oward to comparative analysis of plant stress-responsive transcriptomes through co-expression network in Capsicum annuum L.
이용수 23
- 영문명
- 발행기관
- 한국육종학회
- 저자명
- Junesung Lee Hakgi Jang Nayoung Kim Won-Hee Kang Seon-In Yeom
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국육종학회 학술발표회지』2021년 공동학술대회 발표집, 292~292쪽, 전체 1쪽
- 주제분류
- 농수해양 > 기타농수해양
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2021.06.30
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- A Program for Clustering Agricultural Genetic Resources using Evaluation Information
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- Genome-Wide Association Study for grain weight in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) through Axiom Oryza 580K Genotyping Array
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- Oryza sativa, C3HC4-type E3 ligase, OsRFPHC-13 is positive a role to salt stress by regulating ABC transporter
- Genome Wide Association Study on Preharvest Sprouting Resistance in Rice
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- Transcriptome analysis in branching seedlings of Bansong (Pinus densiflora f. multicaulis)
- Analysis of genetic relationships of Pyrus pyrifolia native to Korea using SSR markers
- Analysis of phytohormone related DEGs in Korean wheat (Triticum aestivum) under PHS conditions and ABA response according to gene expression
- Comparison of Yield Components in Soybean Germplasm Planted at Two Different Years
- Comparative FISH analysis of Senna tora tandem repeats revealed insights into the chromosome dynamics in genus Senna
- Fine mapping and candidate gene identification for the CapUp locus controlling fruit orientation in pepper (Capsicum spp.)
- The Suitable Soybean Varieties for Sprouts by Seeding Time in Paddy Cultivation in Northern Gyeonggi Province
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- Overexpression of an ABA receptor, OsPYL/RCAR7, confers drought tolerance without growth inhibition of rice
- Comparative triple-color FISH-mapping in five Senna species using rDNA and telomeric repeat probes
- Development and Characterization of New Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) Variety, ‘IR901’
- 철쭉 유전자원의 형태적 특성과 RAPD 방법에 의한 분류
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- A lipid kinase is identified by the proteomic approach to find PIN-FORMED trafficking modulators
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- Expression profiling of wheat Nuclear Factor Y transcription factors under drought conditions
- 콩 용도별 육성계통의 주요 병해 실내접종 반응
- Draft genomes of three Apocynaceae and proposals for customized functional plant breeding
- Identification of Candidate Genes for Non-dehiscent Capsule in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) via cross-population association analysis with whole genome re-sequencing
- Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) gluten relative gene transcript variants are frequently expressed under heat stress during grain filling stage
- Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Related to 100-Seed Weight in Korean Wild Soybean
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- Development of seedling propagation technology of new introduced hop crops
- A Missense Mutation in ZEP Results in Scarlet Mature Fruit Color and Increased Carotenoid Contents in Pepper (Capsicum annuum)
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- Isolation and characterization of the FT-like genes in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
- Development of pre-harvest sprouting resistant rapeseed using CRISPR-Cas9
- 옥수수 배가반수체 육성효율 증진을 위한 배가 처리시기 및 포장 정식 방법 구명
- Detection of physiological response and phenotype of rice under the elevated temperature condition using the thermal image
- The Correlation between Herbicide and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase on Vitamin E Pathway in Rice
- Breeding and Growth Characteristics of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) ‘IR605’
- Evaluation of the characteristics for various sweetpotato germplasms
- Measurement of genetic mobility using transposon display marker system in gammaray irradiated soybean mutants
- Interaction of OsRopGEF3 protein with OsRac3 to regulate root hair elongation and reactive oxygen species formation in rice (Oryza sativa)
- 대립 준조숙 내탈립 기계화 초형 콩 품종 ‘중모3015호’
- Novel QTL associated with shoot branching identified in doubled haploid rice (Oryza sativa L.) under low nitrogen cultivation
- 채소 유전체 정보 기반의 초고속 대량 분자마커세트 개발 및 활용
- Identification of gene expression response to drought stress using RNA-seq analysis in maize
