[PB-0033] Multi-locus genome-wide association study for seed protein and oil content using soybean mutant diversity pool (MDP) lines
이용수 0
- 영문명
- 발행기관
- 한국육종학회
- 저자명
- Nguyen Ngoc Hung Jung Min Kim Ji Su Seo Joon-Woo Ahn Bo-Keun Ha Soon-Jae Kwon
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국육종학회 학술발표회지』2022년 공동학술대회 발표집, 169~169쪽, 전체 1쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 기타농수해양
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2022.06.29
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해당간행물 수록 논문
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- 2022년 한국육종학회 공동학술발표회 프로그램
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- [PB-0021] Transcriptome Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes Involved in Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Ray Florets of Chrysanthemum morifolium under Different Temperature Cultivation
- [PE-0035] 병에 강하고 수량성이 높은 중만생 흑미 품종 ‘제이제이603블랙’
- [PA-0009] Genetic variation among accessions of Perilla crop and their weedy types collected from Korea using new developed SSR markers
- [PA-0014] Detection of SNPs variations in the seed storage protein gene involved in β-conglycinin
- [PB-0047] Inhibition of gene expression for anti-nutritional factors and allergen in soybean seeds via RNAi-mediated co-transformation
- [PE-0045] 북방지역 적응 준조생 내수발아 다수성 벼 ‘철원108호’ 특성
- [PF-0028] Identification of QTLs Controlling Fruit Skin Color Using a High-Density Genetic Map in Pear
- [PF-0025] 고추 풋마름병 저항성 대목용 품종 ‘원강 5호’ 육성
- [PF-0023] Morphological characterization of cucumber (Cucumis sativa L.) germplasms
- [PF-0029] Expression Analysis of Carotenogenesis Network Genes During Citrus Fruit Development by the Real-Time PCR Approach
- [PA-0065] Identification of novel loci for flowering time in mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek] using genome-wide association study
- [PC-0024] Application of Object Detection based on Deep Learning Model for Pest Behavior Patterns in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)
- [PF-0036] 수경재배에 있어서 완숙토마토 생육과 수량 측정을 통한 대목 선발
- [PE-0021] 보리누른모이자이크병과 쓰러짐에 강하고 정립률이 높은 맥주보리 ‘호단’
- [PF-0048] Broad bean wilt virus 2 Resistance Source Screening and Gene Mapping in Hot Pepper
- [PE-0064] 배가반수체 기술을 이용한 국내 육성 찰옥수수 계통의 유전적 다양성 분석
- [PC-0029] Vis-NIR Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Methods for the Discrimination of Transgenic Brassica napus L. and Their Hybrids with B. juncea
- [CE-0002] Genotype study for heading date using GWAS and genomic selection in wheat core-set
- [CH-0002] Mutation of light signal transduction machinery affects pericarp pigmentation and embryo development in rice grain
- [PA-0074] Genome-wide Association study to Detect Candidate QTLs Related to Flooding Tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- [PE-0027] Evaluation and screening of elite Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) germplasm for salinity stress
- [PE-0025] 붉은색, 흑색 점박이 색소찰옥수수 ‘미현찰’ 육성
- [PG-0002] 홉(Humulus lupulus L.) 우량묘 대량증식을 위한 조직배양 및 삽목 실험
- [PB-0089] Voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) functions in the GA biosynthesis pathway in monocot plant and affects seed germination
- [PC-0006] Employing hyperspectral imaging for early detection of diseases in soybean
- [PC-0011] YOLO5를 이용한 딥러닝 기반 종자 표현형 측정 시스템 구축
- [PC-0007] Phenotypic analysis of citrus male sterility in F1 population ('Citrus Kiyomi' x 'Citrus Sunki')
- [PC-0014] 주요 RGB 컬러 지수를 이용한 밀 군락 피복도 및 엽면적 지수 평가
- [PC-0022] Genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified genes controlling grain size using manual and image-based phenotyping in North Korean rice
- [PD-0005] Maize phospholipase A1 homolog, a new candidate of in vivo haploid inducer in rice
- [PD-0001] Radiosensitivity and the influence of gamma-rays irradiation in wheat according to different exposure time
- [PD-0006] 간척농지 범용화를 위한 화옹간척지 밭작물 재배 기반기술 연구
- [PD-0027] 밀 Cystein protease 유전자 발현과 수발아와의 연관성 분석
- [PD-0026] Enhancement of Oil Content by Genetic Modification of FAD genes in Peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)
- [PD-0033] Digital Tools for Rice Genomics and Phenomics to Accelerate Breeding
- [PD-0034] 작물 생리장해 수집 스마트폰 앱 개발
- [PD-0022] Identification of GM soybean using visible near infrared spectroscopy
- [PE-0002] The Suitable Soybean Variety for Bean Sprouts by Environment-friendly Cultivation in Northern Gyeonggi Province
- [PA-0005] The Utility of Next Generation Sequencing for Single Event Molecular Characterizations and Stacked Event Product Analysis
- [CA-0003] Construction of genomic selection system using core collection in wheat
- [CA-0002] Web-based bioinformatic analysis application for regulatory mechanism of transcription in Arabidopsis thaliana
- [PG-0008] Selection of Valuable Kenaf Genotype with High Stem-Production and Cellulose Content
- [PA-0070] 고구마(Ipomoea batatas L.) 카로티노이드 대사 관련 AP2 전사인자 확인
- [PA-0057] Evolution and diversity of Peucedanum japonicum inferred from enormous inverted repeat exansion in plastome
- [PA-0051] Functional Haplotypes and Evolutionary Analysis of HPPD INHIBITOR SENSITIVE 1 (HIS1) Gene for Selection Events in Different Rice Groups
- [PA-0055] Transcriptome analysis of Ligularia fischeri using long-read sequencing technology: From determining the entire gene set to developing molecular markers
- [PB-0004] QTL analysis for rice BLB (bacterial leaf blight) with micro-trait data by using OCT (optical coherence tomography) technology (Oryza sativa L.)
