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기관의 성과, 수요분석 및 사후 논의

이용수 7

Study on Institutional Performance, and Demand Analysis and Follow-up Discussions
송건섭(Keonsup Song)
간행물 정보
『한국비교정부학보』제27권 제4호, 45~65쪽, 전체 21쪽
사회과학 > 행정학

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(Purpose) This study analyzed the efficiency/productivity of Autonomous County C by applying the Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) & Malmquist Productivity Index(MPI) technique. In addition, institutional demand was predicted through big data and issue keyword & network analysis. (Design/methodology/approach) Analysis indicators include the number of public officials, department budget, civil complaint processing, number of documents produced, number of meetings and committee operations, and amount of overtime. Keyword indicators include Autonomous County C, administrative environment, and demand. The analysis period is from January 1, 2020 to May 31, 2023. (Findings) The research results are summarized as follows. First, C County's DEA efficiency is 90%, and 15 out of 26 departments (57.7%) are above average. The MPI index fell by more than 20% in 2022/2023. Second, major issues in C County include agriculture, tourism and festivals, medical care and welfare, residential environment, public health, population and regional extinction, and local economy. The network is connected to rural economy, housing welfare, living environment, population and regional extinction, regional economy, etc. Third, in the post analysis, C County's appropriate size will achieve optimal efficiency through manpower and budget adjustments. In addition, there is a need to increase efficiency by considering C County's lifelong learning and education, cultural tourism, welfare, jobs, and attracting businesses. (Research implications or Originality) The implications of the study are as follows. C County must strive to improve the internal and external environments, policy changes, and technological development. Next, C County is expected to see increased future demand related to festivals, tourism development, parking and accommodations, storytelling, and contents.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 정리
Ⅲ. 성과, 예측 및 사후분석
Ⅳ. 결론


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송건섭(Keonsup Song). (2023).기관의 성과, 수요분석 및 사후 논의. 한국비교정부학보, 27 (4), 45-65


송건섭(Keonsup Song). "기관의 성과, 수요분석 및 사후 논의." 한국비교정부학보, 27.4(2023): 45-65

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