- Characterization of the signaling component for RHS10-mediated inhibition of Arabidopsis root hair growth
- Comparative FISH karyotype analysis using rDNA and telomeric repeat probes in six Senna species
- GIGANTEA reduced Chinese cabbage sprouts (Brassica rapa L.) improved of health-related total phenol, total flavonoid and spontaneously reduced of glucosinolates
- 밀 수발아 관련 TaQSD1 (alanine aminotransferase 1) 유전자 교정 효율 분석
- Leaf Margin Related QTLs in ‘Whangkeumbae’ × ‘Bartlett’ (Pyrus pyrifolia × P. communis)
- Development of Mutant Population in Japanese-Danggui (Angelica acutiloba) by Using Gamma Irradiation
- A proteomic approach to find modulators for PIN-FORMED (PIN) trafficking
- ‘Heukchan’: A New Purple-Skin Peanut Variety with Small Grain and High Uniformity
- The Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of a Medicinal Citrus Landrace ‘Jinkyool’ (Citrus sunki Hort. ex Tanaka) in Korea
- Calcium-dependent protein kinase 29 uses a unique phosphorylation code to modulate PIN-FORMED polarity and Arabidopsis development
- 영상기반 팥 종자 GWAS분석 시스템 구축
- 국내 육종 밀 품종별 항산화 활성 및 세포 보호효과
- Indentification of MYB Repressor on Negatively Regulation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Chinese Cabbage Leaves
- Parental analysis in a linkage mapping population of Populus davidiana genotyped by microsatellite markers
- The Role of the Sucrose Transporter Genes in Stress Induced Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- Current research status of Xanthoceras sorbifolum for new bioenergy plants development
- Agrobacterium-Mediated Capsicum annuum Gene Editing in Two Cultivars, Hot Pepper CM334 and Bell Pepper Dempsey
- Genome-Wide Association Study of Resveratrol Content Using 58K SNP Array in Peanut Sprout
- Natural variation in policosanol profiles of Korean soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] varieties
- New statistical selection method to identify pleiotropic variants associated with both quantitative and qualitative traits
- Grain Sorghum(Sorghum bicolor) Variety ‘Noeulchal’ with High Digestibility and Dwarf Type
- TRV-mediated genome editing with mobile single guide RNA in Nicotiana benthamiana
- Development of molecular markers for Liriope platyphylla and Ophiopogon japonicus by comparative analysis of complete chloroplast genome and 45S rDNA
- OsPUB14, OsMTD2 interacting protein, is involved in late pollen development in rice
- Transcriptome analysis to figure out the interplay of Pup1 and Sub1 under phosphorous -sufficient and -deficient conditions
- Selection of high red color genetic resources through ASTA Color evaluation in Capsicum baccatum
- Optimization of fast and reliable RP-UPLC method for HMW-GS allelic variation analysis in large bread wheat germplasm
- 다수성으로 병해에 강하며 폴리코사놀 함량이 높은 새싹용 겉보리 ‘싹이랑’
- Identification of breeding lines related to eating and processing quality of brown rice using marker-assisted backcross breeding (MABC) with KASP markers in rice
- ‘미백2호’와 닮은 붉은색 색소찰옥수수 신품종 ‘미홍찰’
- Molecular characterization and transformation by CRISPR/Cas9 of GmCYP72A69 gene related to soyasaponins biosynthesis in soybean
- OsPP2C09, inhibitor in ABA signaling, work as positive regulator in osmotic stress
- Antioxidant activity identification and assessment of genetic diversity in broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)
- Forest Reclamation integrated with Tree Breeding in the Republic of Korea
- Chloroplast Localized FIBRILLIN11 is Involved in Osmotic Stress Tolerance via ABA Signaling during Arabidopsis Seed Germination
- Investigation of forage yield, nutritive value and soil composition (chemical & microorganism) through maize × legume intercropping systems on paddy fields
- Comprehensive wheat (Triticum aestivum) transformation efficiency via Agrobacterium-mediated using ‘Speed Breeding’
- Single Cross Corn Hybrid ‘Daeryuk3’ with Early Maturity, Lodging Tolerance and High Yield
- 종자 품질이 우수하고 콩나물 수율이 높은 소립 나물용 콩 품종 ‘신바람’
- Molecular characterization of FAB2 genes in diploid and tetraploid perilla
- Transcriptome analysis by RNA-Seq reveals genes related to flower coloration in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) mutants
- Genetic diversity of black soybean germplasms with green cotyledon based on agronomic traits and cotyledon pigments
- 환경 스트레스 (가뭄, 산성비) 내성 왕벚나무 품종 선발을 위한 비파괴적방법을 이용한 생리 특성 진단법 연구
- Development of wheat-Leymus mollis hybrid lines with salt tolerance for Korean wheat breeding program
- Identification of U-box containing E3 Ubiquitin Ligases in related to abiotic stress response in wheat