- [PE-0057] Genetic Diversity and Genome-wide Association Study of Korean Soybean Landraces(Glycine max(L.) Merr.)
- [PB-0044] 수박 MABC 시스템을 활용한 흰가루병 저항성 연관 여교배 집단 작성
- [PH-0003] Novel Sucrose Transporter Genes Identification and Functional Characterization in Triticum aestivum. L.
- [PB-0045] Comparative histological analysis of anther development in Tetep-cytoplasmic male sterility and identification of restorer-of-fertility gene in rice
- [PE-0076] 십리향, 전북 대표 브랜드쌀 육성 모델
- [PE-0073] Growth condition for speed breeding in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] using various light condition
- [PB-0063] 국내 귀리 품종 전장유전체 염기서열 분석을 통한 SSR 기반 InDel 마커 선발
- [PB-0059] Identification of QTLs for Fruit Size in Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) Using Genotyping-by-sequencing Analysis
- [PG-0026] Induction of Mutant Lines from Gamma-Rays Irradiated Gastrodia elata Seedse
- [PF-0005] 강원 주요 산채 곰취, 고려엉겅퀴의 육종 기초기술 확보
- [PE-0042] Comparative analysis of soybean seeds expressing Physaria fatty acid desaturase 3-1 using untargeted metabolite profiling based on LC-MS
- [PF-0019] 탄저병 저항성 육성소재 개발을 위한 수박 유전자원 평가
- [PF-0018] Analysis of major components of unripe and ripe fruits of radiation mutant micro-tomato population and evaluation of their cytotoxicity in FaDu cells
- [PF-0022] 수박 유전자원의 원예적 형질 평가 및 증식
- [PE-0047] 벼 종자의 폴리코사놀과 스테롤, 토코페롤 함량 자연변이에 미치는 유전 및 환경요인의 영향 평가
- [PF-0031] 단감 육종소재의 다양화를 위한 부본용 단감 ‘단연12-2-73’ 육송
- [PE-0049] 생육일수 100일 수준의 내탈립성 개선 중립 2모작용 콩 품종 ‘선올’
- [PF-0044] Characteristic of trait-associated F2 population derived from the cross octoploid strawberry inbred lines
- [PF-0047] Genomic Selection with Fixed-effect Markers Improves the Prediction Accuracy for Capsaicinoid Contents in Capsicum annuum
- [PE-0060] 밥맛이 우수한 고품질 조생종 벼 ‘금송미’
- [PE-0061] Advancement potato breeding for French fries from 2019 to 2021
- [PG-0025] 산양삼의 재배유형에 따른 생육특성 평가
- [PF-0009] 고온기 잎상추 생산이 우수한 토종상추 ‘청하랑’ 육성
- [PB-0084] QTL Analysis of Two Major Effect QTLs Controlling Awn Development in Rice
- [PC-0012] Pre-study for early detection of Fusarium fujikuroi via fluorescence imaging method
- [PC-0021] Construction of Deep Learning-Based Disease Detection Model in Plants
- [PC-0026] Optimization of Cooking Rice in a Headspace-vial coupled with Solid Phase Microextraction for Qualitative Profiling of Volatiles in Cooked Rice
- [PB-0085] Identification of accession-specific variants and development of KASP markers for assessing the genetic makeup of Brassica rapa seeds
- [PB-0090] Efficient CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing plant selection method using HRM
- [PD-0010] Study on the interaction between embryo and endosperm in rice seed development
- [PD-0008] 팝콘·칼라찰옥수수 육묘일수에 따른 생육 및 수량특성
- [PD-0018] TRV-mediated Genome Editing of eEF1Br in Nicotiana benthamiana
- [PD-0030] Functional analysis of Solanum lycopersicum MALE STERILITY 1 and its application in the resistance breeding against Tomato yellow leaf curl virus infection
- [PD-0032] Targeted replacement of PhcA encoding transcription factor regulating multiple virulence genes in Ralstonia solanacearum infecting Solanum lycopersicum
- [PB-0087] Efficiency Analysis of Agrobacterium Transformation of Korean Wheat Varieties By GUS System
- [SB-0001] 첨단 디지털 기술을 적용한 작물 육종 연구 현황
- [PA-0066] RNA genome sequence of soybean mosaic virus was not affected by temperature stress
- [CB-0002] Investigation of Gene-Gene Interaction in Soybean
- [CF-0001] 이상기상 대응 고추, 토마토 안정생산을 위한 고온 및 저온내성 품종개발
- [CE-0003] Genotyping-by-Sequencing Derived Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Provide the First Well-Resolved Phylogeny for the Genus Triticum (Poaceae)
- 2022년 공동학술대회 발표집 목차
- [PA-0008] Assembly and Analysis of the Complete mitogenome of Silybum marianum
- [PA-0039] Genetic Diversity of Adenophora verticillata (Pall.) Fisch. using SSR Markers
- [PB-0026] Gene expression profile of gamma-ray irradiated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) mutants under salt treatment conditions
- [PB-0043] Expression profile-based validation and comparison of sesamin contents in root and leaf tissue of two different cultivars of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
- [PE-0053] Physicochemical characteristics and free amino acid content of high yield Tong-il type red rice Chohong based on germination days
- [PG-0010] 근적외선 분광분석법을 이용한 붉가시나무 종자의 활력 검정
- [PF-0001] Evaluation of Chinese cabbage, cabbage and radish genetic resources for resistance against soft rot caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. Carotovorum
- 개회사
- [PA-0010] Functions of ARR21 and ARR13 transcription factors in seed fatty acid synthesis
- [PA-0025] Plastid Phylogenomics and Evolution of Araliaceae
- [PA-0035] 밀 핵심집단의 주요 농업형질에 대한 전장유전체연관분석
