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Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт нүүдэлчдийн аж ахуйд нөлөөлөх нь (Монголы нүүдэлчдийн жишээн дээр)

이용수 3

Potential problems for nomadic herders from climate change(Mongolian nomadic case study)
단국대학교 몽골연구소
Лутын Лханям(Lut Lkhanyam) Лханям Саран(Lkhanyam Saran)
간행물 정보
『몽골지역연구』제8권 제1호, 1~18쪽, 전체 18쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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The nomadic animal husbandry of Mongolia is a national and traditional farmstead that meets the increasing demand for food (meat, meat, and milk products) and light and food industries for the population of our country (3,409,939) with raw materials of animal origin (sheep skin, leather, cashmere, wool). The pastoral animal husbandry of Mongolia is the unique farmstead of hundreds of thousands of nomadic families, who preserved their nomadic lifestyle and traditional cultural ethics by occupying vast space in date of first 30 years of the XXI century, while urbanization, citizenship, and globalization are ongoing. Pastoral animal husbandry in Mongolia is increasingly dependent on natural factors, especially climate change. In the 60 years since 1940, the world climate has warmed by 0.7 degrees, while the climate warming of Mongolia has been accelerated by 2.3 degrees or three times more intensively. Global climate change influenced significantly the lives of nomadic people who worship the pasture. The intense warming is getting dried out mainland soil, forming water shortages, reducing the yield of pastoral plants, and endangering several species. Besides the frequency of natural disasters such as water scarcity, pasture degradation, drought, and heavy snowfall, in the recent 30 years, Mongolian nomads have prioritized increasing the number of livestock, especially heads of goats which is a risky attitude that visions present situations. To adapt to climate change and to maintain less loss, a new emerging need to restore the national traditional system that combines both reserving and use of pastureland and creatively adopt it for the features of the local area, to develop and follow the contemporary scientific tools of pasture management is encountered with the mainland nomadic herders of Asia.


Ⅰ. Нэг. Монголын газарзүй, уур амьсгалын онцлог
Ⅱ. Хоёр. Монголын бэлчээрийн мал аж ахуй, малчид
Ⅲ. Дөрөв. Монголын нутаг бэлчээрийн цөлжилт
Ⅳ. Тав. Цөлжилт, хөрсний доройтлын үндсэн шалтгаан
Ⅴ. Долоо. Монголын газар нутгийн орчны агаар халж, хөрс нь хуурайшиж байна
Ⅵ. Ес. Монгол оронд тохиолддог байгалийн аюулт үзэгдэл


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Лутын Лханям(Lut Lkhanyam),Лханям Саран(Lkhanyam Saran). (2023).Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт нүүдэлчдийн аж ахуйд нөлөөлөх нь (Монголы нүүдэлчдийн жишээн дээр). 몽골지역연구, 8 (1), 1-18


Лутын Лханям(Lut Lkhanyam),Лханям Саран(Lkhanyam Saran). "Уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлт нүүдэлчдийн аж ахуйд нөлөөлөх нь (Монголы нүүдэлчдийн жишээн дээр)." 몽골지역연구, 8.1(2023): 1-18

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