- High-Volume Data Analysis Provides Insight into Precise Fragrance Control of Rice Fragrance Gene, BADH2
- 불마름병과 쓰러짐에 강한 선비잡이콩 ‘새들’
- A transcriptomic analysis of the faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genome reveals the presence of novel cold stress-related genes through long-read isoform sequencing technology
- 무측지 타원형계 수박 ‘순리스’ 육성
- High-throughput development of KASP markers for genotyping intra-specific diversity of Cynanchum wilfordii, an important medicinal plant of Korea
- Modification of seed oil biosynthesis by base editing in DGAT1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Exploration for salinity and drought tolerant resources in Korean wheat core collection accession
- Screening Index for Line Selection of Good Eating Quality in Indica Breeding Program
- Effects of chilling acclimation on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with different seed coat colors
- Risk assessment of insect-resistant transgenic rice (Bt-T) on above-ground non-target arthropods in Korea
- 세계 최초 무측지 수박 ‘순제로’ 육성
- Fine-mapping and candidate gene analysis for the foxglove aphid resistance gene Raso2 from wild soybean PI 366121
- Development of a bioinformatic interface, LegExpress, for the transcriptome analysis in legumes
- Participatory varietal development: A premium rice variety, ‘Haemalgeun’, for premium rice brand in Chungnam province, Korea
- Influence of high temperature on growth and metabolic process of rice and potatoes
- Screening and identification of major QTLs which reduce the deleterious effects of high temperature on rice starch content and structures
- 수박 분자육종을 위한 컬러수박 F2 집단 특성 분석
- Investigation on effective pollination method using different flowering time of inflorescence (Peucedanum japonicum Thunb.)
- 곰솔(Pinus thunbergii) 2세대 채종원에서 구과 및 종자의 유전적 특성 분석 및 유전간벌에 따른 개량효과 추정
- 황색 대립 내도복 장류 가공적성 우수 콩 품종 ‘대장’
- Antioxidant properties of different apple cultivars grown in Korea
- Haplotyping and evolutionary studies on Trehalose-6-Phosphate Phosphatase 7 (TPP7), Anaerobic Germination 1 (AG1) tolerance gene (Os09g0369400) in KRICE_CORE
- 간척농지 고부가 작물 재배를 위한 토양환경 개선 및 현장실증연구
- Mining SNPs linked to flower-related traits in Chrysanthemum using genotyping-by-sequencing
- Comprehensive transcriptome analysis and growth phase-specific profiling of gene expression in mungbean (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek)
- Genome-specific microsatellite markers enabled detection of parental genomes and genomic rearrangement in Brassica hybrids
- 아마란스 품종 육성을 위한 EMS 유도 돌연변이체 선발 및 농업형질 분석
- 취반 후 갈변현상이 적은 쌀보리(Hordeum vulgare L.) ‘백수정찰’
- 조숙, 다수성, 올레산 고함유 유채 1대잡종 ‘아름’
- 국립식량과학원 육성 벼 품종의 내풍성 특성 분석
- Genetic variations of the starch synthase gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Discrimination of Geographical Origin and Variety for Soybean using AS(Allele-Specific)-PCR
- Development of a Speed Breeding System in Pepper (Capsicum spp.)
- Comparison of functional contents in the leaves of breeding line and variety of small red bean
- Quantification and Heritability Analysis of Stone Cell Content in Pear Flesh
- 쓰러짐에 강한 소립 녹자엽 검정콩 ‘세움’
- Identification of QTLs controlling fruit firmness of octoploid strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) by integrating GWAS and QTL analysis
- 볶음밥용 가공용 복합내병성 초다수 벼 ‘보끄미’
- 수발아 저항성 기능성 적미 ‘적진주2호(밀양310호)’
- The Phenotype and Genotype Association Analysis Reveals Genetic Loci Related to Important Agronomic Traits of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- Analysis of genetic diversity and relationships of Perilla frutescens using novel EST-SSR markers derived from transcriptome between wild-type and mutant Perilla
- 쓴메밀 유전자원의 자원 정보 구축 및 종자신분증 개발
- Analysis of the effect of drought on the occurrence of TYLCV in tomatoes
- Complete chloroplast genome of the inverted repeat-lacking species Vicia bungei and development of polymorphic simple sequence repeat markers
- Genome-wide re-annotation and comparison provide insight into comprehensive diversification and adaptation of ZF-HD genes in plants
- Identification and validation of fatty acids and lipid content related gene based on transcriptomic study of Perilla frutescens
- Development and Application of Gene-Specific Markers for Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Resistance in both Field and Artificial Infections
- Genetic Diversity Analysis of Korean Wild Codonopsis lanceolata and Herbal Medicine Resources
- Development of SNP markers for capsanthin-capsorubin synthase and zeaxanthin epoxidase genes to distinguish between red, orange, and yellow fruit colors in paprika (Capsicum annuum L.)
