Molecular Breast Imaging 검사 시 체온 변화에 따른 유방 섭취율에 관한 고찰
이용수 0
- 영문명
- Study on the Breast Tissue Uptake according to Body Temperature on Molecular Breast Imaging
- 발행기관
- 대한핵의학기술학회
- 저자명
- 김지현(Ji Hyun Kim) 백송이(Song Ee Baek) 오신현(Shin Hyun Oh) 함준철(Jun Cheol Ham) 강천구(Chun Goo Kang) 김재삼(Jae Sam Kim)
- 간행물 정보
- 『핵의학기술』Vol.23 No.2, 20~24쪽, 전체 5쪽
- 주제분류
- 의약학 > 방사선과학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2019.10.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
Purpose Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) scan is used in nuclear medicine, for which ⁹⁹ᵐTc-sestaMIBI is administered by intravenous injection. However, the breast uptake rate of ⁹⁹ᵐTc-sestaMIBI is less than 1% of the total dose administered, relying on blood flow conditions of organs. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of changes to body temperature on the uptake of ⁹⁹ᵐTc-sestaMIBI in breast tissue. Materials and Methods We investigated 30 breast cancer patients who performed more than one follow-up MBI scan. All scans were acquired by Discovery 750B (Genral Electric Healthcare, USA). ⁹⁹ᵐTc-sestaMIBI injected with 740 MBq (20 mCi), after 60 minutes, gained bilateral breast CC (CranioCaudal), MLO (Medio Lateral Oblique) View. The follow-up examination was then classified into 15 body temperature control group and 15 body temperature non-control group, and gained breast image in the same way as before. The breast uptake rate was analyzed in the MLO View of the opposite side of the lesion, and blind images were evaluated. Results The breast uptake rate increased by 30.31% in the body temperature control group and it was statistically significant(P<0.05), and 0.96% in the body temperature non-control group, and it was not statistically significant(P=0.955). There was a significant difference in the uptake rate between the body temperature control and the non-control group of P value of 0.01. Evaluation of blind images showed significant results in terms of the quality of the images. Conclusion Increased breast tissue uptake was observed when the subject was kept warm. When the body temperature was raised after injection, dilation of the peripheral blood vessels can be achieved. As a result, the blood flow became smooth and the breast uptake rate increased. In addition, an increase in breast tissue uptake will improve the quality of images.
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