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소비자의 도덕적 동기와 주행 거리가 전기 자동차의 유용성 지각 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향

이용수 86

Effects of Moral Motivation and Driving Distance on the Perceived Usefulness and Purchase Intention of Electric Vehicles
강원대학교 경영경제연구소
최민경(Min-Kyung Choy)
간행물 정보
『아태비즈니스연구』제14권 제4호, 163~174쪽, 전체 12쪽
인문학 > 문학

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Purpose - This study examines the effect of consumers' motivations on the perception and purchase intentions of electric cars. Specifically, it empirically analyzes how moral motivations based on personal environmental values and norms in car usage and purchasing influence the perceived usefulness and purchase intentions of electric cars. Furthermore, it investigates whether the influence of moral motivations on perceived usefulness and purchase intentions varies according to the user's driving characteristics. Design/methodology/approach - An online survey was conducted with 234 respondents, by setting criteria for participants as car owners or primary car users within their households, ensuring the sample composition was not biased in terms of the presence or absence of experience with eco-friendly cars. Findings - The research findings indicate that perceived usefulness mediates the effect of consumers' moral motivations on their intention to purchase electric cars. The results of the moderating effect of driving distance on perceived usefulness revealed a significant interaction effect; however, there was no significant interaction effect on purchase intentions. Specifically, for individuals with shorter driving distances, as consumers' moral motivations increase, their perception of the usefulness of electric cars also increases. In contrast, for those with longer driving distances, the increase in perceived usefulness due to moral motivations shows a decreasing trend. Research implications or Originality - This study considered individual driving characteristics that previous research on electric vehicle adoption overlooked, and suggested that setting specific communicating points for electric cars according to driving distance levels might be effective. Lastly, it proposes directions for future research that motivations influencing eco-friendly vehicle purchases may differ based on driving characteristics


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 및 연구 가설
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
Ⅳ. 실증분석 결과
Ⅴ. 결론


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최민경(Min-Kyung Choy). (2023).소비자의 도덕적 동기와 주행 거리가 전기 자동차의 유용성 지각 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향. 아태비즈니스연구, 14 (4), 163-174


최민경(Min-Kyung Choy). "소비자의 도덕적 동기와 주행 거리가 전기 자동차의 유용성 지각 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향." 아태비즈니스연구, 14.4(2023): 163-174

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