- [PA-0045] The Complete Chloroplast Genomes of Two Medicinal Citrus Landraces, Citrus sunki and Citrus erythrosa (Rutaceae) in Jeju Island, Korea
- [PB-0032] Validation of molecular markers for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)
- [PB-0034] Genome wide association study for major agronomic traits in wild soybean (Glycine soja)
- [PB-0058] Identification of Candidate Genes within QTLs Conferring Bacterial Wilt Resistance in Chili Pepper
- [PE-0070] 국내 최초 초다수성 일대교잡종 찰수수 ‘하이찰’ 육성
- [PE-0007] Cochlioquinone-9, a natural products, effects on damage of white-backed planthopper to rice
- [PE-0036] 진녹자엽 극대립 검정콩 ‘새바람(경북5호)’
- [PE-0040] 부품성이 개선된 신규 벼 소재 탐색을 위한 남일 돌연변이 계통의 주요 작물학적 특성
- [PG-0011] A Sesame variety ‘Haniall’ with non-shattering capsule and early maturity
- [PE-0081] 종실의 생산성과 안토시아닌 함량이 높은 옥수수 신품종 ‘색소6호’
- [PC-0005] Developing rice leaf rolling mutants by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing of homeodomainleucine zipper (HD-ZIP) IV subfamily genes
- [PA-0050] Haplotyping and Evolutionary Analysis of Novel HPPD INHIBITOR SENSITIVE 1 (HIS1) Gene in Korean World Rice Collection
- [PA-0049] Development of middle-amylose rice varieties using CRISPR/Cas9 edited lines by marker-assisted backcrossing (MABc)
- [PG-0003] Phytochemical compounds and antioxidant activates of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) cultivars
- [SA-0001] 디지털육종 추진전략
- [PD-0015] In vivo haploid induction system in dicotyledonous plant
- [PB-0002] 국내 및 품종의 종자 영상 이미지 분석
- [PF-0039] 양파 F₁ 종자생산용 중만생계 웅성불임계통 ‘원예30016’ 육성
- [PE-0006] 적색 대립으로 다수성이며, 가공적성이 우수한 팥 신품종 ‘홍주’
- [PH-0008] 가축분뇨를 이용한 친환경 바이오액비의 토마토 생육 및 생리적 효과
- [CA-0004] From the field to the lab: unraveling the molecular mechanisms of field resistance to fungicides in dollar spot caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa
- [CD-0004] In vivo haploid induction system in dicotyledonous plant
- [PA-0022] 콩에서 화분매개곤충 유인형질 연관 유전자 탐색
- [PA-0043] Molecular characterization of KIX domain proteins related to organ size regulation in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)
- [PA-0058] Characterization of Flavonols and Sequence Analysis of the Flavonoid 3-Hydroxylase Genes in Legumes
- [PA-0062] LegExpress: A bioinformatic web-based interface for re-analyzing cross-legume gene expression profiles
- [PA-0068] Identification of QTLs related to (-)-epicatechin contents and hilum color in soybean (Glycine max) seeds
- [PA-0073] Genome-wide association study of agronomic traits related to grain yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- [PB-0010] Analysis of DA1-like gene family in oat (Avena sativa L.) and functional characterization of AsDA1-2D heat tolerance
- [PB-0033] Multi-locus genome-wide association study for seed protein and oil content using soybean mutant diversity pool (MDP) lines
- [PB-0075] 콩의 다양한 재배품종에서 효율적인 원형질체 분리 및 유전자 도입
- [CH-0004] GWAS 분석을 통한 유묘기 및 출수기 내재해성 QTL 탐색
- [PA-0047] Newly developing cDNA-SSR markers and genetic diversity in Amaranth
- [PA-0052] The Evolutionary and Haplotype Analysis of Gamma-Tocopherol Methyltransferase (-TMT) Gene Involved in Tocopherol Accumulation in Korean Rice Accession
- [PA-0064] Web interface for breeding design focused on pedigree-linked phenotype information of soybean cultivars
- [PB-0011] Development of multi-stress tolerant temperate rice variety using multi-omics breeding
- [PB-0054] 제빵 적합 자원 선발을 위한 국산밀 유전자원 평가
- [PG-0005] CSE-knockout reduces lignin deposition by modulating secondary xylem formation in hybrid poplar
- [PE-0055] Analysis of Tannin Content from Sorghum by UV Spectrophotometer and HPLC
- [PG-0023] 재배지별 산양삼 판별을 위한 인델(InDel)마커 개발 및 유전다양성 분석
- [SB-0002] 옥수수 육종의 현재, 그리고 디지털육종으로의 전환
- [PF-0021] 만생종 완전단감 계통 ‘단연10-13-6’의 주요 특성 분석
- [PF-0041] Pathotyping of Korean Ralstonia solanacearum strains in tomato
- [PE-0051] Mapping QTLs controlling reaction of herbicide Bentazone In Soybean
- [PG-0006] Specific regulation of the hormone response-related genes during cell growth kinetics of poplar
- [PE-0077] 전북지역 적응 단간 다수성 찰벼 ‘다복찰’
- [PE-0078] Study of Genome-wide association for fatty acid composition in Korean rice accessions
- [PE-0082] 잎 및 잎자루 채소용 고구마 품종 ‘통채루’
- [SB-0004] Genome-wide and physiological assays of a rice drought-insensitive TILLING line 1 (ditl1) mutant
- [PE-0087] 대립, 기계수확에 유리한 장류용 콩 ‘대왕2호’
- [PE-0062] Profiling of volatile compounds related to the eating quality of japonica rice
- [PF-0026] Zebularine, DNA methylation inhibitor treatment in wheat and observation of growth characteristics and mutated chromosomes
- [PE-0019] 강원 지역 감자 및 배추의 품종별 나비목 해충 섭식 양상 조사
- [CB-0001] Functional marker를 이용한 벼 분자육종 전략
- [PA-0060] Genome-Wide Association Study of Rice Grain Size Traits Using micro-CT Phenotyping
- [PB-0001] Research on resistance breeding using non-phenotypic trait data(HPLC data) for rice BLB disease (Oryza sativa L.)
