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Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction When Buying on Facebook in Vietnam

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Tha Hien TO Du Kim DO Lan Thi Hoang BUI Huong Thi Lan PHAM
간행물 정보
『The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business(JAFEB)』Vol. 7 No.10, 267~273쪽, 전체 7쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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With the strong growth of social networking sites such as Facebook in recent years, the potential of exploiting customers on Facebook is increasing. Presently, trading activities on Facebook is rapidly developing. Therefore, businesses have become increasingly competitive when selling products on Facebook, so as to retain customers as well as to satisfy customer, which is of paramount importance. This study was conducted to assess the factors affecting the satisfaction of individual customers in Vietnam when buying goods on Facebook. This study uses multivariate analysis techniques (Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling) to determine the factors affecting customer satisfaction when buying goods on Facebook. Research results from 268 individual customers in Vietnam indicated trust and convenience are the two important factors related to customer satisfaction when buying goods on Facebook. Customer satisfaction is the result of consumer experience throughout the different stages of purchase. The more the shopping experience, the more the customers are satisfied when buying products. The price and products do not affect customer satisfaction (prices are easy to compare and products are easily understood on the Internet; hence, these two factors are not considered as determinants of customer satisfaction). Furthermore, this study provides recommendations to improve customer satisfaction.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Method
4. Results
5. Discussion and Recommendation


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Tha Hien TO,Du Kim DO,Lan Thi Hoang BUI,Huong Thi Lan PHAM. (2020).Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction When Buying on Facebook in Vietnam. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business(JAFEB), 7 (10), 267-273


Tha Hien TO,Du Kim DO,Lan Thi Hoang BUI,Huong Thi Lan PHAM. "Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction When Buying on Facebook in Vietnam." The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business(JAFEB), 7.10(2020): 267-273

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