection of Improved Eating Quality of Rice
- Isolation and characterization of a dwarf mutant osks2, showing defective gibberellins biosynthesis in rice
- Comparative Genome Analysis in Model and Crop Legumes: Towards the Application for the Crop Improvement
- Identification of a novel chimeric gene, orf725, and its use in development of a molecular marker for distinguishing among three cytoplasm types in onion (Allium cepa L.)
- Distribution of haplotypes associated with CMS and restoration of fertility among paprika lines for development of a sweet pepper CGMS/Rf system.
- 국화의 흰녹병 저항성 유전분석
- Characteristic Changes in Physicological Properties on Korean Brown Rice Cultivars under Germination during 2 Harvest Years
- Characterization of millet germpalsm for the total phenolics and phytosterol of grain using near-infrared spectroscopy(NIRs)
- Growth and Germination Characters of Orchardgrass Varieties to Different Irradiation Conditions
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- Expression analysis of genes related to abscisic acid biosynthesis and signaling in response to flooding stress in sweetpotato
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