- [PA-0076] Genome-wide Association Study for the Resistance to the Brown Spot in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- [PB-0016] Expression of OsF3H enhances Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) stress tolerance in rice by induction of antioxidant flavonoids, defense genes and hormones
- [CG-0001] Applications of Molecular Breeding in Medicinal Crops and Future Prospects
- [PA-0040] 한국콩 핵심집단의 100립중 관여 전장유전체연관분석
- [PA-0079] Detection of multiple SNPs in ginseng genome based on encoded hydrogel microparticles
- [PB-0005] Molecular characterization of high linoleic acid mutant and FAD3 genes in perilla
- [PE-0041] 김치가공에 적합한 지역맞춤형 배추 신품종 ‘순정아삭이’ 육성
- [PF-0020] 군자란(Clivia miniata) 육종을 위한 도입 유전자원 특성평가
- [PE-0056] Natural variation in total phenol and total flavonoid content of maize varieties cultivated under different environment conditions
- [PE-0093] 통일형 초다수성 기능성 적미 ‘초홍’
- [PF-0008] Genetic diversity and genome-wide association study in pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata) originated from East Asia
- [PF-0016] Development of a Speed Breeding System in Pepper (Capsicum annuum) by Extending Photoperiod and Supplementing Far-red Light
- [PB-0079] Specific sound waves in sprout vegetables during growth and storage affect flavonoid content and antioxidant activity
- [PC-0020] ToF 카메라를 이용한 옥수수 생육 측정 방법에 관한 연구
- [PB-0094] Genome-Wide Association Study of Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using High-Density 50K SNP Array in Peanut Accessions
- [PE-0039] Identification of QTLs related to leaf blast resistance derived from a Korean weedy rice, Wandoaengmi 6
- [SB-0003] A case study of invasive pest, fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, in corn field
- [PE-0092] 소비재배 시 벼 품종별 작물학적 특성 및 수량구성요소 변화 분석
- [PC-0028] Discrimination of Transgenic Canola (Brassica napus L.) and their Hybrids with B. rapa using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Methods
- [PF-0004] Identification and molecular characterization of novel genes in response to abiotic stress in Lactuca sativa L.
- [PF-0042] 국내 국화 핵심자원의 주요 농업 형질에 대한 유전력 검정 및 유용자원 선발
- [PF-0033] Comparison of Gene Expression Related to Chlorophyll Metabolism Pathway in Green- and Yellow-fleshed Kiwifruits
- [PB-0003] 국내 밀 품종의 종자 외관 특성 및 유전자 분석
- [PF-0046] ‘suppressor of dwarf’ enhance fruit harvest and yield traits in Micro-Tom
- [PB-0064] Isolation of Ab-rg rich saponin mutants from EMS-induced population in soybean
- [PA-0053] Genetic Analysis and Evolutionary Relationship of Starch Synthase IVA (SSIVA) Gene in 475 Rice Accessions
- [PB-0018] Effect of insect-resistant genetically modified (Bt-9) rice on above-ground non-target arthropods in Korea
- [PB-0031] Genetic approaches for Interspecific Hybridization using microsatellite markers in between Brassica rapa ssp. rapa. and transgenic B. napus
- [PA-0046] Agastache rugosa의 유전체 정보를 기반으로 한 SSR marker 개발 및 종간의 Cross-species transferability
- [PB-0020] Deciphering the Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Different Colored Taproot Radish Plants
- [PS-0002] The world’s first CRISPR tomato lunched to a Japanese market: The social- economic impact of its implementation on crop genome editing
- [PA-0015] Genome-wide association study and selective sweeps reveal genetic variations associated Chip Processing clones selected over sixty years in global potato breeding programs
- [PA-0069] 반송(Pinus densiflora f. multicaulis Uyeki) 구화의 성전환 단계에 따른 전사체 비교
- [PA-0067] Investigation of a pathogenesis-related gene for breeding the viral-resistant soybean
- [PB-0019] Risk assessment of TRX (Thioredoxin) genetically modified soybean on associated non-target insects and arachnid
- [PB-0017] Identification of rice seed germination related genes under low different temperature conditions using QTL analysis
- [PH-0007] Soybean Cultivar ‘Saedanbaek’ possesses a resistance allele to Phytophthora sojae, distinct from that of the cultivar ‘Daewon’
- [PE-0058] 황금알밀의 주요 농업형질 및 품질특성
- [PE-0089] Study the genetic interaction among rice yield components and traits related to yield potential under low nitrogen paddy field conditions
- [PF-0010] Early Defense Mechanisms of Brassica oleracea in Response to Attack by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
- [PA-0017] Complete chloroplast genome of Atractylodes japonica (Asteraceae) and problems in species identification of Atractylodes
- [CD-0002] Future development of smartbreeding in response to ZERO HUNGER in rice
- [CE-0004] Development of waterlogging tolerance corn variety using wild corn Teosinte
- [PB-0009] Response of Hulless Oat (Avena nuda L.) Spikelets Under Different Temperature Conditions
- [PB-0039] ‘JJ625LG/남찬’ 벼 재조합자식계통을 이용한 수량 관련 형질 QTL 분석
- [PE-0059] 백립계 경질밀 다수성 ‘중모2015’의 주요 농업형질 및 품질특성
- [PG-0009] Antioxidant activities and phytochemical contents of diverse representative tea germplasm
- [PC-0008] 작물 인공지능학습용 데이터 셋 구축 및 데이터 표준화 연구
