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Study on the Use of Preposition ‘Yu於’ in Confucius’ Speech inscribed on the Chu Bamboo Slips stored in Shanghai Museum
간행물 정보
『중국인문과학 』제78집, 23~41쪽, 전체 19쪽
인문학 > 문학

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1:1 문의
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≪상해박물관장전국초죽서上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書≫지하출토자료로써 중요한 연구 가치를 가지고 있다. '공자어록문孔子語錄文'(15편)중 “於”자가 총 62번 사용되었으며, 서명으로 2번, 어기사로 3번, 전치사로 57번 사용한 다양한 문법현상이 나타났다. “동사+於+목적어”형식 중 전치사 “於”자 뒤에 있는 수사(受事)대상은 주로 인칭대명사로 알려져 있으며, 섭사(涉事)대상은 일반명사 위주로, 소량의 장소명사와 동사가 있다. 화자의 입장에서 상대방에게 존경을 나타내는 뜻을 담고 있다. “형용사+於+목적어”형식 중 “於”자 뒤에 있는 비사(比事)대상은 비교의 의미를 담고 있다. “주어+於+목적어”형식 중 “於”자 뒤에 있는 관사(關事)대상은 동사와 명사만 사용하고, 특정한 방면을 표현한다. ‘於’、‘於’ 두 글자는 '공자어록문孔子語錄文'중 이체자가 아닌 품사 용법이 다른 두 개의 전치사이다.

영문 초록

In 1994, Shanghai museum salvaged a batch of bamboo slips from Hang Kong Cultural relics market, which was unearthed in Chu region, and could be dated from the warring states period. This batch of bamboo slips includes more than 100 kinds of Warring States books, most of which is percious document not passing from generation to generation, including Confucianism, Taoism, Militarism and other types of precious document. Out of the batch of bamboo slips, there are dozens of document related to Confucius'speech. There have been 15 kinds of the document that have been released already. Preposition’Yu於’inConfucius’speech inscribed in Chu Bamboo slips stored in Shanghai Museum mainly introduces volatile components and related components. In the structure ‘Verb+Yu於+Object’, volatile components are mainly personal pronoun, while related components are mainly nouns and a few place nouns and verbs. The object introduced by preposition 'Yu於' contain the meaning of venerating and respecting. In the structure ‘Adjective+ Yu於+Object’, comparative components have the meaning of comparing. Preposition ‘Yu於’ introduces the place that the action takes place. When Confucius preached morality, he used Yayan (elegant language of scholars), a very common language at that time, which presents a systematic character of the social language in that time. Thus, in Confucius’ speech, ‘Yu於’ and ‘Yu於’ are not the variant forms of the characters, but two prepositions with different usage. Discovering function words which used to exist in Old Chinese but not in current documents from unearthed data has significant research value.


Ⅰ. 前言
Ⅱ. 介詞“於”的用法
Ⅲ. 結語


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袁曉鵬. (2021).《上博簡》孔子語錄文介詞“於”字用法考. 중국인문과학 , (), 23-41


袁曉鵬. "《上博簡》孔子語錄文介詞“於”字用法考." 중국인문과학 , (2021): 23-41

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