신약의 적응증 확대와 가치평가 방안 연구
이용수 515
- 영문명
- Analysis of the Expansion of the Reimbursement Coverage and Value-based Pricing for Anticancer Drugs in South Korea
- 발행기관
- 대한약학회
- 저자명
- 하소영(So-Young Ha) 강동원(Dong-Won Kang) 황인경(Ingyoung Hwang) 박미혜(Mi-Hai Park)
- 간행물 정보
- 『약학회지』제65권 제2호(2021년), 150~157쪽, 전체 8쪽
- 주제분류
- 의약학 > 기타의약학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2021.04.30
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이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.
국문 초록
영문 초록
Anticancer drugs with multi-indications have recently increased, which creates the need for a new pricing system that reflects the value of each indication. This study aims to describe the current status of the expansion of reimbursement coverage of anticancer drugs in Korea. Immunotherapy and targeted therapy were analyzed to find out the status of approval and listing. We identified the status of the expansion of reimbursement coverage and the price reduction rate. A survey was conducted with pharmaceutical employees to find their opinions on the current and newly suggested pricing system. In South Korea, 54 anticancer drugs (four immunotherapy and 50 targeted therapy drugs) had been reimbursed by April 2020. Three out of the four immunotherapy drugs (75.0%) and 29 of the 50 targeted therapy drugs (58.0%) were confirmed to have multi-indications. Among them, all four immunotherapy drugs and 25 (86.2%) of the targeted therapy drugs had their reimbursement coverage expanded. The price reduction also stood out as the expansion of the reimbursement coverage increased. Most pharmaceutical employees had recognized a problem with the current drug pricing system and were aware of the need to improve it. Therefore, the drug pricing system needs to be changed to one that reflects the value of the drug when the indication is expanded.
서 론(Introduction)
방 법(Methods)
결과 및 고찰(Results and Discussion)
결 론(Conclusion)
감사의 말씀(Acknowledgment)
Conflict of Interest
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