- [PB-0099] Development of DNA Marker for the Resistance to Bakanae Disease in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- [PA-0006] Two Different cultivars of Pyrus ussuriensis Are Evolutionary Originated in Oriental Pears by Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequences
- [PA-0071] Identification of QTLs Conferring Flavanol Contents in Soybean Seeds
- [PE-0088] 출수기에 기반한 벼(Oryza sativa L. cv. Donjin 1) 선발계통의 특성 비교
- [PB-0013] Comparative transcriptome analysis of Soybean development in weedy and cultivar growth types
- [PA-0021] Identification of noble candidate gene associated with sensitivity to phytotoxicity of etofenprox in soybean
- [PD-0013] Research Advances in Improving Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance Using CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing in Rice
- [PD-0009] Development of CENH3-mediated haploid induction system in tomato
- [PE-0031] Single Cross Corn Hybrid ‘Jindaok’with Lodging Tolerance and High Yield
- [PA-0036] Genetic diversity of plastid genome and 45S rDNA sequences in genus Ligularia (Asteraceae)
- [PB-0025] Genome wide association study reveal the casuative factors underlying isoflavone content in a mutant soybean population derived from radiation breeding
- [PE-0067] Identification of QTLs related Japonica rice pre-harvest sprouting by QTL-seq
- 환영사
- [PE-0012] Utilization of two rice populations data derived from Indica-Japonica cross for rice molecular breeding
- [PD-0014] Development of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) for TuMV viral resistance using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing
- [PD-0002] Multigene Engineering for High Production of Hydroxy Fatty Acid in Oil Crops
- [PE-0016] Characterization of salt tolerance cultivar(MYIR-S986) in silage rice
- [PE-0013] Mapping QTLs and related genes for plant height of rice in CNDH populations
- [PF-0013] Genetic Diversity of Pumpkins (Cucurbita Spp.) Germplasm Based on Morphological Traits and SNP Markers from cpDNA Sequence
- [PB-0006] A novel resistance gene for bakanae disease in rice, qBK4T identified by GWAS
- [PE-0005] A White Waxy Hybrid Corn, Dodamchal with Good Eating Quality
- [PA-0020] Species delimitation within subgenus Anguinum (genus Allium) inferred from complete plastid genome and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences
- [PA-0016] Analysis of genetic diversity and population structure among cultivated potato clones from Korea and global breeding programs
- [PB-0014] 농업용 승인 유전자변형생물체의 국경감시 체계 구축에 필요한 품목 특이적 검정 및 비의도적 혼입량 측정방법 확립
- [PB-0060] 고시히카리 후대 단간 내병성 조생종 우량계통 “밀양396호” 육성
- [PE-0022] 쓴맛이 없는 저탄닌이며 소화율과 장 건강 개선 효능이 있는 ‘노을찰’ 수수
- [PD-0004] A Panax ginseng R2R3 MYB transcription factor PgMYB123, regulates proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana when overexpressed
- [PD-0031] Effects of temperature alteration on the NSm-mediated hypersensitive responses in the interaction between Tomato spotted wilt virus and Solanum lycopersicum
- [PD-0035] DNA-free genome editing of Solanum lycopersicum ‘Heinz 1706’ using optimized protoplast culture
- [CG-0003] Comparative transcriptomic analysis of Pinus densiflora and Pinus strobus to find resistance candidate genes to Pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)
- [CA-0001] Genome of the world’s smallest flowering plant, Wolffia australiana, helps explain its specialized physiology and unique morpholog
- [PA-0056] Identification of candidate gene for floury endosperm phenotype of rice mutant by analysis of whole genome resequencing
- [PB-0051] 국산밀 유전자원의 종실 크기 관련 유전자 변이 평가
- [PE-0048] 꼬투리 달림이 높고 쓰러짐에 강하며 무분지 초형의 기계화 콩 품종 ‘장풍’
- [PG-0016] 건조 온도별 귀리의 발아력 조사 및 항산화 분석
- [PF-0034] An InDel Marker for Distinguishing Sex in Actinidia arguta
- [PB-0092] QTL-Seq Analysis for Identification of Resistance Loci to Bacterial Canker in Tomato
- [PA-0033] Transcriptome analysis of two germplasms sweetpotatoes with different taste characteristics according to storage period
- [PB-0027] Towards the Development of Rice with Low Fertilizer Usage by Utilizing Genomics & Phenomics Approaches
- [PB-0042] Identification of Candidate Genes Controlling Capsaiciniod Biosynthetic Genes Using an EMS-induced Mutant Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
- [PE-0029] Investigation of Alfalfa Cultivars Forage Performance in Central Region of South Korea
- [PG-0019] Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Mutant Genotypes Based on Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS)
- [CF-0003] Implementation of C. sticuspe genome information to the cultivated K-Chrysanthemum breedings
- [PE-0063] Development of Effective Screening Method and Evaluation of Sweetpotato Cultivars for Resistance to Fusarium Root Rot
- [PF-0006] Morphological characterization of mustard (Brassica juncea) germplasm from Korea
- [CB-0003] Identifying hidden genetic determinants of carotenogenesis for improving fruit quality in tomato and pepper
- [PB-0071] GBS 분석을 통한 국내 무(Raphanus sativus L.) 품종의 유전적 유연관계 분석
- [PB-0093] The availability and implications of nSSR and cpSSR (DNA) markers for the identification of morphologically similar cultivars in Hibiscus syriacus L.
