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SPECT/CT의 획득시간 증감에 따른 방사능농도 추정치의 변화

이용수 10

Variation on Estimated Values of Radioactivity Concentration according to the Change of the Acquisition Time of SPECT/CT
대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회)
김지현(Ji-Hyeon Kim) 박훈희(Hoon-Hee Park) 이주영(Joo-Young Lee)
간행물 정보
『방사선기술과학』방사선기술과학 제44권 제6호, 645~653쪽, 전체 9쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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With the recent development of precision medicine(Theranostics), interest and utilization of the quantitative function of SPECT/CT are increasing. This study aims to investigate the effect on the radioactivity concentration estimate by the increase or decrease in the total time of SPECT/CT imaging conditions. A standard image was obtained by the conditions of a total acquisition time of 600 sec(10 sec/f × 120 frames) by diluting 99mTc 91.76 MBq in a cylindrical phantom filled with sterile water, and a comparative image was obtained by increasing the total acquisition time by -90%, -75%, -50%, -25%, +50%, +100%. The CNR, radioactive concentration estimate(cps/ml), and the variation rate(%) of the recovery coefficient(RC) were analyzed by measuring the overall coefficient of interest in each image. The results[CNR, Radiation Concentration, RC] by the change in the number of projections for each increase or decrease rate(-90%, -75%, -50%, -25%, +50%, +100%) of total acquisition time are as follows. [-89.5%, +3.90%, 1.04] at –90%, [-77.9%, +2.71%, 1.03] at –75%, [-55.6%, +1.85%, 1.02] at –50%, [-33.6%, +1.37%, 1.01] at –25%, [-33.7%, +0.71%, 1.01] at +50%, [+93.2%, +0.32%, 1.00] at +100%. and also The results[CNR, Radiation Concentration, RC] by the acquisition time change for each increase or decrease rate(-90%, -75%, -50%, -25%, +50%, +100%) of total acquisition time are as follows. [-89.3%, -3.55%, 0.96] at –90%, [-73.4%, -0.17%, 1.00] at –75%, [-49.6%, -0.34%, 1.00] at –50%, [-24.9%, 0.03%, 1.00] at –25%, [+49.3%, -0.04%, 1.00] at +50%, [+99.0%, +0.11%, 1.00] at +100%. Image quality(CNR) showed a pattern of change in proportion to the increase or decrease in the total acquisition time of SPECT/CT, but the result at quantitative evaluation showed a change of less than 5% in all experimental conditions, maintaining quantitative accuracy(RC less than 0.05) without much influence.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 대상 및 방법
Ⅲ. 결과
Ⅳ. 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론


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김지현(Ji-Hyeon Kim),박훈희(Hoon-Hee Park),이주영(Joo-Young Lee). (2021).SPECT/CT의 획득시간 증감에 따른 방사능농도 추정치의 변화. 방사선기술과학, 44 (6), 645-653


김지현(Ji-Hyeon Kim),박훈희(Hoon-Hee Park),이주영(Joo-Young Lee). "SPECT/CT의 획득시간 증감에 따른 방사능농도 추정치의 변화." 방사선기술과학, 44.6(2021): 645-653

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