- Transcriptomic changes in responses to different types and doses of ionizing radiations in rice
- Differential roles of three transmembrane domains of rice phytoene synthase 2 for sub-organellar localization in chloroplasts
- Identification of a Novel Haplotype of the Ms Locus Controlling Restoration of Male-Fertility and Its Implication in Origination of Cytoplasmic Male-Sterility in Onion (Allium cepa L.)
- 향기 물질 고함유 배 ‘진향’ 육성
- 휘발성 유기화합물(VOCs) 저감 기능성 임목 개발을 위한 식물내생 미생물의 이용
- Alternative Splicing of the Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor Gene CmbHLH2 Affects Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Ray Florets of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
- 속잎이 잘 자라고, 잎 생산성이 뛰어난 잎들깨 품종 ‘새봄’ 육성
- Current status of willow research for short rotation coppices development in Republic of Korea
- Novel OsCOP1 alleles participate in embryo development and flavonoid biosynthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- Functional characterization of dammarenediol-Ⅱ synthase paralog genes related with ginsenoside biosynthesis in Panax ginseng
- Comparison of chemical profiles in stems of Dendrobium in two different species and their hybrid and their cytotoxicities against FaDu cell line
- Novel QTL associated with root radial oxygen loss (ROL) identified in double haploid rice
- Development of a core collection for cultivated var. frutescens of Perilla crop in Korean RDA-genebank using SSR markers
- Identification and functional analysis of novel genes involved in late pollen development in rice
- Establishment of a stable transformation method in Korean wheat varieties
- 열대적응성이 도입되고 ‘오대’ 쌀 입형을 키운 ‘철원105호’ 특성
- A wheat putative proline-rich gene, TaELF7, plays functional roles in the negative regulation of Arabidopsis flowering
- Genetic Diversity of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] with Black Seed Coats and Green Cotyledons in Korean Germplasm
- Quantitative trait loci and candidate gene related to soyasaponin derivatives biosynthesis
- 끝달림률이 높고 식미가 우수한 단옥수수 신품종 ‘고당옥2호’
- Re-annotation and comparative analyses of PHD-finger gene family in pepper
- Molecular Tagging of the Loci Controlling Fruit Rind Color and Bloom Formation in Watermelons based on a QTL-seq
- Growth characteristics of 100 half-sib families of Dalbergia cochinchinensis in Cambodia
- OsABAR7 유전자를 활용한 옥수수 가뭄내성 조절 연구
- OsFSD3 and chloroplast development in rice
- A component of post-transcriptional gene silencing in soybean affects seed coat color variation
- Highly accurate long-read HiFi sequencing data in 12 doubled haploid lines of Brassica rapa
- 열대적응형 다수성 옥수수 신품종 ‘케이엠5’
- Anti-melanogenic effect of Methyl Jasmonic treated DJ526 callus
- Genetic structure analysis of Agaricus bisporus germplasm based on SSR markers
- The change in ginsenoside contents according to LED based light quality between the adventitious roots of two different Panax ginseng cultivars
- Characterization of GBSSII Haplotypes and Its Domestication Signals in KRICE_CORE (Korean World Rice Collection)
- 육질이 부드럽고 식미가 우수한 고구마 ‘소담미’
- 담적색 대립이며 성숙기가 빠른 팥 신품종 ‘홍미인’
- QTL mapping for bakanae disease resistance with Korean japonica rice varieties using image analysis
- Pun1 and Pun3 Alleles from C. chinense ‘Habanero’ Significantly Increased Capsaicinoids Contents in an RIL population
- Development of SNP chip for Genomic Selection of Korean Red Pine (Pinus densiflora) Trees
- Revealing key factors for rice pollen tube growth by CRISPR-Cas9
- 국내 밀 품종의 잎녹병 저항성 유전자 검정
- Complete plastome and rDNA analysis of two Rubus species
- Evaluation of agricultural trait using high-throughput phenotyping in soybean
- Comparison of chemical profiles and bioactivities of mutant cultivars of Coreopsis rosea and C. verticillata
- SSR Markers를 이용한 수국 종 분류
- Characterization of EMS-induced salt-tolerance silage maize mutant
- 배가반수체 기술을 이용한 옥수수 육성계통의 선발체계 확립
- 배추와 유채의 교배조합 이용 교잡종자의 수발아 특성 분석 및 수발아 관련 유전자클로닝
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