- [PC-0001] A Statistical Study of Phenotypic Diversity Based on Genetic Traits in Barley
- [PB-0097] Development of Fast Neutron-mediated Ice Plant Cultivars ‘Icitol 1 and Icitol 2’ with Improved Biomass and Free Cyclitol Content
- [PC-0009] Variation in stomatal density within and between soybean leaves in different growth stages
- [CB-0004] Assembly of chromosome-level genome to accelerate octoploid strawberry breeding
- [PA-0026] CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Arabidopsis FBN3 mutants and their function in high light stress
- [PA-0063] GWAS-driven identification of genomic loci associated with phenotypic traits of seed pigmentation in soybean
- [PE-0072] 조기재배 가능한 다수성 흰색 찰기장 ‘탐나찰’
- [PE-0018] 논재배 적응 조숙·다수성 유채 1대잡종 ‘다보’
- [PF-0045] Ploidy assay and microscopic examination of colchicine-treated seedlings and female parent cultivars in Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus L.)
- [PH-0006] Effects of organic liquid fertilizers from livestock manure on plant growth, antioxidants, and soil microbial population for Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. Pekinensis).
- [PE-0071] 내도복 단간형 황차조 ‘아리찰’
- [CF-0002] Transcriptional analysis of differentially expressed genes related with disease resistance in Vitis species for grape breeding
- [PB-0078] Specific sound waves promote root growth by regulating phytohormone content in Arabidopsis thaliana
- [PC-0017] Toward High Throughput Field Phenotyping (HTFP)
- [PC-0025] Generic Diversity of Volatile Organic Compounds in Brown Rice of 157 Cultivars Bred in South Korea
- [PC-0023] Agricultural and fatty acid characteristics in doubled haploid (DH) population derived from microspore of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) F1 generation
- [PD-0019] Expression of colorectal cancer antigenic protein fused to IgM Fc for plant cell factory system using Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa)
- [PD-0021] 스피드 육종 시스템과 MABC를 이용한 조경밀의 Glu-B1 allele 치환 계통 육성
- [PD-0029] Potato virus X-mediated genome editing in Capsicum annuum
- [PD-0025] Modification of delayed flowering cabbage mutants at low temperature using a CRISPR system
- [PE-0004] Genetic diversity and population structure of native South Sudan maize accessions using SSR markers
- [PG-0007] Identification and Determination of Phenolic compounds in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Mutant Lines Derived from Gamma-ray
- [PA-0002] Metabolic profiling of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) sprout of 57 genotypes
- [CD-0003] Improvement of Soybean Nutritional Values by Using Genome Editing Technology
- [CC-0002] GWAS analysis for heading date and seed shape traits using image-based phenotyping in North Korean rice population
- [CH-0001] Identification and application of genetic factors in pepper and strawberry breeding
- [CH-0003] Flavonoid metabolic changes regulated by UV lights in a soybean seedling model
- [PA-0023] Identification of novel annexin gene in rye (Secale cereale L.) and observation of the gene expressions under abiotic stresses
- [PA-0038] Comparative genomic analysis of nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) genes reveals the structure of resistance gene clusters in pepper (Capsicum spp.)
- [PB-0008] Genetic variation of five fatty acid components and two seed characteristics in Korean Perilla germplasm using SSR markers
- [PB-0038] QTL-seq identified a locus controlling lignan content in sesame
- [PB-0035] Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of protein and oil contents in wild soybean (Glycine soja)
- [PH-0002] Mutation of light signal transduction machinery affects pericarp pigmentation and embryo development in rice grain
- [PB-0082] A Novel set of EST-SSR Markers for the Evaluation of Genetic diversity and Polyploidy in Persimmons(Diospyros spp.)
- [PD-0023] Gene editing in Korean commercial wheat to reduce Omega-1, 2 gliadin Content
- [PD-0024] Identification of GM rice using Near-infrared spectroscopy
- [PB-0101] 고아밀로스 벼‘신길’의 아밀로스 함량에 영향을 주는 유전자 동정
- [PE-0008] Application CRISPR/Cas9 to accelerate early maturing-heavy panicle type breeding in rice
- [PD-0007] Development of an SNP-genotyping platform in rice using target capture sequencing technology
- [PE-0075] 항산화 강화 유색 밀 품종 ‘아리진흑’의 주요 농업형질 및 품질특성
- [PA-0028] Novel allele of fad2-1a from an EMS induced mutant soybean line, PE529 produced elevated oleic acid
- [PA-0029] Genome-wide association study (GWAS) for seed starch content in soybean
- [PA-0078] Anisotropic Hydrogel Microparticles conjugated Universal Mismatch DNA Probes for Highly Specific Nucleic Acid Multiplex Detection of SNPs
- [PA-0042] Natural variation in OsCCA1 regulates flowering time and contributes to rice cultivation at a wide range of latitudes
- [PA-0044] Haplotyping and Evolutionary Studies on Trehalose-6-Phosphate Phosphatase 7 (TPP7), Anaerobic Germination 1 (AG1) Tolerance Gene (Os09g0369400) in KRICE_CORE
- [PA-0007] Transcription factors regulated by LEAFY COTYLEDON 2 in triacylglycerol accumulation
- [PA-0024] SNP detection and map construction in wild chrysanthemum using genotyping-by-sequencing
- [PA-0041] 콩에서 SYMMV 저항성 유전인자 연관분석
- [PB-0015] QTL analysis and mapping of qBBR11, related to field resistant to bacterial blight in rice
- [PB-0037] Identification of salt tolerance genes using QTL mapping in soybean mutant
- [PB-0053] 밀 고분자 단백질 Glu1-Bx7 과발현 근동질계통의 글루테닌 특성 분석
- [PB-0061] Assessment of Mesocotyl Elongation in Doubled Haploid Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- [PA-0019] Investigating salt tolerance in cowpea germplasm using genome-wide association study
- [PB-0012] Natural variation in qTA8 regulates tiller angle by affecting gravitropic response in rice
- [PF-0003] GAs promote secondary growth and ginsenoside biosynthesis in Panax ginseng roots
- [PE-0085] Identification and characterization of wheat salt tolerance-related genes through GWAS
- [PB-0081] Identification of Genomic Regions Associated with the Resistance to Black Leaf Mold Based on the Genotyping-by-sequencing of Solanum harbrochaites (LA1777) Introgression Lines
- [PA-0013] The transcription factor ERF55 regulates seed triacylglycerol synthesis
- [PA-0003] Metabolic profiling of seed coat and whole sprout of 10 mungbean (Vigna radiata. L) genotypes using Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography.
- [PB-0077] Genome-wide association study for resistance to Heterodera sojae in the Korean soybean core collection
- [PB-0050] Diversity Analysis of the Korean Codonopsis lanceolata by the Comparison of Chloroplast Genomes
- [PB-0048] Non-pungency of Capsicum chacoense is attributed to a novel non-functional allele of pAMT
- [PS-0004] Updates and Perspectives on 5Gs for Aromatic Rice Breeding in Korea
- [CH-0005] The discovery of novel SNPs associated with group A soyasaponin biosynthesis from Korea soybean core collection
- [PB-0022] Toward fine-mapping of a QTL for pre-harvest sprouting resistance with Korean japonica rice varieties
- [PF-0017] 적포도주 양조용 포도 신품종 ‘아그데’
- [PA-0018] High quality genome assembly of Brassica tournefortii
- [PD-0003] Genome-wide identification, in silico analyses, and expression profiling of DOMAIN OF UNKNOWN FUNCTION 679 (DMP) gene family in soybean
- [PC-0015] 밀 이모작 작부체계에 따른 밀 품종별 생리생태 변화 및 품질분석
- [PA-0030] Genomic editing of rice Late Pollen specific expressed genes(LP) using CRISPR/Cas9 system
- [PA-0048] Development of fragrance gene (OsBADH2) mutagenesis in rice (Oryza sativa) engineered by CRISPR/Cas9 technology
- [PB-0024] Genome-wide analysis of the U-box E3 ubiquitin ligase enzyme gene family in winter crop
- [PE-0037] 콩나물 수율과 업체 선호도가 높은 극소립 나물용 콩 ‘소미’
- [PB-0049] Identification and Functional Analysis of MPKKK-MKK-MAPK cascade involved in freezing tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- [PB-0069] Optimization of a fast and reproducible RP-UPLC method for HMW-GS alleles for largescale analysis
- [PE-0044] Growth and phenotypic mutation analysis of M₁ and M₂ population induced by ionizing radiations
- [PE-0014] Data analysis and utilization through imaging of CNDH and SNDH
- [PF-0027] Construction of a High Density Genetic Linkage Map and Identification of QTLs Associated with Fruit Quality Traits in an Interspecific Pear hybrid (Pyrus spp.)
- [PA-0077] Validating the reference genome assembly of Panax ginseng
- [PB-0040] Rice C3HC4-type RING finger protein, OsRFPHC-3, plays a positive regulatory role in high salinity tolerance
- [PC-0027] Rapid Discrimination of Brassica napus Varieties using Visible and Near-infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy
- [PA-0037] Combination of Chromosome-level Assembly of Agaricus bisporus and Comprehensive Transcriptome Analysis on Mechanical Stress Condition Reveals Browning Correlated Genes
- [PB-0074] QTL Mapping for the Incidence of Flowers in Grape (Vitis spp.) through Genotyping-by-sequencing Analysis and SNP Marker
- [PE-0011] Identification of quantitative trait loci for salinity tolerance in rice using Cheongcheong, Nagdong mapping population
- [PG-0027] Flower characteristics of the selected individuals of Korean dogwood (Cornus kousa Bürger ex Hance) for the development of a new ornamental cultivar
- [PA-0001] Metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis of mungbean (Vigna radiata) sprout under salinity stress
- [PS-0005] Breeding and commercialization of anthracnose resistance in chili pepper
- [PE-0066] Evaluation of Growth Characteristics to Expand Breeding Resource in Faba bean(Vicia faba) and Pea(Pisum sativum)
- [PB-0073] 무(Raphanus sativus L.) 품종의 표현형적 특성과 heterozygosity 간의 상관관계 분석
- [PC-0019] 딥 러닝 기반의 Semantic Segmetation을 이용한 옥수수 포장의 잡초 밀도 평가
- [PD-0011] Functional study of CTP synthases during early seed development in rice
- [PB-0030] Morphological Characteristics of Interspecific Hybridization between Brassica rapa L. ssp. and transgenic B. napus
- [PG-0015] Comparative transcriptomic analysis of Pinus densiflora and Pinus strobus to find resistance candidate genes to Pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)
- [PE-0038] 진녹자엽 이모작형 검정콩 ‘경흑청(경북 6호)’
- [PF-0032] Identification of the CaAN3 Gene that Regulates Fruit-specific Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Pepper(Capsicum annuum)
- [PE-0052] Evaluation of diversity of agronomic traits by collection regions of Korean landrace Sorghum germplasms
- [PG-0004] CRISPR/Cas9 system을 활용한 현사시나무 Myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog 15 (MYB15) 유전자 교정체 제조 및 특성 구명
- [PH-0004] Wheat (Triticum aestivum. L) U-box E3 Ubiquitin Ligases positively regulates drought stress in Arabidopsis
- [PB-0096] Genetic diversity of Panax ginseng revealed by genome-wide SNP chip
- [PB-0070] Analysis of allelic variation of Gli-B1 locus encoding for Omega-5 gliadins by RP-UPLC
- [PA-0031] Insight of Haplotype Effect on the Candidate Genes Related to Preharvest Sprouting
- [PF-0040] Identification of QTL Linked to Stone Cell Content in ‘Whangkeumbae’ (Pyrus pyrifolia) × ‘Minibae’ ((P. pyrifolia × P. ussuriensis) × P. pyrifolia)
- [PG-0020] Prediction of breeding value of unrelated population using genomic selection in Korean red pine(Pinus densiflora)
- [PE-0086] Identification of Transcriptome and Proteome related metabolite mechanisms under pre-harvest sprout (PHS) of Korean wheat (Triticum aestivum)
- [PC-0002] 블루베리 잎의 초분광 반사 스펙트럼과 1차원 합성곱 신경망(1D-CNN)을 이용한 멀칭 효과 분석연구
- [PB-0036] Identification of genetic mutations in soybeans with low Kunitz Trypsin inhibitor activity
- [PE-0084] Exploring SNP related wheat’s heading date in Korean wheat core collection accessions by GWAS analysis
- [PE-0009] Effect of different salts on nutrients uptake, gene expression, antioxidant, and growth pattern of selected rice genotypes
- [PF-0007] Morphological and glucosinolate characterization of leaves of landrace mustard (Brassica juncea) germplasm from Korea
- [PF-0002] A new NLR mediates RipY recognition from Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype I in Nicotiana benthamiana
- [PA-0080] 감자에서 전게놈연관분석법(GWAS) 및 선발씨그니쳐법(Selective sweeps)을 이용한 칩가공특성의 유전변이의 해석
- [CF-0005] 사과 아조변이에서 발생한 retrotransposon 삽입과 deletion이 과실숙기 지연에 미친 영향
- [CE-0005] 벼 전분 합성 유전자 SBE3와 GBSS1의 상호작용에 의한 아밀로스 함량 증대 및 전분 이화학적 특성 변화
- [PD-0028] Analysis of a missense mutation in Dicer-like III gene among soybean germplasm from nine different countries
- [PD-0017] Mutation of GmIPK1 Gene using CRISPR/Cas9 Reduced Phytic Acid Content in Soybean Seeds
- [PB-0088] Identification of candidate genes and development of HRM markers related to Ripening Period of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) by GWAS analysis
- [PB-0095] Genome-Wide Association Study and Transcriptome Analysis of Salinity Tolerance in Peanuts(Arachis hypogaea L.)
- [PB-0100] Functional Analysis of Heat-induced RING-type E3 Ligases in Sorghum: Expression Patterns, Subcellular Localizations and Interaction Partners
- [PA-0012] CRISPR/Cas9-multiple guide RNAs construction and case study for targeting the FAD2 and FATB multi-genes in soybean
- [PB-0056] 국내 밀 유전 집단의 붉은곰팡이병(赤黴病, Scab, Fusarium Head Blight) 검정
- [PB-0055] 조숙 자원 선발을 위한 국산밀 유전자원 평가
- [PG-0022] Development of indel and SNP markers for Quercus acutissima ‘Gumsura 1ho’
- [PE-0017] A Peanut Variety, ’Da-Ol’ with High Oleic Acid and Large Grain
- [PE-0033] 국내외 벼 품종의 SUSIBA2 상동 유전자 주요 haplotype 분석
- [PE-0094] Growth Characteristics and Productivity of an Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) New Variety, 'IR605'
- [PE-0020] 보리누른모자이크병과 도복에 강한 다수성 쌀보리 ‘소강’
- 2022년 한국육종학회 학회상 시상
- [PC-0016] RGB영상 정보를 이용한 옥수수 종자 특성 분석
- [PC-0030] Identification of Amaranthus Species Using Visible-Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Methods
- [PE-0003] A New Soybean Cultivar, 'Jowon' Adaptable for Double Cropping System with Pod Shattering Resistance
- [PB-0076] Expression profiling of genes involved in sugar content regulation in waxy corns : A holistic approach towards enhancement of sweetness in waxy corn kernels
- [PB-0091] GWAS analysis revealed the genetic composition of heading date genes in the photoperiod-insensitive North Korean rice population
- [PB-0083] Genomic prediction of bacterial wilt resistance in cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
- [PB-0086] Wheat transformation system and Korean wheat variety application using GRF-GIF chimeric gene cloned from cv. Keumgang
- [PC-0010] Evaluation of morphological characters, phytochemical contents and antioxidant activities of amaranth leaves
- [PD-0012] Study on Ehd1-independent flowering pathway in rice
- [PD-0016] Reverse genetic study on saddle seed color phenotype of soybean seed via introduced mutation of Argonaute5 gene by CRISPR/Cas9
- [PD-0036] CAM Biodesign: Engineering Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) Photosynthesis into C₃ plants for Improving Water-use Efficiency
- [PE-0001] The Suitable Soybean, Wheat and Barley Varieties for Double Paddy Cropping System in Northern Gyeonggi Province
- [CG-0004] Status and prospects of tree improvement research in industry 4.0 era
- [PA-0004] The effect of hormone (6-BA, ETH, and 2,4_D) treatments on morphological and biochemical traits of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) sprouts
- [PB-0028] High-density linkage mapping of causative QTLs underlying isoflavone content in gamma-ray mutant soybean (Glycine max L.)
- [PB-0062] Isolation of soybean ARGONAUTE protein involved in seed coat color pigmentation
- [PE-0026] Development of Endophyte-Free Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) Cultivars
- [PF-0014] 신규 수박 육종소재 발굴을 위한 국내외 수집자원 특성평가
- [PF-0011] Identification of freesia infecting viruses based on next-generation sequencing technique in Korea
- [PG-0012] EMS 처리로 유기된 아미란스 유전자원의 주요 농업형질
- [PG-0013] 드론 항공 영상에서 인공지능을 사용한 등검은말벌집 검출
- [PE-0032] QTL mapping for tiller number with Korean japonica rice varieties
- [PE-0015] Advances in CRISPR/Cas9 and applications for short breeding strategies in rice
- [PF-0012] Classification of various cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) genotypes based on cucurbitacin and volatile compound profiles.
- [PF-0043] Radio-Sensitivity Analysis and Selection of Useful Mutants of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by Gamma-ray
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